Video: Pfizer Chief Scientific Officer Dr Mike Yeadon: Pandemic Over, Threat Exaggerated, No 2nd Wave, T-Cell Immunity
In this video, Big Pharma insider Dr. Michael Yeadon is speaking out; confirming what I and many others have been reporting, such as:
✅ The pandemic is fundamentally over;
✅ Science clearly indicates that there will not be a second wave;
✅ Many people have t-cell immunity;
✅ COVID-19 PCR tests are scientifically fraudulent;
✅ There are 10 times more false positives than actual positives;
✅ Lockdowns are deliberately based on unscientific, completely fake data;
✅ COVID-19 threat has been greatly exaggerated;
✅ Lockdowns led to tens of thousands of avoidable deaths.