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Calling BS on the Alleged Drop in Flu Cases From 400,000 Last Season to 165 This Season

The cognitive dissonance required to accept these numbers is stunning. This is all part of a narrative supporting an agenda to keep the masses in the dark, compliant, and terrified. Conning people into conceding control to our "betters" is how they keep us in line.

By JD Ruker

Flu season came and went without ever actually existing this year. Doctors and mainstream media are putting forth every possible excuse for why it went from 400,000 hospitalized cases and 22,000 deaths last season to an infinitesimal 165 hospitalized cases this season, but very few of them are stating the most obvious reason.

They claim that since many are on lockdown, few children are in school, most are wearing masks, and all of the other things associated with China Virus protocols, it effectively eliminated the flu this season. Sadly, many are buying this excuse. The reality is this: There was likely a sharp drop in cases, possibly as few as 100,000. But to say it was essentially eliminated down to an average of just over three cases per state all season long is ludicrous.

For that to be the case, we would have also seen a tremendous drop in Covid-19 cases. The flu is nearly as contagious as the China Virus, so hitting the flu so effectively would have meant sharp drops in Covid cases. Instead, we saw spikes.

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Video: AND SO IT BEGINS! Mask-free Group Storms Trader Joes

This group of people showed up to a Trader Joes grocery store in Santa Cruz, California and they proceeded to cause some very much needed EPIC CHAOS!!! We need more of these type of events in the future and we need to BOYCOTT these businesses for treating people this way.  If ever a video needed to go viral, this is the one!  PLEASE SHARE THIS VIDEO EVERYWHERE YOU CAN!!!

Also, notice the difference between these protesters and Antifa/BLM protesters.  If these would have been Antifa/BLM protesters, the store would have been trashed and looted!  AND everyone would celebrate it.


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Mindless Mask Mandates Likely Do More Harm Than Good

By Joseph Mercola

In breathless tones, NBC News recently reported1 the existence of a business where mask wearing isn’t enforced. In the Naples, Florida, grocery store, hardly anyone wears a mask. The store’s owner, who the news station claimed “is known for his conservative and often controversial viewpoints,” told a reporter he’s never worn a mask in his life and never will.

The store does have a mask policy posted, but video shows that many customers are fine with not wearing one. There is a mask mandate in Naples, but Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has issued a ruling that makes enforcement of the rule difficult, NBC said.

The irony of the whole thing is that while the media claims mask mandates are based on science and will “save lives,” this simply isn’t true. Science is actually being ignored wholesale and recommendations are primarily pushed based on emotional justifications and triggers. If science were actually followed, universal mask wearing by healthy people would not — indeed could not — be recommended.

A Timeline of Unscientific Extremes

From the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, health experts have been unable to unify around a cohesive message about face masks. In February 2020, Surgeon General Jerome Adams sent out a tweet urging Americans to stop buying masks, saying they are “NOT effective.”2 (He has since deleted that tweet.) Adams also warned that if worn or handled improperly, face masks can increase your risk of infection.3

Similarly, in March 2020, Dr. Anthony Fauci stated4 that “people should not be walking around with masks” because “it’s not providing the perfect protection that people think that it is.” Logically, only symptomatic individuals and health care workers were urged to wear them.

Fauci even pointed out that mask wearing has “unintended consequences” as “people keep fiddling with their mask and they keep touching their face,” which may actually increase the risk of contracting and/or spreading the virus.

By June 2020, universal mask mandates became the norm and we were told we had to wear them because there may be asymptomatic super-spreaders among us. Interestingly enough, that same month, the World Health Organization admitted that asymptomatic transmission was “very rare.” If that’s true, then why should healthy, asymptomatic people mask up?

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COVID: The Predatory Testing Labs Are Complicit in the COVID_Hoax_Crime

By Jon Rappoport

Test lab: “This specimen tests positive. The patient is infected with SARS-CoV-2.”

Patient: “Wait. How did you run the test? With how many cycles?”

Test lab: “That information is proprietary. You have no right to know.”

Patient: “Really? The number of cycles can determine the outcome. Change that number, and ‘infected’ becomes ‘healthy’.”

Test lab: “We know what we’re doing.”

Patient: “I’m sure you do. You’re ruining people’s lives and jacking up case numbers.”

Test lab: “You have no right to question our methods. This is bordering on harassment.”

Patient: “No, this is bordering on the truth.”

Test lab: “We’re official. You’re unofficial.”

I’ve written about this issue before, several times.

Now, I’m suggesting a solution.

If you, or someone close to you, is being pressured to take the COVID PCR test, ask the clinic or the doctor’s office how many cycles the test will deploy.

Chances are high they’ll tell you they don’t know, and only the testing lab has that information. Ask for the name of the lab.

Call the lab and ask them. Chances are high they won’t tell you. Inform them that the number of cycles affects the outcome of the test. Make them aware you know this.

Except in Florida [1] [2], US labs are under no obligation to inform the patient or the doctor how many cycles the PCR test deploys. They never inform doctor or patient.

Why? Because a crime is underway. The positive or negative result of any given PCR test is hanging in the balance, depending on the number of cycles.

A cycle is a quantum leap in magnification of the swab sample taken from the patient.

As even Fauci has asserted, at 35 cycles and above, the test result is useless. [3] [4]

Worse, at 35 cycles and above, the tendency of the test is to spit out false-positives.

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Virologists Report Poor Man’s Amino Acid Cure For Covid-19 Would Abolish Need For Vaccines

World Would Get Healthy On Its Own, Without Doctoring

By Bill Sardi

Move over hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, two widely extolled prescription medicines used to treat COVID-19 viral infections.  A natural cure for COVID-19 that is widely available and affordable for even the poorest of people on the planet has been confirmed by a team of virologists who have spent a lifetime studying the underlying causes of viral infections.

Backed by decades of research and safety data for herpes-family viruses, U.S.-based researchers at Bio-Virus Research Inc, Reno, Nevada, report on the successful treatment of the first 30 frontline doctors and nurses and a thousand-plus patients given the amino acid lysine to prevent and even abolish COVID-19 coronavirus infections at a clinic in the Dominican Republic.  Astonishingly, symptoms of COVID-19 are reported to have dissipated within hours of this natural treatment.

The medical staff at a clinic in the Dominican Republic was coming down with two cases of coronavirus per month before lysine therapy was instituted.

The virologists, Drs. Christopher Kagan, Bo Karlicki and Alexander Chaihorsky, strongly suggested the front-line healthcare workers embark on a daily regimen of lysine therapy due to daily exposure to the virus.  Their ground-breaking report is published online at ResearchGate.net.

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The Hague Court Sides With Activists, Tells Dutch Government to IMMEDIATELY Lift ‘Illegitimate’ Curfew

The Dutch government has been told by the court to reverse its coronavirus pandemic curfew after The Hague ruled there was no legal basis for it and called it an infringement on people’s rights.

In a statement, The Hague declared that the government's use of the Extraordinary Powers of Civil Authority Act – an emergency act which allows the state to bypass the legislative process to impose a curfew in “very urgent and exceptional circumstance” – was not justified in this case during the Covid-19 crisis.

“The Preliminary Relief Judge ruled that the introduction of the curfew did not involve the special urgency required to be able to make use of the [act],” the Hague continued, noting that the government had had time to discuss such a curfew beforehand, before ruling that “the use of this law to impose curfew is not legitimate.”

The curfew is a far-reaching violation of the right to freedom of movement and privacy and (indirectly) limits, among other things, the right to freedom of assembly and demonstration.

The country’s Justice Ministry says it is now studying the ruling.

After the Dutch government imposed the curfew on January 23, citizens were legally required to stay home between the hours of 9pm and 4:30am unless they had a valid excuse, and they were warned that they could face fines if they refused to do so.

Valid excuses to go outside during the curfew included emergencies, essential work, to seek medical assistance, and to walk a dog on a lead.

The Hague's decision was made after a group known as the Virus Truth Foundation filed a lawsuit arguing that the curfew was an infringement on human rights and the Dutch constitution.

The Netherlands experienced several nights of rioting over the curfew, which resulted in burnt cars, looted business, clashes with police, and hundreds of arrests.

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Video: Mask Cult Brainwashing


The depths to which the COVID HOAX brainwashing will stoop knows no bounds. Here are just two examples of the idiotic brainwashing efforts to make all the insanity seem "oh so normal, fun and trendy!" How many even remember what normal life used to be like at this point?


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Video: Fauci on Face Masks

Why does anyone listen to this lunatic anymore?!

The beginning of this video is from March of 2020, back when the fear-mongering began over the COVID Pandemic Hoax. Initially, the fear was driven by the totally overinflated death projections Fauci & Co. were hawking. At that time there wasn't any need to lie about the uselessness of face masks. People were sufficiently frightened to mindlessly comply with his destructive recommendations. Once that fear started wearing off because death stats started to plummet, Fauci immediately moved the goalposts and started pushing masks as a way to keep people constantly reminded about how much danger they were in, how they were THIS CLOSE to DYING from the dreaded deadly pandemic.


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Now CDC Recommends Putting Hosiery over Your Face along with a Mask

Editor's Note: The A-Holes at the CDC have known all along that masks DO NOT STOP VIRUSES!  They have been lying to everyone from the very beginning.  But now, all of a sudden, they admit the masks are not effective!?  Of course, the entire charade is based on a totally FALSE presumption, that there is a deadly virus that WILL KILL YOU if you don't comply with all their nonsense!  FACT IS, the illnesses that have been going around has a 99.9% survival rate, and that's just with the same kind of care and treatments you would do if you came down with the seasonal flu (which I believe is all this is in the first place).


By John Fund


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has finally recognized that the masks they’ve had everyone wearing for the better part of a year are largely ineffective because aerosols easily go around the top and sides.

Their latest recommendation is “placing a sleeve made of sheer nylon hosiery material around the neck and pulling it up over either a cloth or medical procedure mask,” or using knots and tucking to fit a mask closely to the face.

They came up with these techniques in experiments with mannequins in a lab and have not tested them on actual humans. They have no empirical data, and the study even warns:

The findings of these simulations should neither be generalized to the effectiveness of all medical procedure masks or cloths masks nor interpreted as being representative of the effectiveness of these masks when worn in real-world settings.

And there’s also this warning: “Double masking might impede breathing or obstruct peripheral vision.

As Phil Kerpen of the Committee to Unleash Prosperity pointed out in an interview with National Review: “The media loves the idea of double-masking and never mind that cases are down 58% nationally in the last month and many states have already vaccinated over 50% of seniors.”

Don’t be surprised to see President Biden exercising “leadership” by sporting the hosiery look.

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