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Video: Japanese Officials Urge Government to Tell the Truth About Excess Deaths Following Vaccine Mandates

Reporting Shows 210,000 Excess Deaths, the Highest Number Since World War II

The Government of Japan is urged to tell the truth about the huge number of vaccine injuries and excess deaths during a hearing.

Japanese lawmaker Mr. Yanagase Hirofumi, a Japanese politician who is a member of the House of Councillors of Japan, accused the Japanese government of covering up COVID-19 mRNA vaccine injuries and deaths.

Below is the transcript of Mr. Hirofumi’s speech:

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Truth About Vaccines - List of Links



person in white gloves holding white plastic bottle

The links below (while not comprehensive) are are great starting point of resources but we wanted to put together a strong central location to gather these validations for Team Reality on vaccines.

Feel free to add your own sources and links in the comments!

Adverse Effects


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Video: Attorney Battling Pfizer In Court Over COVID Vaccine Gives Update

The Biggest Trial Against Big Pharma In American History

Constitutional lawyer Robert Barnes joins Owen Shroyer live in studio to discuss his ongoing court proceedings in Texas against Pfizer— a monumental and historic battle.



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Published in Peer-Reviewed Literature: The mRNA Vaccines Are Neither Safe Nor Effective But Outright Dangerous


Executive summary

COVID-19 vaccines – An Australian Review was published in the peer-reviewed scientific literature on Sept 21, 2022.

Here’s the two sentences from the paper that everyone should read:

A worldwide Bayesian causal Impact analysis suggests that COVID-19 gene therapy (mRNA vaccine) causes more COVID-19 cases per million and more non-Covid deaths per million than are associated with COVID-19 [43].

An abundance of studies has shown that the mRNA vaccines are neither safe nor effective, but outright dangerous.


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Video: Famous Doctor Wahome Ngare, Accuses UNICEF, WHO of STERILIZING Mothers

Doctor Wahome Ngare is combatting the diabolical poison that has been sterilizing mothers in a truly dangerous and covert operation tied to UNICEF, the WHO, and more. John-Henry Westen has the full details, revealed by the Catholic Doctors Association, which discovered that beta-hCG — a hormone produced by a growing baby — was STOPPED by these “vaccines.”

As a result, women were being sterilized against their will and knowledge. Countless women faced infertility because of the poison that was given them as a “vaccine,” but Dr. Wahome Ngare is officially revealing the true damage done by them in a breaking exposé that will have irreversible consequences around the world.


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Video: Naomi Wolf: Autopsies Revealed Catastrophic Lesions On Many Organs Likely Caused By Covid Vaccine

Dr. Naomi Wolf discussed the results of a recent study that she and a team of doctors put together regarding health issues after taking COVID-19 vaccines.  The results were shocking. 

Dr. Naomi Wolf joined Steve Bannon on the War Room on Thursday and discussed the result of her team’s Report 56.  The results were frightening.



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Top Doctors Reveal Vaccines Turn Our Immune Systems Against Us

By Celeste McGovern

The research is hard to ignore, vaccines can trigger autoimmunity with a laundry list of diseases to follow. With harmful and toxic metals as some vaccine ingredients, who is susceptible, and which individuals are more at risk?

No one would accuse Yehuda Shoenfeld of being a quack. The Israeli clinician has spent more than three decades studying the human immune system and is at the pinnacle of his profession. You might say he is more foundation than fringe in his specialty—he wrote the texts.

“The Mosaic of Autoimmunity, Autoantibodies, Diagnostic Criteria in Autoimmune Diseases, Infection, and Autoimmunity, Cancer and Autoimmunity”—is one of a list 25 titles long and some are cornerstones of clinical practice. It’s hardly surprising that Shoenfeld has been called the “Godfather of Autoimmunology”—the study of the immune system turned on itself in a wide array of diseases from type 1 diabetes to ulcerative colitis and multiple sclerosis.

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Video: COVID Vaccine a Pentagon Project, Says Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Pfizer and Moderna don't really own their vaccines, says Children's Health Defense founder.


By Jamie White

The experimental COVID mRNA vaccine is actually a project of the Pentagon and military, according to Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Children’s Health Defense founder Robert F. Kennedy Jr. claimed that, contrary to popular belief, the vaccines were not originally produced by the pharmaceutical companies.

“There were 138 companies that were involved in manufacturing and distributing the vaccine. They’re all military contractors. The Pentagon and the National Security Agency ran the entire pandemic response,” Kennedy Jr. said on “The Kim Iversen Show” earlier this month.

“Pfizer and Moderna don’t really own those vaccines. They slap their labels on them, but it was a Pentagon project,” he added.

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Video: Rep. Nancy Mace Destroys Fired Twitter Execs Over Twitter’s COVID Censorship — Reveals She Had Vaccine Side Effects

Rep. Nancy Mace (R-S.C.) laid into fired Twitter executives who censored free speech about COVID-19 and Hunter Biden’s laptop, including fired chief legal officer Vijaya Gadde.

During the House Oversight Committee hearing on Wednesday, Mace explained how she suffered devastating side effects from the experimental COVID jab.


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Video: CDC Aware of Hundreds of Safety Signals for COVID Jab


Story at-a-glance

  • In September 2022, The Epoch Times asked the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to release its Proportional Reporting Ratio (PRR) data mining results. The CDC refused. A Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request has now forced the release of these data, and they are stunning
  • The CDC’s PRR monitoring has identified several hundred safety signals, including for Bell’s palsy, blood clots, pulmonary embolism and death. In individuals aged 18 and older, there are 770 safety signals for different adverse events, and more than 500 of them have a stronger safety signal than myocarditis and pericarditis
  • In the 12- to 17-year-old age group there are 96 safety signals, and in the 5- to 11-year-old group there are 66, including myocarditis, pericarditis, ventricular dysfunction, cardiac valve incompetency, pericardial and pleural effusion, chest pain, appendicitis and appendectomies, Kawasaki’s disease and vitiligo
  • The proportions of deaths, which were only provided for the 18-plus age group, was 14% for the COVID jabs compared to 4.7% for all other vaccines
  • The FDA is also required to perform safety monitoring, using empirical Bayesian data mining. The Epoch Times asked the FDA to release its monitoring results in July 2022 but, like the CDC, the FDA refused, only to admit in December 2022 they’d confirmed the Pfizer shot was linked to pulmonary embolism

In September 2022, The Epoch Times asked the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to release its Proportional Reporting Ratio (PRR) data mining results. PRR1 measures how common an adverse event is for a specific drug compared to all the other drugs in the database.

According to the standard operating procedures2,3 for the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), which is run jointly by the CDC and the Food and Drug Administration, the CDC is required to perform these data mining analyses.

Not only did the CDC refuse to release the data, but it also provided false information — twice — in response to The Epoch Times' questions about the monitoring being performed. As reported by The Epoch Times back in September 2022,4 the CDC initially claimed PRR analyses were "outside the agency's purview" and that no monitoring was being done by them.

Eventually, the agency admitted it was doing PRRs, starting in February 2021, only to later claim they didn't perform any PRRs until March 2022. The Epoch Times also cited several papers in which the FDA and/or CDC claimed their data mining efforts had come up empty handed.5 Now, we find that was all a pack of lies.

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