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If Masks Really Worked to Prevent COVID-19 You Wouldn’t Be Able to Smell Farts While Wearing One

By Larry Johnson

My business partner was on an American Airlines flight recently and fell asleep during the trip. When he woke up the passenger in the adjacent seat was glaring at him and upbraided my friend because his mask had fallen below his nose during his slumber.

My friend and workmate said nothing. He stood up. Grabbed his briefcase from the overhead and took out a small spray bottle. It contained a raspberry-scented liquid. He sprayed it and asked the mask Nazi, “Can you smell that?”

The man replied, “yes, I smell raspberries.” My friend then pointed out to his clueless seatmate that the droplets in the spray were much larger than a Covid-19 virus. My clever buddy said the following:

If you are smelling raspberries then the mask is not preventing air particles with those molecules from penetrating your mask and entering your respiratory system. In other words, the mask is a joke and you are delusional. Mind your own business.

As I thought about this I suddenly realized that underwear and trousers are comparable to a conventional cloth face mask. Have you ever been near someone who committed the act of flatulence? Most times those incidents are most unpleasant and the noxious aroma stings your nose, pollutes your palate, and makes your eyes water.

If a derriere mask cannot block methane gas, why do so many educated people embrace the unscientific religion that masks stop airborne viruses?

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Study: ‘Alleged Virus’ Is Identical to Normal Cell ‘Structures’


Dr. Tom Cowan

Dear friends,

Thanks to the diligent efforts of one of my listeners, I received a paper yesterday that puts another nail in the coffin for the existence of SARS-CoV-2. The paper is titled “Appearances Can be Deceiving – Viral-like Inclusions in Covid-19 Negative Renal Biopsies by Electron Microscopy.” The authors are Clarrisa A. Cassol, et al., and the citation is Kidney360 1:824-828, 2020. This is a peer-reviewed journal affiliated with the American Society of Nephrology; in other words, this paper comes squarely from what is called acceptable, mainstream science.

Many of you have probably seen the electron-micrograph pictures of SARS-CoV-2, the ones in black and white, with the black dots within the faint outline of the circle. I have attached two such images from papers that claim these photos show direct evidence of the existence of the virus. These are the pictures that virologists show us, not the computer-generated, colorful images that you see in magazines and on the internet. These are the “real” pictures of the virus, and they are offered as “proof” that the virus exists.

However, it turns out these photos are actually NOT corona viruses, and the CDC, among others, has known this fact since at least 2004. The above paper examines the evidence used to claim that these images represent viruses, rather than normal “structures” within a cell, particularly sick cells. Here is what the paper says:

“We have observed morphologically indistinguishable inclusions within podocytes and tubular epithelial cells both in patients negative for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) as well as in renal biopsies from the pre-COVID-19 era” (emphasis added).

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Video: Messing With Your Head: Government’s Psychological War Against Nations Explained by Brian Gerrish

On 28 May 2021, Brian Garrish gave evidence to the 54th session of the Stiftung Corona Ausschuss, the German-based extraparliamentary inquiry by lawyers into the medical establishment’s and public policymakers’ handling of the Covid crisis internationally.

The theme for the day during the 54th session was “Caught between nudging and side effects”. A transcript of Brians's testimony can be found here.


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Cleveland Clinic Refutes Fauci: No Point Vaccinating Those Who’ve Had COVID-19

Jim Hoft

A new study by scientists at the Cleveland Clinic found that there was no point in vaccinating those who’ve had the COVDI019 already.

This makes logical sense and is in line with what the public was always told about infectious disease.

It was only when the megalomaniac Tony Fauci got involved with COVID-19 that healthy people were wearing masks, the entire economy was shut down, the death counts included people who died from the disease and with the disease, and those who had the disease were ordered to get the vaccine.

This study brings a bit of sanity back into the American medical community.

News-Medical.net reported:

Scientists from the Cleveland Clinic, USA, have recently evaluated the effectiveness of coronavirus disease 2019 COVID-19) vaccination among individuals with or without a history of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection.

The study findings reveal that individuals with previous SARS-CoV-2 infection do not get additional benefits from vaccination, indicating that COVID-19 vaccines should be prioritized to individuals without prior infection. The study is currently available on the medRxiv* preprint server.

In the United States, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved two mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines developed by Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna, which have shown high efficacy against SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19 disease in clinical trials. However, the ability to vaccinate a large part of the global population is limited by vaccine supply.

In order to ensure fair access to vaccines throughout the world, the COVID-19 vaccines Global Access (COVAX) initiative was launched. In many countries, especially those with low socioeconomic status, there is a serious shortage of vaccines. Thus, in order to get the maximum vaccine benefits, the most vulnerable population should be prioritized for the vaccination.

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Fauci Briefed World Leaders On Potential Lab Lead . . . A YEAR AGO!


Remember last year when everyone in the media, including their love toy Fauci told everyone that there was no chance that COVID-19 came from a lab, and was spread from animal to human? If you even thought that their was even a small possibility of a lab leak from Wuhan, intentional or accidental, you’d be called a conspiracy theorist, whack job, you’d be banned by the social media tech overlords and basically be laughed out of the room.

Well it turns out even the little wimp Fauci was discussing the possibility of the virus being leaked from the Wuhan Lab about a year ago. Yes, the so called “expert” knew that there was a possibility, however unlikely at the time that the virus leaked from the Wuhan lab. He lied about it again!

Former FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb said Sunday that he was told Dr. Anthony Fauci had briefed world leaders on the possibility that the novel coronavirus leaked from a lab.

Gottlieb told “Face the Nation” host John Dickerson that a senior official in former President Donald Trump’s administration had informed him there was suspicion that the strain “looked unusual,” which prompted Fauci to address the possibility that it had leaked from a research laboratory in Wuhan.

“I didn’t think there was anything remarkable in those emails. I don’t think there was anything that Tony said that expressed any ill intent, and nothing that was new,” Gottlieb replied, saying that there had always been two theories on the origins of the virus — a natural derivation or a leak from a lab — but that there had been little real evidence to support either one.

“We have other information now that fits into this picture. The science is one piece of information, but there is a lot of other information that points in the direction that this could have come out of a lab, that we need to have a broader view about the potential risk that this was a lab leak,” Gottlieb continued.

Dickerson pressed Gottlieb on that possibility, pointing out the fact that critics have claimed that Fauci had not been entirely forthcoming with regard to the idea that COVID-19 could have originated in a lab.

“Well, I was told at that time, back in the spring, that Dr. Fauci had gone over to a meeting of world health leaders in Europe and actually briefed them on the information that they were looking at, that this could have been a potential lab leak, that this strain looked unusual,” Gottlieb replied. “I think early on, when they looked at the strain, they had suspicions. And it takes time to do that analysis, and that dispelled some of those suspicions.”

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Video: Asking Vaccinated People Why They’re Still Wearing A Mask Outside

"I just feel like I have to wear it, I don't know why," one girl admitted.

Filmmaker and activist Ami Horowitz hit the streets of NYC to find out why fully vaccinated people are continuing to wear masks while walking around outside.

The majority of those interviewed admitted peer pressure is the main reason for keeping the masks on.


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WHO Chief Scientist Served Legal Notice in India for Allegedly Suppressing Data on Drug to Treat COVID-19

By Meling Lee

The Indian Bar Association has taken legal action against the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Chief Scientist Dr. Soumya Swaminathan for her alleged role in spreading disinformation on the use of ivermectin to treat COVID-19.

The association served a legal notice (pdf) on Swaminathan on May 25, claiming that she was “spreading disinformation and misguiding the people of India, in order to fulfill her agenda” and sought to prevent her from “causing further damage.”

They further say that Swaminathan, in her statements against the use of ivermectin, ignored research and clinical trials from two organizations—the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care (FLCCC) Alliance and the British Ivermectin Recommendation Development (BIRD)—who have presented solid data showing ivermectin prevents and treats COVID-19.

“Dr. Soumya Swaminathan has ignored these studies/reports and has deliberately suppressed the data regarding effectiveness of the drug Ivermectin, with an intent to dissuade the people of India from using Ivermectin,” the plaintiff said in a statement (pdf).

In a May 10 tweet that has since been deleted after the notice was issued, Swaminathan wrote, “Safety and efficacy are important when using any drug for a new indication. WHO recommends against the use of ivermectin for COVID-19 except within clinical trials.”

Swaminathan made the Twitter post soon after Goa’s health minister announced that every Goa resident 18 and older would be given ivermectin as prevention regardless of their COVID-19 status, as part of the state government’s effort to stop the transmission of the virus. India has been hit hard in the second wave of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus pandemic beginning in March 2021.

The legal notice calls for a clear response from Swaminathan on a number of key points, and the association said that in the case of a failure to provide a clear response, it reserves the right to initiate prosecution under sections of the Indian Penal Code and Disaster Management Act, 2005.

The WHO’s chief scientist didn’t reply to a request for comment.

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Fauci and Top US Doctors Caught Conspiring to Disqualify Hydroxychloroquine as COVID Treatment


By Jim Hoft

The Gateway Pundit has reported extensively this past year on the effects of hydroxychloroquine in treating the COVID-19 virus.

We knew that the Dr. Tony Fauci and the medical elites conspired to ban the use of this very successful drug.

We reported earlier on how Dr. Fauci used bogus studies to disqualify HCQ in treating coronavirus.

Now this…  There is proof that Dr. Fauci and top US medical experts all conspired using obviously false information to disqualify hydroxychloroquine and MILLIONS DIED as a result of their action.

As previously reported–

It’s been over a year since the WHO declared the coronavirus a pandemic after originally downplaying the threat.  It is no secret that both the disease and the response to combat it following this SARS-CoV-2 outbreak in late 2019 have turned our world upside-down.  Mandates, lockdowns, and guidelines seem to change every time Dr. Fauci opens his mouth.   All of these unprecedented rules were put into place, we were told, to slow down the spread of a disease that today is linked to the death of over half a million Americans and 3.7 million global citizens in the last year.

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Lancet’s Infamous Covid Disinformation Campaign was Orchestrated by Fauci’s Buddy Peter Daszak

Editor's Note: They have corrupted every single institution we thought we could rely on, including medical journals like The Lancet.  Now they are nothing but pure propaganda arms for Big Pharma and CANNOT BE TRUSTED!


By JD rucker

The cover-up started early and ran hard for months. Those who were supposed to be working to protect the American people from the pandemic had only one concern: Covering their butts. The list of people complicit in the cover-up continues to grow. That list includes Dr. Anthony Fauci, as we learned so vividly yesterday. And the person who was running much of the cover-up operations in public and behind the scenes was none other than EcoHealth Alliance President Peter Daszak.

Scott Hounsell published a blockbuster investigative report at Red State revealing how Daszak worked to use The Lancet as a propaganda publication to cover-up malfeasance and corruption. The Lancet’s articles were tools for protecting both the Chinese Communist Party and the American parties that participated in the gain-of-function research that yielded Covid-19. At every turn, from blaming bat soup to trashing treatments like Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin, The Lancet was the primary mouthpiece for “scientists” to point people in the wrong direction.

The Red State article puts all of the pieces together, connecting the dots with nearly all of them centered around Daszak. With what we know now about Fauci’s desire to keep his participation with the Wuhan Virology Lab under the radar as well as Daszak’s ludicrous “debunking” of the Wuhan Lab Theory during the World Health Organization’s fake investigation, it appears that the cover-up was the top priority as soon as it became clear to them that Covid-19 was manufactured.

In other words, they knew they participated in creating the emerging pandemic around the beginning of 2020, long before most Americans even knew there was a problem brewing.

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1,000 Lawyers and 10,000 Doctors File Lawsuit to Prosecute the “2nd Nuremburg Tribunal” Against Corona Fraud Scandal

By Jim Hoft

Thousands of attorneys and doctors have joined forces to sue the CDC, WHO and the Davos Group for crimes against humanity.

Humansarefree reported in March:

Should the technocrats who pushed governments to lockdown their citizens be tried for crimes against humanity?

One prominent German lawyer, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, [in photo below] who is also licensed to practice law in America, thinks they should. And he is organizing a team of thousands of participating lawyers who want to prosecute a “second Nuremberg tribunal” against a cadre of international elites responsible for what he calls the “corona fraud scandal.”

Fuellmich was on the legal team that won a major lawsuit against German automaker Volkswagen in a 2015 case involving tampered catalytic converters in the U.S. He also was involved in a lawsuit that exposed one of Germany’s largest banks, Deutsche Bank, as a criminal enterprise.

The bank was recently ordered by the U.S. Justice Department to pay $130 million to resolve corrupt practices that included money laundering, bribery and fraud between the years 2009 and 2016.

Fuellmich is licensed to practice law in Germany and the state of California.

He believes the frauds committed by Volkswagen and Deutsche Bank pale in comparison to the damage wrought by those who sold the Covid-19 crisis as the worst viral outbreak to hit the world in more than a century and used it to cause media-driven panic, government overreach and human suffering on a scale still not fully quantified.

The truth is revealed in the numbers, Fuellmich said, citing figures that show COVID-19 has not caused any statistically significant increase in the 2020 death counts over previous years.

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