Truth About Vaccines - List of Links
The links below (while not comprehensive) are are great starting point of resources but we wanted to put together a strong central location to gather these validations for Team Reality on vaccines.
Feel free to add your own sources and links in the comments!
Adverse Effects
Cardiac issues linked to second vaccine dose among students.
The vaccination has been associated with a higher likelihood of developing myocarditis.
Additional proof of the risk of myocarditis from vaccination.
The risk of myocarditis from vaccination is confirmed by CDC data.
The administration of Vax may result in a fourfold rise in myocarditis.
Boys are at a higher risk of myocarditis with the 3rd Pfizer booster.
Post-vaccination myocarditis associated with spike proteins.
Young men have a higher incidence of myocarditis after receiving the vaccine.
To prevent one hospitalization, more than 100,000 vaccines are required.
The decline in effectiveness is more rapid for the 4th dose compared to the 3rd.
After 6 months, the efficacy of the third dose is approximately 0%.
The effectiveness of Vax in preventing infection diminishes rapidly.
Vaccines & Children
Less than 1 in 500 children under the age of 5 were hospitalized after receiving the vaccine.
It is not advisable for children to take boosters due to the potential risks involved.
Low Booster Uptake
Covid Risks and Deaths
The majority of Covid fatalities are currently occurring among those who have been vaccinated.
The risk of Covid increased as the number of vaccine doses administered rose.
Societal Impact
The Elderly
Most children in Germany are not recommended to receive the vaccine.
The state of WA allocates $35 million as an incentive for vaccination.
Covid rebound observed in Walensky following vaccination, booster, and Pax.