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Video: Heather MacDonald Warns US Colleges Are Breeding Hate

Scholar: US Colleges Are ‘Breeding Grounds For Civil War’
Students taught to hate Western civilization, each other


American colleges have become ‘breeding grounds for civil war,’ warns author and political commentator Heather Mac Donald.

Mac Donald, regarded by many as a leading conservative intellectual and researcher, asserts that students are being trained to “hate” and obsess upon identity politics by predatory cultural Marxists in faculty and administration.

“Come the 80s, students were given a license for ignorance,” Mac Donald told Fox News host Mark Levin. “They were taught the only thing they needed to know about a book were the race and gender of the author to know whether it was thoroughly dismissable, without being read, and they could go on to instead wallow in their own delusional oppression.”

“It has only gotten worse since then, and what we are doing is breeding the grounds for, I fear, civil war,” she warned. “Because students are being taught to hate — to hate the greatest works of Western civilization, and frankly, to hate each other.”

“From the moment a student steps on college campus today as a freshman — or as a ‘freshperson’ I should probably say — the bureaucracy is determined to drum into that student’s head, identity politics, which says he’s either a victim or an oppressor,” she continued.

Mac Donald contends that this extreme manipulation of young minds is creating hordes of damaged collectivists who carry a “chip on their shoulders,” preventing them from “seizing the magnificent opportunities” and vast knowledge made available to them by modern society and technology.

“They carry this chip, this delusional victimology, into the world at large, and they are going around blaming American institutions of endemic racism and sexism when that no longer is true,” Mac Donald said.

Mac Donald’s comments echo sentiments she expressed in a recent article in the American Mind.

“The core sickness of the academy is not relativism but hatred,” Mac Donald wrote. “Students are taught to hate the greatest works of Western civilization, and to hate each other, based on the tribal trivialities of gonads and melanin.”

Mac Donald, a Fellow of the Manhattan Institute, made waves in 2016 with her bombshell PragerU presentation “Are the Police Racist?” analyzing police shootings and challenging the Black Lives Matter narrative.



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9 Years Into Common Core, Test Scores Are Down, Indoctrination Up

Common Core sucked all the energy, money, and motivation right out of desperately needed potential reforms to U.S. public schools for a decade, and for nothing.
By Joy Pullmann

It’s been about nine years since the Obama administration lured states into adopting Common Core sight unseen, with promises it would improve student achievement. Like President Obama’s other big promises — “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor” — this one’s been proven a scam.

“If you set and enforce rigorous and challenging standards and assessments; if you put outstanding teachers at the front of the classroom; if you turn around failing schools — your state can win a Race to the Top grant that will not only help students outcompete workers around the world, but let them fulfill their God-given potential,” President Obama said in July 2009.

He went on to state his faith that Common Core — at that point unwritten — would “not only make America’s entire education system the envy of the world, but we will launch a Race to the Top that will prepare every child, everywhere in America, for the challenges of the 21st century.” Race to the Top was a $4 billion money pot inside the 2009 stimulus that helped bribe states into Common Core.

So here we are, nine years later. Common Core has been officially rolled out into U.S. public and even many private schools for at least three to five years now. Are American children increasingly prepared for the “the challenges of the 21st century”? We’re actually seeing the opposite. They’re increasingly less prepared. And there’s mounting evidence that Common Core deserves some of the blame.

Student Achievement Largely Down or Flat

ACT scores released earlier this month show that students’ math achievement is at a 20-year low. The latest English ACT scores are slightly down since 2007, and students’ readiness for college-level English was at its lowest level since ACT’s creators began measuring that item, in 2002. Students’ preparedness for college-level math is at its lowest point since 2004.

SAT scores also dropped post-Common Core until it fully implemented a new version tailored for Common Core. How convenient. Even after the test was overhauled to match Common Core, average test scores increased by 0.7 percent in the most recent results. It represents almost no difference to pre-Common Core results, and the public can’t know exactly how the scores were recentered and altered, either.

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Video: The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America w/ Charlotte Iserbyt

A discussion about the past, present, and future of public schooling, with Charlotte Iserbyt, former Sr. Policy Advisor for the U.S. Department of Education. We'll discover the root cause of the Deliberate Dumbing Down of Americans.



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Colleges: A Force for Evil

By Walter E. Williams

Many of the nation’s colleges have become a force for evil and a focal point for the destruction of traditional American values. The threat to our future lies in the fact that today’s college students are tomorrow’s teachers, professors, judges, attorneys, legislators and policymakers. A recent Brookings Institution poll suggests that nearly half of college students believe that hate speech is not protected by the First Amendment. Of course, it is. Fifty-one percent of students think that it’s acceptable to shout down a speaker with whom they disagree. About 20 percent of students hold that it’s acceptable to use violence to prevent a speaker from speaking. Over 50 percent say colleges should prohibit speech and viewpoints that might offend certain people (http://tinyurl.com/yayxt45u). Contempt for the First Amendment and other constitutional guarantees is probably shared by the students’ high school teachers, as well as many college professors.

Brainwashing and indoctrination of young people has produced some predictable results, as shown by a recent Gallup Poll. For the past 18 years, Gallup has asked adults how proud they are to be Americans. This year, only 47 percent say they are “extremely proud,” well below the peak of 70 percent in 2003. The least proud to be Americans are nonwhites, young adults and college graduates. The proudest Americans are those older than 50 and those who did not graduate from college. The latter might be explained by their limited exposure to America’s academic elite (http://tinyurl.com/y8wapel5).

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Video: Jordan Peterson - Dangerous People Are Teaching Your Kids

Dangerous people are filling the heads of young people with dangerous nonsense. Who are these people? They are what Jordan Peterson calls “the post-modernists:” neo-Marxist professors who dominate our colleges and universities. And here’s the worst part: we are financing these nihilists with tax dollars, alumni gifts and tuition payments. Time to wise up.


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True Conservative: Trump to Pull Feds Out of Education

By Peter D'Abrosca


The Trump Administration announced today that it will began taking steps to curb federal government overreach into public school systems around the country.

“For too long the government has imposed its will on state and local governments. The result has been education that spends more and achieves far, far, far less,” President Donald J. Trump said. “My administration has been working to reverse this federal power grab and give power back to families, cities [and] states — give power back to localities.”

The administration will conduct a 300-day review, led by Education Secretary Betsy DeVos and the Department of Education’s Regulatory Review Task Force, and DeVos will be able to repeal measures which she deems to be federal government overreach. Power to educate students will return back to the states, counties, and towns.

It is the latest move in what has been an extraordinarily conservative presidency, for which Trump rarely receives credit, especially from establishment Republicans.

“We know local communities know it best and do it best,” Trump, said. “The time has come to empower teachers and parents to make the decisions that help their students achieve success.”

DeVos already has the power to repeal regulations that are deemed to be a violation of federal law, but Trump’s mandate, called the “Education Federalism Executive Order,” gives DeVos the latitude to identify and take action in areas where the federal government is simply failing schoolchildren.

“Previous administrations have wrongfully forced states and schools to comply with federal whims, and dictate what our kids are taught,” Trump said. “The time has come to empower parents and teachers to make the decisions that help their student achieve success.”

Once again, Trump is delivering on a campaign promise. He focused heavily school choice to reduce the scope of the federal government during his campaign, and his newest mandate will further his broader agenda of returning the power to educate back to localities, where it rightly belongs.

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Dereliction of Duty

When will Republicans stand up to leftist political child abuse?

“We'll get you through your children," Allen Ginsberg to Norman Podhoretz.


Where did March for Our Lives come from?

We know where the organization, the money and the leadership come from.

But where do the hundreds of thousands of young people massing into crowds and calling for the abolition of the Bill of Rights come from? It’s not just the Right to Bear Arms: Freedom of Speech and of Religion have never been as unpopular among the youngest generation of voters as they are now.

They came out of the classroom. They’re the politically abused children preyed on by mental molesters.

Your local high school has some of the same radical programming as your local college. The toxic radicalism trickles down to elementary schools. And occasionally even begins in kindergarten.

Americans were shocked and disgusted at the sight of radical leftists dragging 5-year-olds out to participate in the walkout protests in Connecticut. But racist white privilege indoctrination is hitting kindergarteners in New York, Minnesota, Virginia, Missouri  and other states. Political indoctrination is being embedded in every subject, including math, with Teach for America pushing, “Teaching Social Justice through Secondary Mathematics”.  And teachers are usually radicalized before they ever enter the classroom with classics like Democracy & Education being replaced by Pedagogy of the Oppressed.

To radicals, your children and grandchildren are just another community to be organized into protests.

By Danial Greenfield
Frontpage Mag

And while this political child abuse was going on in schools across the country, where were Republicans? If only some politicians would spend as much time protecting our children as they do the DREAMERs.  

Political child abuse doesn’t just happen in New York City, Boston or Los Angeles. It isn’t limited to blue states. Indoctrinated faculty with degrees in radicalism, administrators with big plans to spread radical division and non-profits pushing politicized courses can pop up anywhere.

The racist creed of Black Lives Matter isn’t just making its way into Baltimore, Washington and New Jersey schools. You can find it being embedded in schools in Nebraska, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Kansas.

A Vermont school even flew the racist Black Lives Matter flag.

Walkouts against the Bill of Rights took place in Alabama and Iowa. At a Wyoming school, a test featured, "He was shooting at Trump" as an answer, and in a Utah school, a guest speaker declared himself, "Trump's worst enemy". Islamic indoctrination has found its way into schools in Kentucky, Florida, North Carolina, West Virginia and Missouri.

In Colorado, the Pledge of Allegiance began with, “One nation under Allah.”

Where are Republican legislators in these states doing while this political child abuse goes on?

Conservatives used to take, “We’ll get you through your children” to mean college campus brainwashing. But college students are adults. Children as young as 5 are now the targets.

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Inside a Public School Social Justice Factory

The city of Edina has changed the way it approaches public education, putting social justice above learning. The results will shock you.



For decades, the public schools of Edina, Minnesota, were the gold standard among the state’s school districts. Edina is an upscale suburb of Minneapolis, but virtually overnight, its reputation has changed. Academic rigor is unraveling, high school reading and math test scores are sliding, and students increasingly fear bullying and persecution.

The shift began in 2013, when Edina school leaders adopted the “All for All” strategic plan—a sweeping initiative that reordered the district’s mission from academic excellence for all students to “racial equity.”

“Equity” in this context does not mean “equality” or “fairness.” It means racial identity politics—an ideology that blames minority students’ academic challenges on institutional racial bias, repudiates Martin Luther King, Jr.’s color-blind ideal, and focuses on uprooting “white privilege.”

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Video: The College Conspiracy

This is the most comprehensive documentary ever produced about higher education in the U.S. NIA's hour-long documentary called 'College Conspiracy' exposes the facts and truth about America's college education system. 'College Conspiracy' was produced over a six-month period by NIA's team of expert Austrian economists with the help of thousands of NIA members who contributed their ideas and personal stories for the film. NIA believes the U.S. college education system is a scam that turns vulnerable young Americans into debt slaves for life.

NIA tracks price inflation in all U.S. industries and there is no industry that has seen more consistent price inflation this decade than college education. After the burst of the Real Estate bubble, student loans are now the easiest loan to receive in the U.S., and total student loan debts now exceed credit card debts. The government gives out easy student loans to anybody, regardless of grades, credit history, what they are majoring in, and what their job prospects are. NIA believes it is illegal for the U.S. government to be in the student loan business because the U.S. constitution doesn't authorize it. Just like how the U.S. government created Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to make housing affordable, but instead drove housing prices through the roof; the U.S. government, by trying to make college more affordable, is accomplishing the exact opposite and driving tuition prices to astronomical levels that provide a negative return on investment.

The U.S. has been experiencing 5.15% annual college tuition inflation this decade. Despite this, 70.1% of high school graduates are now enrolling into college, a new all time record. 2/3 of college students are now graduating with an average of $24,000 in debt. There is nothing special about getting a college degree if everyone else has one, and it is certainly not worth getting $24,000 into debt to camouflage yourself into the crowd. NIA's President is friends with hundreds of CEOs of mid-sized corporations who tell him that someone who skipped college is a lot more likely to stand out amongst the hundreds of applicants who apply for each job available.

The real unemployment rate in America is now 22% and 60% of college graduates who are lucky enough to find a job, are receiving low skilled jobs where a college degree isn't even required. In fact, 70% of high school graduates who didn't go to college, were able to get these very same jobs as the average college graduate. The main difference is, by the time Americans who went to college get their degree, those who went straight into the work force after high school will already have 4 to 6 years of valuable workplace experience. Instead of having $24,000 in debt, these experienced Americans will be working their way up to a higher paid position or a better job at a different company.

All across America, colleges are deceiving prospective students with misleading and often fraudulent tactics and statistics. The fact is, law schools are handing out 43,000 law degrees each year, when there are 15,000 less attorney and legal staff jobs in the U.S. than three years ago. Many law schools are advertising a 90% job placement rate within one year of graduating. However, weeks before job placement surveys are conducted, some law schools will hire unemployed graduates to work in their admissions department. They are let go as soon as these surveys are completed, but count as being part of the 90% employed.

'College Conspiracy' also exposes how three years ago when 15 new pharmacist schools were getting ready to open in the U.S., the college cartel created a pharmacist shortage hoax to scam Americans into investing hundreds of thousands of dollars to attend pharmacist school. NIA has uncovered how economists were bribed to produce phony studies that forecast the need for 150,000 new pharmacists in America by 2020. Today, NIA is hearing from many young Americans who were deceived into getting pharmacist degrees and can't find any pharmacist jobs no matter how many they apply for. These Americans are now deeply in debt and admit that they would have been better off getting minimum wage jobs stocking shelves somewhere.

NIA is very pro-education and dedicated to educating its members to the truth about the U.S. economy and inflation for free. Americans who read NIA's articles and watch NIA's documentaries for one year are guaranteed to learn more about the U.S. economy than they would have learned studying economics at an ivy league college for 4 years. NIA believes that in today's world, any young American who is motivated to become well educated and have a successful career, can become self-educated by simply reading college textbooks and using the Internet.

Americans today need to change their mindsets. Instead of worrying about getting a job, they need to focus on making a job. Not only is it possible to become educated online at a low cost, but it is also possible to start an online business with almost no overhead expenses. The current system in America that everybody follows of studying useless information to get good grades in high school, taking out a student loan, going to college, taking out a mortgage, buying a house, and getting married, is setup to transfer wealth through inflation from the middle-class to bankers and lawyers who produce nothing for society. Americans need to stop being sheep and learn how to think for themselves.


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Video: Brilliant anti-Common Core Speech by Dr. Duke Pesta

Have you heard about Common Core? The chilling truth behind these new national educational "standards" will terrify you. Common Core represents the latest and most comprehensive step in the drive toward complete government control of our children's education. Join us for a special presentation exposing the truth about Common Core and the ongoing struggle to roll back its implementation. Our speaker will provide examples of how Common Core threatens to further undermine, weaken, and centralize public and private education in our country.

Speaker Bio -- Dr. Duke Pesta

Dr. Duke Pesta received his M.A. in Renaissance literature from John Carroll University and his Ph.D. in Shakespeare and Renaissance literature from Purdue University.

He has taught at major research institutions and small liberal arts colleges,
andhis been active in education reform, developing and implementing an elective Bible course that is currently available for public high school students in Texas. He is a professor of English at the University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh and the Academic Director of FreedomProject Education. - https://www.fpeusa.org/


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