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Video: The Melbourne Rebellion Has Begun!!

Tens of thousands of Melbournians gathered in front of the Parliament House of Victoria with very high energy to protest all things COVID! It’s incredible what a mass-expression of patriotism can be like when there are no FBI in the crowd to Astroturf violence.

Simeon Boykoff, aka the Aussie Cossack suspects that Victoria Premier Dan Andrews will face the same political fate as Romanian Communist leader, Nicolae Ceaușescu. He says:

“Now, if Dan is listening to this, you better quickly, Dan seek refugee status. Go to your nearest Chinese embassy or consulate. Maybe the Chinese will take you, because you’ve obviously been working for them all this time…

“It seems that Dan Andrews, Dictator Dan has finally succumbed to his own power. He’s pushed the people that hard, that it’s no longer a question of Right Wing, Left Wing; no longer a question of race, color, political persuasion. Everybody is out on the streets and Melbournians, you’re doing this for the whole country…

“Something awesome is happening in Melbourne. Melbourne, which is the most locked-down city in the world, officially, Melbourne has been overtaken by Australians.

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