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Video: U.S. Government Censorship Laundering Operation

Dr Shiva, speaking at Mike Lindell's Cyber Symposium, outlines the domestic censorship infrastructure of the United States government. This operation was discovered, via a lawsuit brought by Dr. Shiva, in which he exposes a highly organized operation that substantially contributes to ensuring free and fair elections in America is no longer possible.



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Video: The Volunatry Phase is Over - The Next Phase Is MANDATORY!

The stage is now set for mandatory COVID-19 "vaccinations" as the social engineers form an unholy alliance with Big Pharma & the MSM to condemn unvaxxers. YOU CANNOT FORCE DANGEROUS EXPERIMENTAL JABS ON EVERYONE when there are other safe and effective treatments for a disease!  There has to be no other options AND the jabs have to be shown to be effective and safe neither of which these jabs have demonstrated.  These people don't give a damned how totally ILLEGAL it all is because they control the vast majority of judges and the rest of the judges are just too stupid!


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Michigan Senate Repeals Emergency Powers Law, Whitmer Unable to Veto

By Zachary Stieber

Michigan’s Senate on Thursday approved a petition that repeals Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s emergency powers, with another approval expected by the state’s lower chamber.

Whitmer, a Democrat, cannot veto the petition.

The Michigan Senate’s 20-15 vote came two days after the Board of State Canvassers certified the petition, which was started by a group called Unlock Michigan that gathered over 340,000 signatures.

The board deadlocked 2-2 in April but voted 3-0 this time around.

The petition took aim at the 1945 Emergency Powers Act that enabled Whitmer to impose harsh restrictions on state residents during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Republicans on the Senate floor before the vote praised the petition and said it was needed to curb Whitmer’s power.

“This initiative represents a people’s veto of this governor and the unlimited power that she’s tried to claim during this pandemic,” state Sen. Tom Barrett, a Republican, told colleagues.

Michigan Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey, another Republican, said the petition “doesn’t take power away” but “reassesses where the power belongs.”

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Video: Fauci in the Hot Seat as Emails Reveal His Lies

Story at-a-glance

  • Dr. Anthony Fauci — whose expertise has been held as indisputable by mainstream media since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic — is now facing mounting scrutiny and critique as correspondence obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request reveals he’s lied both to the public and the U.S. Senate on a number of issues
  • Emails show Fauci supported the kind of dangerous research that likely created the COVID-19 pandemic, and that he helped cover up the lab origin theory
  • Fauci, until very recently, exclusively promoted the natural origin theory. We now find he assisted in the creation of a paper in Nature Medicine that came to underpin the entire natural origin theory, all while being informed of the fact that there were indications the virus had engineered features
  • The FOIA documents also show Fauci has lied about masks being an effective form of protection
  • Fauci has also failed to acknowledge that natural immunity is acquired when you recover from COVID-19, which makes vaccination completely unnecessary, and has yet to oppose recommendations to vaccinate recovered COVID-19 patients even though they’re immune and appear to be more prone to vaccine damage

Saint Anthony's halo is tarnishing and hanging more crooked by the day. Dr. Anthony Fauci — whose medical expertise has been held as indisputable by mainstream media since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic — is now facing mounting scrutiny and critique as correspondence obtained through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request by Buzzfeed reveals he's lied both to the public and the U.S. Senate on a number of issues.

The emails were released to the public in the early-morning hours of June 2, 2021. All 3,234 pages of emails can be found on Document Cloud.1 News media pounced on the release, with each reporter offering their own spin on what the fallout of the emails might be.

In the video below, "The Next Revolution" host Steve Hilton details how Fauci and National Institute of Health director Dr. Francis Collins have both repeatedly lied about the origins of SARS-CoV-2.

'Utter Fraudulence'


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Turns Out the "Armed Insurrection" at the Capitol Building Didn't Involve Any Firearms

Another Democrat-Media Narrative Goes Up in Flames

By Cristina Laila

FBI counterterrorism official Jill Sanborn:
It turns out the “armed insurrection” at the Capitol building on January 6 didn’t involve any firearms.

The Democrats, their dishonest Big Media and Big Tech, and their ‘fact checkers’ claim the intrusion into the Capitol on January 6th was an ‘armed insurrection.’

Senator Ron Johnson on Wednesday asked top FBI counterterrorism official Jill Sanborn if law enforcement confiscated any firearms on January 6 during a Senate committee hearing on the Capitol riot.

Ms. Sanborn said that no firearms were confiscated at the so-called “insurrection.”

“How many firearms were confiscated in the Capitol or on Capitol grounds that day?” Ron Johnson asked Sanborn.

“To my knowledge we have not recovered any on that day from any other arrests at the scene at this point,” Sanford said.

Ron Johnson pressed for more information regarding firearms: “Nobody has been charged with an actual firearm weapon in the Capitol or on Capitol grounds?”

Sanford replied, “Correct.”

“How many shots were fired?” Johnson asked.

“I believe the only shots fired were the ones that resulted in the death of the one lady [Ashli Babbitt],” Sanford said.

There you have it. Another Democrat-media complex narrative goes up in flames.

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Speaker Pelosi told Sgt. at Arms to Deny National Guard at Capitol Due to Optics – Left Building Unprotected then Lied About it

By Jim Hoft


What did Nancy Pelosi know and when did she know it?
As reported back in mid January — Speaker Nancy Pelosi and GOP Leader Mitch McConnell refused National Guard support before the announced protests on January 6th.

This was well documented and explains why Democrats closed their bogus impeachment case against President Trump rather than allow the light of truth to shine down on the American public who would learn that it was Nancy Pelosi who failed to secure the US Capitol in January.

In a WaPo interview with the Washington DC police chief, Steve Sund, The National Pulse reports the outgoing police chief “believes his efforts to secure the premises were undermined by a lack of concern from House and Senate security officials who answer directly to Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate leader Mitch McConnell.”

DC Police Chief Sund Stated:

Two days before Congress was set to formalize President-elect Joe Biden’s victory, Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund was growing increasingly worried about the size of the pro-Trump crowds expected to stream into Washington in protest.

To be on the safe side, Sund asked House and Senate security officials for permission to request that the D.C. National Guard be placed on standby in case he needed quick backup.

But, Sund said Sunday, they turned him down.”

But, it was fruitless.

John Falcicchio, chief of staff for D.C. Mayor Muriel E. Bowser admitted: “Literally, this guy is on the phone, I mean, crying out for help. It’s burned in my memories.”

This is just the latest example of the Democrats lying and blaming their failures on Donald Trump.

Today the Daily Caller has more on Pelosi’s failings prior to the January 6th storming of the US Capitol.

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Joe Biden’s Dept. of Energy Blocked Texas from Increasing Power Ahead of Killer Storm

By Adam Salazar

A week before, Texas begged for help and asked for DOE to lift federal regulations barring state's energy output.

An Emergency Order from the Biden administration’s Department of Energy shows Texas energy grid operator ERCOT was instructed to stay within green energy standards by purchasing energy from outside the state at a higher cost, throttling power output throughout the state ahead of a catastrophic polar vortex.

Going into effect Sunday, Feb. 14, Emergency Order 202-21-1 shows the Energy Dept. was aware of Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s statewide disaster declaration and that ERCOT was readying gas utilities in preparation for a demand surge.

The order shows Acting Energy Secretary David Huizenga did not waive environmental restrictions to allow for maximum energy output, instead ordering ERCOT to utilize all resources in order to stay within acceptable emissions standards – including purchasing energy from outside the state.

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Biden’s National Security Advisor, Jake Sullivan, Once Bragged “We’re Liars” and “Lying Footsoldiers”

John Hoft

Jake Sullivan by his own admission is a “liar” and “a lying footsoldier”.  This uniquely qualifies him for the position of Joe Biden’s National Security Advisor. He’s just perfect for the job.

Breitbart reported today:

The Russia hoax divided the nation, damaged confidence in our elections, and undermined national security. It nearly toppled a democratically-elected government. And it was all a lie.

The only person who has ever been punished is former FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith, who was involved in the Obama administration’s effort to investigate the supposed collusion. He pleaded guilty to forging an email that led the FISA court to grant a surveillance warrant against Carter Page — and, through him, the Trump campaign.

Clinesmith was sentenced this week — to probation, community service, and a $100 court fee, barely more than a parking ticket in many major cities.

Most of the other people involved in the hoax have earned promotions, joining the many Obama-era officials who have “failed upwards” into new positions in the Biden Administration.

One such is National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, who falsely accused Michael Flynn of conspiring with Russia, and spread his theories among leading journalists.

Instead of apologizing to Flynn and to the public for the hoax, Sullivan now finds himself in Flynn’s old job in the White House.

Sullivan is just perfect for the Biden gang.  He’s an admitted liar.

In documents released in June 2020, Sullivan in an email to creepy Ben Rhodes claimed that he was a “lying foot soldier”:


Four Americans died in Benghazi and Sullivan and Rhodes were busy joking about their lies.

Now Sullivan is entrusted with all the Intel the government can provide him.  This guy should never be anywhere near the White House.

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The Highest Paid Federal Government Employee Is the Same Guy Who Cost Millions of Americans Their Jobs

What an outrage, the same guy who cost millions of Americans their jobs is the highest paid employee in the US government.

By Joe Hoft

Forbes reported yesterday that Dr. Fauci is the highest paid individual in the US Government:

Dr. Anthony Fauci made $417,608 in 2019, the latest year for which federal salaries are available. That made him not only the highest paid doctor in the federal government, but the highest paid out of all four million federal employees.

In fact, Dr. Fauci even made more than the $400,000 salary of the President of the United States. All salary data was collected by OpenTheBooks.com via Freedom of Information Act requests.

Only federal employees whose salaries were funded by taxpayers were included in the study. Therefore, Tennessee Valley Authority CEO Jeffrey Lyash— whose salary is paid by revenues of the corporation (owned by the federal government) — was not included.

Dr. Fauci has been in the government for a long time but most Americans never heard of the guy till this year.  It’s been reported that Dr.  Fauci is due to make more from the vaccines he promotes but he has denied this:

n an August 13, 2020 Instagram interview with actor Matthew McConaughey, Dr. Fauci was asked (at point 16:49) if he had millions of dollars invested in the vaccines. Dr. Fauci laughed and answered, “Matthew, no, I got zero! I am a government worker. I have a government salary.” He didn’t mention his $417,608 salary was the largest in the entire federal government.

But Bobby Kennedy Jr. reported that Fauci was going to make money on the vaccines:

Dr. Fauci has a questionable past hanging around with characters like Bill Gates who is pushing vaccines every chance he gets as if he’s a scholar in the vaccine business.

In addition, millions of Americans have lost their jobs, their fortunes and their peace of mind from actions Fauci took during the COVID pandemic.  When they hear he is the highest-paid US government employee, they will be sick.

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