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Video: Bill Gates Released Mosquitos That Spread Malaria In The United States

Forget the jab! Expert raises alarm on how globalists will vaccinate the masses by any means necessary!

Attorney Thomas Renz appeared on The Alex Jones Show Tuesday to break down how mosquitos and aerosols are being prepared, tested, and have been released to deliver DNA/gene-editing vaccines.




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Is It The Vax? Peru Declares ‘National Health Emergency’ as Guillain-Barre Cases Surge

Many questioning if GBS outbreak linked to Covid-19 jab in highly-vaccinated Peru.

Guillain Barré syndrome' listed as known side effect in FDA draft list of Covid-19 vaccine 'possible adverse event outcomes.'



The South American country of Peru has declared a nationwide emergency as it experiences a bizarre outbreak of Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS), prompting many to suspect the experimental Covid-19 vaccine could be to blame as most of the country’s populace received the jab.

Peru’s Health Ministry announced the 90-day emergency on Saturday citing an “unusual increase” in GBS cases.

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Videos: Unvaxxed Amish Death Rates 90 Times Lower Than Rest of America



A major study into the impact of the pandemic on Amish communities has found that Covid death rates among the traditionalist groups of citizens are 90 times lower than for the rest of America.

The main difference, the study revealed, is that Amish communities completely ignored the guidelines from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Amish families did not get vaccinated or wear masks, nor did they engage in lockdowns, social distancing, or any other type of restrictions.

But the separated communities didn’t avoid catching the virus, however, as roughly 90% of the Amish have been infected with Covid.

The study was conducted by the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation (VSRF) and specifically focused on Amish people in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

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Pfizer Vaccine Batches in the EU Were Placebos, Say Scientists



Scientists have uncovered startling evidence that a substantial portion of the batches of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine deployed in the European Union may in fact have consisted of placebos – and that the German regulator knew this and did not subject them to quality-control testing.

The scientists, Dr. Gerald Dyker, Professor of Organic Chemistry at the Ruhr University Bochum, and Dr. Jörg Matysik, Professor of Analytical Chemistry at the University of Leipzig, are part of a group of five German-speaking scientists who have been publicly raising questions about the quality and safety of the BioNTech vaccine (as it is known in Germany) for the last year and a half.

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CDC Admits Heart Disease Risk Skyrockets 13,200% Following Covid Injections


The top two public health agencies in the United States conducted a joint study showing that the risk of developing autoimmune heart disease among the “fully vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) is a shocking 13,200 percent higher than it is among the unvaccinated.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) discovered that compared to the background risk in the general population, the risk of myocarditis is 133 times greater in those who took the mRNA injections from either Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna.

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I'll Donate $50K if Paul Offit Takes the Entire CDC Recommended Vaccine Schedule in One Sitting

He once said "healthy infants could safely get up to 100,000 vaccines at once." It's time to walk the talk. Take just one dose of each vaccine on the CDC childhood schedule in one sitting.



Executive summary

Dr. Paul Offit has said, “In theory, healthy infants could safely get up to 100,000 vaccines at once.” See this BMJ rapid response written by John Stone (Editor, Age of Autism) for the full story.

It’s time for Paul to walk the talk.

The offer

I will donate $50K to a charity of Offit’s choice if he’ll take every vaccine listed on the CDC childhood vaccine schedule up to age 18 in one sitting.

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Video: The Real Peter Hotez: $cientism, Snake Oil, & a Lifelong Campaign to Sell Vaccines for Parasites


It’s time to get to know the nefarious actor that is Peter Hotez, the Anthony Fauci of Houston, a “vaccinologist” mRNA evangelist who has never developed a successful vaccine.

Dr. Hotez has been in the headlines this weekend after he refused an offer from Joe Rogan to debate presidential candidate RFK Jr on Rogan’s program. Now that he’s in the news, it’s worth discussing the extremely unethical behavior and activities of one of America’s most prominent pseudoscientists.

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Bill Gates’ Untested Covid Vaccine Approved for Public Use


A new Covid vaccine funded by Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates has just been approved for public use.

The SKYCovion vaccine was awarded regulatory approval from the UK Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (“MHRA”).

After being approved by the MHRA, the vaccine can now be used in several countries around the world and appears to be targeting underdeveloped nations.

SKYCovion was developed in South Korea with significant funding from Bill Gates.

It combines a part of the SARS-CoV-2 virus spike protein with an “adjuvant.”

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Video: RFK Jr. Tells Joe Rogan the $200 BILLION Reason the Vaccine Cartel Had to Discredit Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine

This is a clip from a recent interview Joe Rogan did with Robert Kennedy Jr. regarding his vast knowledge of Big Pharama and in particular, the powerful Vaccine Cartel.   RFK Jr. explains exactly why Big Pharma aggressively and FALSELY discredited the use of existing and effective treatments for COVID-19 like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine.


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Video: RFK Jr. to Joe Rogan: 'Nobody in 18 Years Has Been Willing to Debate Me' on Vaccines

This is a clip from a recent interview Joe Rogan did with Robert Kennedy Jr., arguably one of the most knowledgeable people on the planet about vaccines and Big Pharama.  In this interview, he highlights how not one person, no one expert on the pro-vaccine side is willing to debate him about the subject.  Not one!



Cat Out of Bag! RFK Jr. Goes on Joe Rogan,
Details Link Between "Vaccines" and Autism

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