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Video: Joshua Philipp - Marxist Influence on the George Floyd Protests, Riots & Communist China’s Hidden War

How is the Chinese regime forcing nations to choose between the China and American models, and punishing countries like Australia and the UK that fail to comply with its demands? How is the Chinese communist party exploiting the protests and riots in America following the killing of George Floyd for propaganda? How has the concept of racism in America been altered by far-left radical groups to fuel the race-equivalent of communist class struggle? In this episode, we sit down with Joshua Philipp, an award-winning investigative reporter at The Epoch Times and host of the show “Crossroads.”


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Video: Why Socialism Sucks - An Interview With Dinesh D’Souza

An interview with Dinesh D’Souza about the growing threat of socialism in the United States and a discussion about his new book “The United States of Socialism”.


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Video: Ted Cruz And His Cuban Aunt BLAST Bernie Sanders’ Cuba Love

They should know — while Bernie merely admired Fidel’s Cuba… Ted’s Aunt had to LIVE there! And she’s sitting down with Sen Cruz and Mike Knowles to set the record straight. Bernie Sanders Cuba

The left DOES love ‘lived experience’ as he coin of their realm, don’t they? Well, how about we give them some REAL ‘lived experience’ of Cuban nationals themselves.

What is Cuba truly like once you venture PAST any places the government wants international visitors to see?

Did Bernie happen to mention the fact that the Cuban people are all equal — equally poor, that is. Actually, that’s only partly true. The exception being any one of the government-connected fatcats that get to live large with a billionaire’s lifestyle.

Did he mention the fact that Cubans who go back to visit relatives often go with a suitcase full of medicine, clothes and toilet paper? Or that it’s not unusual for visitors to leave their own bras and underwear behind with friends and family because there is not to be had there?

Probably not.

What about that education system Bernie was so impressed by?

Did he happen to mention that they actively tried to expunge belief in any god other than the State… just like so many militant leftists do right here in America? Or that teachers are compelled to teach kids Communist propaganda, and aren’t allowed to quit their job? (Ted’s grandmother’s only way to defy the state order to teach propaganda was to fake insanity.

How about the ‘neighborhood watch’ political hall monitors whose job it was to snitch to the State about anyone thought to be disloyal? Or the way kids were encouraged to turn in their own family members for speaking against the party — even in the privacy of their own home? Based on previous shortages, that home may not have toilet paper.No crap, it’s true.

If the Left works so hard for enlarged government authority and diminished personal freedom, shouldn’t we stop to ask ourselves how well that model REALLY works in practice?

Because — contrary to the left’s popular opinion — it really HAS been tried before.

And the world should think twice about cheering for a massive decline in the American economy. If we collapse, the world we’re connected to goes down with us.

The only people who benefit from THAT scenario are a few well-insulated billionaires who can afford to buy and sell whole countries to further fatten their own wallets and extend their global power base even further, and regional warring factions who could exploit the chaos to settle old scores or pursue private ambitions.

Watch Ted Cruz and his Aunt Talk about the REAL Cuba, not Bernie Sanders’ propaganda, in the video below:


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Video: Absolute Power: The Victims of Socialism

This is the truth about socialism. Hear from the people who have suffered under the oppression of a centralized socialist government. The promises of free government services and equality for all turned into a nightmare. 


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Video: China Labor Camp Survivor Details Government Organ Harvesting and "Realities" of Socialism

Speaking in front of the U.S. Capitol, Jennifer Zeng, a China labor camp survivor, details how she and her family were captured and tortured by the Chinese Communist Party. She also lays out how the Chinese government collects and maintains a database of blood samples and tissue types for harvesting human organs.


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Video: Joshua Philipp On Marxism in America, the Communist China Threat, Unconventional Warfare and Hong Kong

How does communist ideology manifest in the current political landscape? How did Marx and his followers endeavor to rewrite history?

What are some major misconceptions people have about socialism and communism, and the end results of these ideologies?

What are the origins of Antifa? And what is the purpose of the violence they frequently engage in?

And where does political correctness originally come from?

In this special episode with a studio audience in Laguna Beach, California, we sit down with The Epoch Times’ award-winning investigative reporter and senior editor Joshua Philipp. He is a recognized expert on unrestricted and asymmetrical hybrid warfare, subversion, and cyber security, especially in the context Chinese Communist Party.

We discuss Marxist revisionist history, the end goals of communism, Antifa violence, and the spread of political correctness. We also examine the Chinese Communist Party’s global ambitions and its extensive influence and warfare operations in the US and around the world.


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Liberal Lesbian ‘Red pilled’ After Erica Thomas Hate Hoax

‘I expect to lose friends, but I don’t care’


A lesbian who identified as a liberal says she has switched political affiliations after a recent leftist hate hoax.

In a lengthy thread, Twitter user Christina Andrews announced she was tired of everything from liberal support for Antifa violence to the left’s promotion of 11-year-old drag kid Desmond the Amazing.

“You know what? Fuck it. I’m done. As of today, I’ve swallowed the red pill,” she wrote on Sunday.

“I’ve tried half-heartedly defending the left ever since it was obvious we were only getting half the story in the Rodney King debacle,” Andrews wrote, adding, “No more.”

Andrews says she’s grown weary of defending the “transcult” that is imposing the “sexualization of children” and “drag queen storytimes.”

But the final straw, Andrews says, was last week’s hate hoax involving Georgia State Representative Erica Thomas, who claimed a Hispanic man told her to go back where she came from – only to later backtrack and retract those claims.

“[T]he last straw was Erica Thomas and her hate hoax, and the way the leftist media and virtue-signaling politicians accepted and repeated the lie without doing the least bit of research into the claim,” she says, comparing the media debacle to the Covington catholic student controversy.

“That was a sign to me that it’s finally time to let go. Time to stop making excuses for a movement that stirs up racial strife and feeds on knee-jerk reactions, raw emotion, and mob mentality over examining the facts.”

Read the rest of Andrews’ post, where she credits Infowars’ Paul Joseph Watson with correctly assessing the right’s new role as the new counterculture.

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Video: Bill Warner PhD: The Left and Islam

Why are the Left and Islam such allies? The Left and Islam have much in common and work as a team, but the Left is more harmful to us. The Left sees the world through the lens of oppressor and victim. Muslims are always the victim, never wrong. For instance, they claim Muslims were the true victims in the jihad against the World Trade Towers on 9/11. For the Left, the ends justify the means. For Islam if the action advances Islam then it is good. Both the Left or Islam are never at fault. Both hate Christians and Israel. Both want to annihilate our civilization and establish a utopia. Both are totalitarian. But there is a fault line between them. The Left wants women’s rights, gay rights and separation of church and state. In the end, Islam will destroy the Left.


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