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Video: Kevin McKernan - What’s Actually in the COVID Vaccines

Vaccine DNA Contamination & Monkey Virus SV40 - Kevin McKernan


Kevin McKernan Talks COVID Vaccine DNA Contamination, the Monkey Virus SV40 Promoter, and What’s Actually in the Vaccines.

Kevin McKernan worked at the Human Genome Project at MIT as manager of research and development. Today, he is the chief scientific officer and founder of Medicinal Genomics, and is researching DNA contamination in the COVID-19 genetic vaccines.
"There are limits on how much DNA can be in a vaccine precisely because of the concern over DNA integration," says Mr. McKernan. "What we do know is in both shots, there is residual DNA, and this DNA is either right above the regulatory limit or tenfold higher."
Why should we be concerned about lipid nanoparticles and DNA open reading frames? And how is synthetic mRNA fundamentally different from naturally-occurring mRNA?
"Australia has different guidelines on what constitutes gene therapy, and it looks like these vaccines may, in fact, fall under that category, given the fact that there's DNA in them and they're using LNPs. And we now know that some of the DNA in there has been used and documented as a gene therapy tool," says Mr. McKernan.



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