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Email Proof The PCR Tests Have Always Been A Scam



Most of us are well aware that the PCR (polymerase chain reaction) tests that the ruling class used to convince people a new and deadly virus was going around and that you had it (even though you weren’t sick) were a massive scam. Now, emails from 2020 have surfaced proving the masters knew what they were doing when trying to convince the slave class that obedience was the only way to not get a cold.

In September 2020, Professor Martin Neil received some anonymous emails providing hard evidence that the PCR tests for covid were never accurate or fit for purpose. “Some of the [test] sequences are found in the human genome itself,” the emails noted.

The CDC ADMITS: PCR Tests CANNOT Differentiate Between Coronaviruses!

The smoking gun emails describe that the cycling threshold was always set too high and no RT-PCR screening kit on the market ever received any kind of approval or certification.  But perhaps the biggest smoking gun was the gene sequencing Dr. Christian Drosten used in his blueprint covid testing system that was used around the world.

Drosten, who invented the screening system for covid, never isolated or had access to the virus.  Instead, he downloaded the virus RNA sequence from a Chinese database.  Drosten subsequently created the first commercially available RT-PCR screening kit based on this genome. The Chinese researchers later claimed the isolated virus sample became unusable shortly after uploading the sequence so they destroyed all remains.

Drosten, who invented the screening system for covid, never isolated or had access to the virus.  Instead, he downloaded the virus RNA sequence from a Chinese database.  Drosten subsequently created the first commercially available RT-PCR screening kit based on this genome. The Chinese researchers later claimed the isolated virus sample became unusable shortly after uploading the sequence so they destroyed all remains.-The Daily Exposé

Becasue there was never an isolated virus, how did Drosten obtain the full virus genome to select his primer sequences? How did Drosten find sequences that were specific to SARS-CoV-2 only?

After a deeper dive into the primer sequences that Drosten used in his blueprint testing system, the anonymous emailer highlighted that as well as primers matching naturally occurring sequences of unknown origin in seawater, some of the primer sequences are found in the human genome itself. That means these tests were checking to see if people were human and negative tests were literally a waste of material and time to administer them.

SCIENCE SHOCK: Not A Single Record Of Purified Virus Behind COVID-19 Pandemic

A 9% PCR false positive rate sounds pretty high, doesn’t it? Much higher than even skeptics had been postulating at the time. To put that in a Bayesian context this would mean that with zero SARS-CoV2 virus prevalence, we’d still see 9% of those tested, testing positive. So, logically, you wouldn’t necessarily need a deadly novel virus to give the world the impression of the widespread presence of the said virus. But something had to be causing the false positives, and if it wasn’t a deadly novel coronavirus then what was it? Well, the cross-reactivity and non-specificity of the PCR test maybe tell us the answer: other coronaviruses and perhaps other pathogens. –Martin Neil, Substack

Neil has made all of the emails public. To read the emails please go to the bottom of the article ‘The smoking man emails’ published by ‘Where are the Numbers?’ Or by Clicking HERE.

COVID Is The Biggest Lie in The World’s History and Prof Michel Chossudovsky Proves It

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