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Researchers In Peer-Reviewed Study Call For “IMMEDIATE WITHDRAWAL of mRNA COVID Vaccines For Those Who Are Pregnant

By Patty McMurray

After re-analyzing a study performed by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) researchers, a peer-reviewed study has called for the “immediate withdrawal of mRNA COVID vaccines for pregnant women, those breastfeeding, those of childbearing age and children after their shocking study reveals stunning results of pregnant mRNA vaccinated women: 92% of the women had a spontaneous miscarriage in the first 13 weeks…while 81.9% of women who received the mRNA COVID vaccine had a spontaneous miscarriage in the first 20 weeks.

The study warns that the conclusions of the Shimabukuro study that support the use of the mRNA vaccine in early pregnancy, which has now been hastily incorporated into many international guidelines for vaccine use, ignores the horrors of thalidomide, a drug commonly taken by pregnant women in the late ’50s and early ’60s to prevent nausea during pregnancy. Thalidomide ended up causing severe birth defects in thousands of children, including scores of children being born without limbs.

Here is a portion of their study:

From the Science, Public Health Policy and the Law report:

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FDA Approved ‘First Oral Blood Thinning Medication For Children’ Ahead Of Vaccine Rollout For Ages 5-11

Editor's Note:  It couldn't be more IN-YOUR-FACE.  The FDA knows damned wellthe damage these jabs will do to children AND they know damned well there is ZERO legitimate justification for pushing the notion that kids need these jabs when they have literally A STATISTICAL RISK OF ZERO% OF SUFFERING ANY SERIOUS HEALTH RISK FROM COVID WITH NO TREATMENT AT ALL.  THE FDA KNOWS THESE JABS WILL CAUSE BLOOD CLOTS!!

Andrew White

The Food and Drug Administration approved the “first oral blood thinning medication for children” a few months ahead of their COVID-19 vaccine rollout for children ages 5-11.

In late June 2021, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a drug called Pradaxa; oral pellets to treat children 3 months to less than 12 years of age with venous thromboembolism, a condition that involves blood clots forming in the veins. Pradaxa is the “first FDA-approved blood thinning medication that children can take by mouth,” reads the FDA News Release.

“With today’s approval of Pradaxa, pediatric patients have another therapeutic option to treat and prevent potentially deadly blood clots,” said Ann Farrell, M.D., director of the Division of Non-Malignant Hematology for the FDA Center for Drug Evaluation and Research.

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FDA Knew About Numerous Adverse Events For Children ‘Related’ To Pfizer Vaccine, Approved It Anyway

By Patrick Howley

The Food And Drug Administration (FDA) approved an emergency use authorization for the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine for children as young as 5 years old despite the fact that its Pfizer-connected advisory committee knew about numerous adverse events that were reported in Pfizer’s clinical trials for children, including adverse events that were determined to be “related” to the clinical vaccine trial.

The Briefing Packet for the FDA advisory committee meeting shows that the FDA advisers used clinical studies sponsored by BioNTech and conducted by or supported by Pfizer to approve the vaccine for young children.

Talk about a conflict of interest! 

NATIONAL FILE reported on the FDA advisory committee’s massive Pfizer connections and how committee members have worked for Pfizer and are making money from the Pfizer vaccine.

So what kind of adverse events were discovered in the clinical trials for children?

The advisory committee meeting briefing packet, published by the FDA, shows that clinical trials found “related” illnesses including Lymphadenopathy, arthralgia, paresthesia, nervous tic, hematochezia (characterized by bloody stool, which sent the participant to the “emergency department”) pyrexia (fever), neutropenia (low white blood cell count), hypersensitivity reaction, angioedema, and rashes.

Meanwhile, a case of the blood vessel disorder Henoch-Schoenlein purpura was reported but was conveniently classified as “non related” to the vaccine experiment.

Here is the “Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee Meeting October 26, 2021 Briefing Document” published by the FDA. 


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Video: German Anti-Vax Politician Christine Anderson's Triple-Decker Fact Burger

Oh man, meet CHRISTINE ANDERSON, German politician/Alt Member of the European Parliament---with a Triple-Decker Fact Burger. Anderson gives a powerful statement about governments – They NEVER Have the Average Citizens Well-Being in Mind! Seems not all European Politicians are commies.


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Video: Minnesota Priest Speaks Out Against Vaccine Mandates

We need A LOT MORE priests speaking out!! This is one of the best presentations about the current state of COVID insanity and how everyone needs to take back their own authority, their own personal responsibility for allowing this to go as ridiculously far as it has.


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FDA Panel Rubber-Stamps Covid Injection For Kids 5-11: ‘Never Gonna Learn How Safe the Vaccine is Until We Start Giving It’

"That's the way it goes," says voting member, "And I think we should vote to approve it."

By Jamie White

A Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advisory committee recommended on Tuesday the COVID-19 injection for children 5 to 11 despite admitting not knowing the long-term risks.

The FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) voted in panel 17-0 to approve a lower dose of the Pfizer’s COVID injection for about 28 million American children through emergency use authorization.

The panel convened to answer the following question: “Based on the totality of scientific evidence available, do the benefits of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine when administered as a 2-dose series outweigh its risks for use in children 5-11 years of age?”

Dr. Eric Rubin, one of the voting members, admitted nobody knows the long-term effects of the Covid injection in children, which is why it should be approved.

“We’re never gonna learn about how safe the vaccine is until we start giving it. That’s the way it goes,” he said. “And I think we should vote to approve it.”

In other words, they need to approve it to experiment on America’s children to learn if it’s safe for children.

The FDA briefing document the panel used to come to its conclusion outright admitted it has no available data for myocarditis cases in children 5 to 11, so it assumes it would be at about the same notable myocarditis rate as children 12-15.

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Video: Pfizer Shot ATTACKS Human Blood Cells Removes Oxygen and Causes Instant Clotting Under Microscope

Dr. Richard Fleming’s confirms what thousands of medical experts have been warning the public about in the past year. Highly respected medical doctor and inventor, Richard Fleming, has released a 32-minute detailed presentation documenting his shocking findings. In late 2020, before the Pfizer shot had even been rolled out, top scientists and experts around the world warned the Pfizer and Moderna shots posed an extreme risk of causing blood clots, myocarditis and other cardiovascular problems.
One year later, Pfizer and Moderna have been forced to issue warnings confirming their controversial MRNA vaccines can indeed cause a long list of problems not just limited to the cardiovascular system.

Watch the presentation and be sure to share it with others to help hold big pharma accountable for the damage they have done to hundreds of thousands of people worldwide.


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Video: Florida Surgeon General - These Vaccines ARE NOT Preventing Transmission! Media/Left LIE!

Dr. Joseph Ladapo, Florida's new Surgeon General, speaks the absolute truth! HOW REFRESHING IS THIS GUY!?

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Video: Warning: The COVID Jabs Are Administered Incorrectly



  • Recent research suggests that by not aspirating the needle to make sure the injection is not going into your bloodstream, vaccine administrators may be contributing to vaccine injuries
  • Mice given an mRNA COVID shot intravenously developed myopericarditis, inflammation of the heart and surrounding heart sack
  • Intravenous injections of the mRNA “vaccine” induced visible degeneration and death of heart muscle cells. This damage is likely permanent, as heart cells do not regenerate. The damaged or lost cardiac tissue is simply replaced by scar tissue, which permanently inhibits muscle contraction
  • Intravenous injection also caused calcium deposits on the inner (visceral) layer of the pericardium, a condition that can lead to restrictive pericarditis and diastolic heart failure
  • The mice that received the COVID shot intravenously also had extensively damaged liver cells

In the featured video above, retired nurse lecturer John Campbell, Ph.D., reviews research1 showing that intravenous injection of mRNA COVID shots can induce acute myopericarditis in mice. As it turns out, most health professionals in the U.K. and U.S. are administering the COVID shots incorrectly, thereby raising the risk of serious side effects such as heart inflammation.

COVID Shots Are Administered Incorrectly

As explained by Campbell, when you administer an intramuscular injection, the injection is supposed to go into the muscle — not a vein or blood vessel. To ensure you haven’t hit a blood vessel, you need to pull the plunger out a bit before injecting the fluid in the syringe to confirm that the needle isn’t in a blood vessel.

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OSHA Isn’t Tracking COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects Because It Doesn’t Want To Undermine Biden’s Shot Campaign

By Jordan Davidson

The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is not requiring companies to report any of their employees’ potentially damaging side effects from the COVID-19 vaccine because the regulatory agency doesn’t want to hamper the Biden administration’s vaccine campaign.

“DOL and OSHA, as well as other federal agencies, are working diligently to encourage COVID-19 vaccinations,” the OSHA website states. “As a result, OSHA will not enforce 29 CFR 1904’s recording requirements to require any employers to record worker side effects from COVID-19 vaccination…”

Under OSHA’s current COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Standard for Healthcare, businesses are not required to report their workers’ adverse effects to the jab because “OSHA does not wish to have any appearance of discouraging workers from receiving COVID-19 vaccination, and also does not wish to disincentivize employers’ vaccination efforts.”

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