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Video: Norman Finkelstein - Is Criticism of Israel Anti-Semetic?

This is an evening with Norman Finkelstein., Author of"Beyond Chutzpah: On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History"  Mr. Finkelstein is one of the most articulate, clear and outspoken critics of the what the leadership of Israel is doing and how these same leaders have distorted history in order to silence any criticism with two simple words - Anti-Semetism.

Is Critism of Israel Anti-Semetic? Part 1


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Is Critism of Israel Anti-Semetic? Part 2

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For those who would like a little background on who Norman Finkelstein is and what other notable people think of him, here's a short clip of Naom Chomsky's comments on Norman Fickelstein and how dispicable Alan Dershowitz is.


Chomsky on Dershowitz "Jihad" Against Finkelstein

Chomsky on Dershowitz "Jihad" Against Finkelstein Part 2

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Video: Defamation

Israeli director Yoav Shamir embarks on a provocative - and at times irreverent - quest to answer the question, "What is anti-Semitism today?"  Does it remain a dangerous and immediate threat?  Or is it a scare tactic used by right-wing Zionists to discredit their critics?

Speaking with an array of people from across the political spectrum (including the head of the Anti-Defamation League and its fiercest critic, author Norman Finkelstein) and traveling to places like Auschwitz (alongside Israeli school kids) and Brooklyn (to explore reports of violence against Jews), Shamir discovers the realities of anti-Semitism today.

His findings are shocking, enlightening and - surprisingly - often wryly funny.

Among those he interviews are Abe Foxman, head of the Anti-Defamation League, who is adamant that anti-Semitism is rife and must be exposed; while Norman Finkelstein, author of "The Holocaust Industry: The Exploitation of Jewish Suffering," claims that anti-Semitism is being used for political gain.

Opinions differ and tempers flare but Shamir's directness and wry humour, as shown in his other films including "Checkpoint," "5 Days and Flipping Out," elevate the mood as he tackles extremely difficult questions.


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Video: A General's Son Exposes Israeli Lies

Miko Peled is the son of General Matti Peled, who was a leader in the 1967 war who also fought in the War of Independence in 1948. Like his father, Peled is an advocate for an end to the occupation of Palestine. As an Israeli, he offers an insider's perspective on just how far Israel has strayed from its democratic principles, and how it has created a society marred by racism and indifference to the suffering of others. His observations are now collected in a book, "The General's Son: The Journey of an Israeli in Palestine." In this segment, Miko Peled tells of his experiences as a young soldier in the Israeli army. He describes a confrontation with the same army on a recent visit to Israel and the West Bank.


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Video: Ilan Pappe - Israel Is Rascist

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is, at its heart, a story of two peoples and one land. Both see history as their justification.  Which means a historian who appears to change sides inevitably becomes a figure of enormous controversy. HARDtalk speaks to Israeli historian, Ilan Pappe who says the record shows that the Jewish state is racist; born of a deliberate programme of ethnic cleansing. Not surprisingly he's widely reviled in his home country. His work has been both supported and criticized by other historians. Before he left Israel in 2008, he had been condemned in the Knesset, Israel's parliament; a minister of education had called for him to be sacked; his photograph had appeared in a newspaper at the centre of a target; and he had received several death threats.

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Video: The Zionist Story

The Zionist Story, an independent film by Ronen Berelovich, is the story of ethnic cleansing, colonialism and apartheid to produce a demographically Jewish State.

Ronen successfully combines archival footage with commentary from himself and others such as Ilan Pappe, Terry Boullata, Alan Hart and Jeff Halper.


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History’s Cruelest Hoax: Semitic Khazars

Did you know that “97% of Modern 'Jews' are Mongols, Turks and Huns (Khazars)—Only 3% of Jews Have Semitic Blood!?”

By Rand Clifford

Veterans Today

Today Fear corn popped right in the public’s face. Beelzebub at the controls of an accelerating steamroller smearing humanity with false flag concoctions tuned to the “ magic number 7“. Hang on everybody, and heads up; psychopaths juiced and steamed by the fed’s free “money” and zero-percent interest rates are really on a Bankster roll.

9/11 rules presently as Crown Jewel of  Rothschild Zionist–MOSSAD/Khazar Mafia false flag popcorn, immaculate exposure the kernel of  American power.9/11, Sandy HookBoston Marathon Bombing…the rest of the Mobius Satanic list, cornucopia of obvious false flag terror—most of it even smokes with professional “crisis actors” in serial roles. If the public wanted to wake up, how could they sleep through such pandemonium of false-flag, phony terror (which does create many thousands of hideous, well-paying government jobs with great benefits and job security)?

Unlike sleep, awareness implies responsibility, gateway to that primary faux pas the public has been conditioned to avoid: Freethinking. Dreaming and voting are comparably effortless, no thinking required; but almost always at the federal level, a vote is affirmation of a career politico in thrall to a foreign (abomi)nation.

Instead of the public affirming career treason with votes, shouldn’t we be telling the treasonists:

If evil is the best you can do, you’ve done enough!”

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