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Difference Between Flu vs COVID-19 Symptoms & Complications


By KTAO Project Editor

It's a sad fact that many of us base our understanding of the COVID-19 Pandemic on nothing but "assumptions."  Most tend to just assume what they are being told "by the experts" is true and very few seem to question any of the "official" narratives.  

One of the most glaring assumptions has been the belief that COVID-19, which we are told is a totally unique coronavirus that has never existed before, means that our immune system simply isn't equipped to deal with it.  We are also told that COVID-19 causes different, more deadly symptoms from new strains of coronaviruses that cause seasonal flu. 

The following information clearly shows that there is virtually no difference between symptoms allegedly caused by COVID-19 and symptoms caused by seasonal flu coronavirus strains.

The only symptoms I hear people claim really distinguish COVID-19 from flu are difficulty breathing and loss of taste and smell.  Fact is, seasonal flu can cause these symptoms as well.  The CDC info below clearly shows "difficulty breathing" can be a symptom of seasonal flu complications.  And here's info from Keck Medicine at USC about the symptoms of loss fo taste and smell.

Source: Keck Medicine - University of Southern California

What Can Cause a Loss of Taste and Smell?

1. Viral infections like the flu, colds and COVID-19

If you’ve had a cold, you may be all too familiar with a stuffy nose that makes it hard to smell. In fact, both the common cold and influenza can cause temporary anosmia. Scientists have also identified a loss of taste and smell among the symptoms associated with COVID-19.

“Viruses can disrupt the nerves related to smell, and they can target the tissues in the nose,” says Elisabeth D. Ference, MD, an otolaryngologist at Keck Medicine of USC and assistant professor of clinical otolaryngology – head and neck surgery at the Keck School of Medicine of USC. “The viruses can cause inflammation, either to the nerve or to the lining of the nose, that impacts the normal function of our sense of smell.”

When smell is lost, often taste is, too. “Approximately 80% of the flavors we taste come from our sense of smell, so if our nerves related to smell are not working, then we also have an impairment in our sense of taste,” Ference explains. “Taste that is sensed on the tongue — salty, sweet, sour and bitter — will still be present. However, the subtlety of food, such as oregano on pizza, will be lost.”


The following information is directly off the CDC's own web site.  It clearly states that it's very difficult (impossible) to determine whether someone has a case of the seasonal flu or alleged COVID-19 based on symptoms alone.  They claim the only way to determine which is which is with a test that has proven to be extremely unreliable and inaccurate.  Even the New York Times is beginning to tell a little of the truth about the COVID-19 Pandemic Hoax in a recent report that 90% of Positive COVID Results Should Have Been Negative!

In addition, it has been widely reported that in a great many cases people are being classified as COVID-19 based on symptoms alone.  It is not a big stretch to conclude that a many alleged COVID-19 cases are in fact cases of the seasonal flu! 


Source: CDC Web Site


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