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Amid a Banking Crisis with the Segment Rated “Negative” – Four Banks Awarded Over $60 BILLION to BLM Movement


With the banking segment being downgraded to “Negative” by Moody’s, we discover that four banks gave more than $60 BILLION to BLM-related causes over the past few years. 

Over the weekend, two banks went under.  One bank, Silicon Valley Bank, was the second-largest bank failure in history.

Yesterday, Moody’s rated the ENTIRE Banking Segment as “Negative”.  This is a very big deal.  We also discovered that US Banks have assets that are $2 TRILLION under their balances.


This morning, it was revealed that US Corporations have awarded over $80 Billion to BLM, according to a report from Breitbart and the Claremont Institute.

Breitbart reported:

The Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement and related causes received an astonishing $82.9 billion from corporations, a new funding database from the Claremont Institute has found.

This number appeared very large at first glance, when sorting the data by the size of the contributions, it turns out the four of the top six donors are US Banks.

JPMorgan Chase and Co has donated over $30 billion.  Bank of America donated over $18 billion.  Goldman Sach donated over $10 billion and Fifth Third Bancorp donated another $2.8 billion.

These four banks donated more than $60 billion to BLM and you wonder why the Banking Segment is rated negative and in a crisis. 



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