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Bank of International Settlements Publishes Its Blueprint for CBDCs, Praises Programmable Money



In a press release earlier this week, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) announced that it was throwing its weight behind central digital currencies (CBDCs), publishing a blueprint of a future monetary system “underpinned” by this type of money.

And the BIS also heaped praise on the concept of programmable money.

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Video: JP Morgan Chase $9bn Post-Fraud

Matt Taibbi on JPMorgan Chase's Worst Nightmare

The attention that Taibbi is receiving for the Rolling Stone essay, The $9 Billion Witness: Meet JPMorgan Chase's Worst Nightmare, may push forward a serious debate on the systemic corruption that is common knowledge among informed observers of the financial structure. Zero Hedge can always be depended upon to incisively sum up the issue.

“In reality, there is nothing surprising in Matt Taibbi's latest piece since returning to Rolling Stone from the Intercept, as it tells a story everyone is by now is all too familiar with: a former bank employee (in this case Alayne Fleischmann) who was a worker in a bank's (in this case JPM) mortgage operations group, where she observed and engaged in what she describes as "massive criminal securities fraud" and who was fired after trying to bring the attention of those above her to said "criminal" activity.

The story doesn't end there, and as Carmen Segarra already showed, when she revealed that Goldman runs the NY Fed, once Alayne was let go and tried to "whistleblow" on the house of Jimon from the outside, she found the that US Department of Justice headed by Eric Holder is just as, if not more, corrupt, and in his desperate attempt to prevent discovery and bring JPM et al to justice, he would stretch the statue of limitations on frauds committed during the crisis long enough to where nobody had any legal recourse any more, up to and including the US taxpayer.”

Well, that is a sober and tragic assessment. Even more heartbreaking is the statement made by Ms. Fleischmann as reported in Straight Line Logic.

“And now, with Holder about to leave office and his Justice Department reportedly wrapping up its final settlements, the state is effectively putting the finishing touches on what will amount to a sweeping, industrywide effort to bury the facts of a whole generation of Wall Street corruption. “I could be sued into bankruptcy,” she says. “I could lose my license to practice law. I could lose everything. But if we don’t start speaking up, then this really is all we’re going to get: the biggest financial cover-up in history.”

The only coherent response that regular citizens can exert, when dealing with the mega financial houses, is to avoid entanglements whenever possible. What good is it to establish accounts, whether as loans, savings or investments, when the rules of survival are stacked against main street customers? 


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Video: London Supermarket Foreshadows Incoming WEF Digital Prisons

A Twitter user posted footage Thursday showing an Aldi supermarket in Greenwich, London that is only open to citizens who download an app on their phones and purchase everything digitally.

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Video: A New World Order? BRICS Nations Offer Alternative to West


Predictions about the BRICS countries as the fastest growing economies haven't quite panned out. Instead, the alliance is now offering a diplomatic forum and development financing, outside of the Western mainstream.

The acronym began as a somewhat optimistic term to describe what were the world's fastest-growing economies at the time. But now the BRICS nations — Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa — are setting themselves up as an alternative to existing international financial and political forums.

"The founding myth of the emerging economies has faded," confirmed Günther Maihold, deputy director of the German Institute for International and Security Affairs, or SWP. "The BRICS countries are experiencing their geopolitical moment."

Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa are trying to position themselves as representatives of the Global South, providing "an alternative model to the G7."

The G7 is an "informal forum" of heads of state of the world's most advanced economies, founded in 1975. Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Japan, Canada and the US are members, as is the EU.

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Video: BRICS Rising: The China-Russia Threat Is Real and Could Decimate Americans’ Finances


One does not have to be an economist or financial advisor to recognize the massive threat to the U.S. economy posed by China and Russia. The leaders of the BRICS coalition have as their stated goal to replace the dominance of the U.S. Dollar in the world. If they can even partially accomplish this goal, they will disrupt the abilities of American businesses and citizens to thrive.

If they can fully accomplish their goals, it would cause an economic collapse in the United States unlike anything we’ve seen.

The U.S. Dollar’s status as the world’s reserve currency and the Petrodollar have enabled us to accumulate a massive national debt without crumbling under the weight of it because the vast majority of other nations would crumble along with us. But if China, Russia, or a globalist coalition pulls the financial rug out from under us, we will fail.

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America’s Too Big to Fail Banks Are Getting Bigger

The JPMorgan Chase leviathan is swallowing everything in its path.


The banking turmoil has been bad news for everyone, except for the nation’s largest financial institutions placed in the too big to fail category. Competition in the US banking system is shrinking, and public policymakers are beginning to take notice. But is it a case of too little too late? Considering that JPMorgan Chase purchased another bank for a pittance, it is safe to say that small and mid-size banks have metastasized into mere nuisances that might require perpetual bailouts and subsidies from the US government and the Federal Reserve.

Too Big to Fail Just Got Bigger

Why is No One Talking About This?

When Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) and Signature Bank shut their doors, depositors panicked and transferred their assets from the smaller outfits to the larger institutions. The deposit flight did not subside, as First Republic confirmed that its clients had maintained their steady outflows in the aftermath of the bank failures. When this happened, the bigger entities celebrated the news, with executives clarifying to the press that it was indeed true that consumers were taking their money out of the mom-and-pop shops and placing the funds in the banks considered too big to fail.

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You Can't Bank On The Bankers

You Cannot Bank On The Bankers.
Well, you can bank on them screwing you!

It's time to focus on the single biggest source of the problems we are facing, the bankers. The banking system we are forced to use is absolutely corrupt from top to bottom. It is utterly fraudulent by design. This system provides a small handful of the worst kind of people the single largest unfair advantage against everyone else ever devised. It also provides the single most powerful means to enslave humanity.

One of the primary institutions the bankers set up to orchestrate their fraud is the Federal Reserve Banking System. Many still have no idea that the Federal Reserve isn't any more Federal than Federal Express. Look it up in the phone book. It's not in the blue pages folks. It's a totally private corporation set up by the bankers for the bankers. It was not setup for our benefit. It was established to force us all into their corrupt system. The Federal Reserve System is the means they've used to institutionalize and legitimize the fraud they've been committing for almost 100 years now.

The central fraud of this lovely system they cooked up is something called "fractional reserve banking." In a nutshell, it's a nifty little device that allows bankers to claim they have more money than they really have.
Lots more money than they really have. For example, if you were a bank and I deposited one million dollars in your bank, you would get to say you have ten million dollars. Isn't that wonderful? You didn't have to do anything to actually earn that extra nine million dollars. Just because you're that special breed of person called a banker, you get to do that. Then you get to lend out those nine million dollars to other people and charge interest on it. If the people can't pay you back for some reason, you get to take whatever "real" assets they had put up as loan collateral. Of course, you never tell those you lent the money to that you acquired the money through a fraudulent process.

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Video: How GMO Foods Alter Organ Function and Pose a Very Real Human Threat To Humans

The Health Ranger, Mike Adams, explains how studies in cell research have demonstrated the mechanism by which micro RNA from genetically engineered foods may alter organ function in humans.


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Amid a Banking Crisis with the Segment Rated “Negative” – Four Banks Awarded Over $60 BILLION to BLM Movement


With the banking segment being downgraded to “Negative” by Moody’s, we discover that four banks gave more than $60 BILLION to BLM-related causes over the past few years. 

Over the weekend, two banks went under.  One bank, Silicon Valley Bank, was the second-largest bank failure in history.

Yesterday, Moody’s rated the ENTIRE Banking Segment as “Negative”.  This is a very big deal.  We also discovered that US Banks have assets that are $2 TRILLION under their balances.

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A Very Dark Digital Currency Experiment is Under Way in Nigeria With Deadly Consequences



In a Tweet thread posted on February 16th, author and journalist Nick Corbishley alerted the world to a “very dark” experiment that’s underway right now in Nigeria.

Here’s what he said:

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