Appeals Court Permanently Ends Biden Osha Civilian Vax Mandate
The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals rules *unanimously* to *permanently* block OSHA mandate from taking effect nationwide, effectively vacating Biden’s executive order.
The Ruling sides with Texas, but is a *nationwide* injunction.
One Reagan and two Trump Judges made the ruling.
In their ruling, the Judges cited a tweet by MSM re WH COS admitting Biden Admin was trying to circumvent Constitution to force people to be vaccinated.
Only appeal now is thru Justice Alito to SCOTUS.
It’s been a busy evening when it comes to vaccine tyranny.
BREAKING: Oklahoma National Guard’s new top general ends COVID vaccine mandate
U.S. federal appeals court affirms hold on Biden’s vaccine mandate, calls it “staggeringly overboard”.
Biden’s vaccine mandate “raises serious constitutional concerns” and “likely exceeds the federal government’s authority.”