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FREE Video Library: NATO

: 10 minutes or less.  : 11- 36 minutes.   : Over 36 min. Fun



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FREE Video Library: Ukraine

: 10 minutes or less.  : 11- 36 minutes.   : Over 36 min. Fun:


  •   Every Indication is Ukrainian Leadership is Stealing Huge Amounts of Money - Catherine Austin Fitts
    In this short clip, Catherine Austin Fitts joins Greg Hunter (USAWatchdog.com) to put what's going on in Ukraine into proper perspective.  Once again we see why when you hear "we're from the U.S. government and we're here to help" you need to run in the opposite direction!  The U.S. is utterly destroying Ukraine with our tax dollars!
  •   NATO Chief Confirms Ukraine Will Become a Member of NATO — Pushing US Closer to Nuclear War with Russia
    NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg confirmed that Ukraine will become a member of NATO. This announcement was made during his visit to Kyiv to discuss the ongoing conflict and future support from the alliance with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.
  •   Ray Mcgovern - The Ukraine War and the CIA
    In this video, Ray Mcgovern, a former CIA analyst, details the long history of CIA involvement in manufacturing and orchestrating one conflict after another around the world including the current conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Mcgovern explains the 'real history' of the current conflict.
  •   MTG “America Last, America Last! – That’s All This Is – Every Single Day!”
    Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene delivered a speech for the ages in defense of the American working class on Saturday morning before the Ukraine war funding vote in the US House of Representatives.  MTG is a rare voice in Congress who actually defends the American working class from the uniparty regime.
  •   Unmaksing Zelenskyy - Who is Volodymyr Zelenskyy?  Episode 1
    The first episode profiles Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and his transformation from actor to war-time president. It does so by contrasting the saintly, celebrity image that western countries have promoted to the dark and deadly reality of Ukrainian life under his rule.
  •   Gonzalo Lira - Victoria Nuland
    Victoria Nuland, the architect of the disastrous US Ukraine policy since 2014, will be resigning “in the coming weeks” after Gateway Pundit filed a FOIA request to find out what her role was in the death of US journalist Gonzalo Lira in Ukraine, an outspoken Nuland critic who was subsequently arrested and tortured in Ukraine.
  •   Victoria Nuland: Ukraine Has "Biological Research Facilities"
    Self-anointed "fact-checkers” in the U.S. corporate press have spent two weeks mocking as disinformation and a false conspiracy theory the claim that Ukraine has biological weapons labs, either alone or with U.S. support. They never presented any evidence for their ruling — how could they possibly know?
  •   Robert Kennedy Jr. - Here's the Truth About the War in Ukraine
    RFK Jr Explains the Real Problems With Ukraine, BlackRock, and the Military Industrial Complex.
  •   Col Douglas Macgregor: "It's OVER! There is no Coming Back From This
    In a bold and somber assessment, Col. Douglas Macgregor declares that the Ukraine conflict is irreversibly concluded with Russia as the victor. Simultaneously, he criticizes Israel, accusing them of seeking financial and military support for what he terms as an ongoing genocide against Palestinians. Macgregor also raises concerns about the impending conflict with the Houthis in Yemen, depicting the current global situation as a total disaster and a failure on the part of President Biden.
  •   Victoria Nuland Plan To Destroy Nuclear Power Plant And Blame Russia
    There are whispers from Kyiv that Aluzhny will be fired and CIA favorite Kyrylo Budanov is taking over the Ukraine Armed Forces.  If it's true here's why.  The real President of Ukraine, Victoria Nuland, needs someone crazy enough to blow up a nuclear power pland and Budanov is her guy.  she needs a pretext for NATO troops to enter Ukraine, urgently.  Russia is winning the US proxy war and Nuland is running out of options.
  •   What Americans Don’t Know About the Russia & Ukraine Situation
    As tensions rise in Russia and Ukraine, Jack Posobiec and Candace Owens break down the situation.
  •   33 Years of History That Led Up to Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine that You Won’t See Taught in U.S. Schools
    MUST WATCH VIDEO: 33 years of history that led up to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine that you won’t see taught in U.S. schools nor hear anywhere in the Western mockingbird media
  •   Natalie Winters Reveals How US Taxpayers Are Funding Democrat Ukraine Lobbyists
    Natalie Winters exposes the FACT that the war in Ukraine is nothing but another massive boondoggle based on lies to create yet another never ending war that generates a MASSIVE SLUSH FUND to enrich the same old usual suspects.
  •   Colonel Douglas Macgregor Tells Tucker Carlson Why the Ukraine War Must End Now
    EVERYTHING you are being told via the Main Stream Media regarding the war in Ukraine is a LIE (Big Surprise). The last thing people pushing this war care about is the people of Ukraine. They are decimating this country and slaughtering its people. An estimated 400,000 people have died! AND the lunatics behind this insanity have spent an estimated $14 TRILLION since 2001 on globalist interventionist wars.  Colonel Douglas Macgregor joins Tucker Carlson to expose the cold hard horrible truth about what's been going on in Ukraine
  •   Ukraine War Planned YEARS AGO Documents Reveal
    A 2019 Rand Corporation study commissioned by the US Army laid out exactly what the plan to undermine and weaken Russia through military support for Ukraine would be. The study suggested arming Ukraine, imposing sanctions on Russia, ramping up economic warfare and taking a more aggressive and militaristic posture toward the United States’ international rival – all while warning that this could lead to a military invasion of Ukraine.
  •   Fearless Laura Logan Lobs One Ukrainian Truth Bomb After Another!
    The totally fearless Laura Logan appeared on Real America's Voice to put the entire Ukrainian fiasco into proper perspective. Laura really knows her stuff and crams as much truth into this short segment as she possibly could.
  •   Marjorie Taylor Greene Responds to Ukrainian President's Warmongering Before Congress
    Rep. Majorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) responded to the Congressional address by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Wednesday by calling for an America First foreign policy.  Zelensky begged for intense American involvement during his remarks to Congress even if it were to start World War 3 in order to save his corrupt puppet regime. Greene says that America needs to prioritize its own national safety first after so many failed military adventures in the recent past.
  •   Revealing Ukraine
    Oliver Stone's "Revealing Ukraine" by Igor Lopatonok continues investigations on of the ongoing Ukrainian crisis following "Ukraine on Fire". In addition, it analyzes the current political backstage and its dangerous potential for the world.
  •   Ukraine on Fire
    Oliver Stone's 2014 Ukraine of Fire sets the record straight: The 2014 Maidan Coup was a US sponsored Color Revolution - replacing a democratically elected government with a Neo-Nazi regime.
  •   Ukraine Press Conference Explicitly Ties Hunter & Joe Biden To Corruption
    This is the follow-up to a video press conference that Ukraine released over a year ago, in which Members of the Ukraine Parliament demanded that President Zelensky and President Trump investigate billions of dollars of corruption in Ukraine that is tied to the U.S. The newly released video is meant to provide documentary and eyewitness information about the corruption – and the Biden family figures prominently in the story.
  •   Quid Pro Joe
    This is the clip where Joe Biden brags about "doing what the Democrats accused Trump of doing and tried to impeach Trump for doing."  And now, the Democrats have chosen a candidate that bragged openly about engaging in "actual bribery" with Ukraine to coerce them into firing a prosecutor that was investigating the most corrupt company in Ukraine, Burisma.  Why?  Hunter Biden just happened to be getting paid big tens of thousands a month to sit on the Board of Burisma.


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FREE Video Library: Transhumanism

: 10 minutes or less.  : 11- 36 minutes.   : Over 36 min. Fun:


  •   Tavistock’s Transhumanist Plan To Collapse Society
    Jay Dyer of JaysAnalysis.com hosts the fourth and final hour of the Alex Jones Show and breaks down how the Tavistock Institute has influenced society worldwide since its founding in 1947.
  • Your Guide to 5th-Generation Warfare
    We are in the middle of a world-changing war. This is no ordinary war, however. Most of the victims of this warfare aren’t even able to identify it as war, nor do they understand that they are combatants in it. It’s called fifth-generation warfare, and I’m here to tell you all about it.
  •   The End of Humanity - As Planned by the Global Leaders
    Did you know there is an official agenda to replace the human race with robots, cyborgs and AI? This agenda is being heavily promoted by the World Economic Forum. Their plan is to end the era of humanity and usher in a new era of neo-humanity, in which people are a mix of man and machine. They also state that our thoughts and emotions will be monitored by AI in order to combat climate change. Is that the world you want for yourself and your children? Ending humanity to ‘save the planet’
  •   Laura Aboli Epic Speech on the Transhumanist PsyOp of Transgenderism
    This is an outstanding speech given by Laura Aboli at the Better Way Conference on June 3, 2023.  In just a little over 12 minutes, Laura clearly summarizes EXACTLY what we are seeing unfolding across our planet and also presents a common sense solution to ending the INSANITY being imposed on humanity by the psychopaths who are currently in control of most all the wealth and resources.
  •   What You Need to Know About the Transhumanist Agenda
    According to Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF), the goal of The Fourth Industrial Revolution1 is to change what it means to be human by merging man and machine. In short, while the term “transhumanism” is not being used, that’s exactly where the global cabal intends to take us, willing or not.


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FREE Video Library: State Sponsored Terrorism

: 10 minutes or less.  : 11- 36 minutes.   : Over 36 min. Fun:


This section contains videos on actions orchestrated by the government to instill fear in the population, or to blame on someone else in order to justify the tyrannical actions they know the population wouldn't tolerate otherwise.  This is the single most diabolical thing our own government, and other so-called democratic governments have been doing for a very long time and get away with it because most people still think they can trust their government because they live in 'free' societies.  Watch a few of these and you'll see real clearly YOU CAN'T!

  •   1975 Church Committee Flashback - CIA Has Weapon That Makes Murder Look Like a Natural Heart Attack
    Former CIA employee Mary Embree discusses the infamous heart attack gun. The weapon was first made public during the Church Committee hearings in 1975.  Very lethal & untraceable, using this weapon can make a murder look natural. This agency along with many others should be broken up. They cause so much damage around the world and do it all in the shadows.
  • Solving the Mystery of Building 7: The Smoking That Proves 9/11 Was An Inside Job
    WTC 7 is the smoking gun that undermines the official conspiracy theory of 9/11, compelling 1,600 architects and engineers to call for a new independent investigation into the destruction of the World Trade Center. The mini-documentary Architects & Engineers: Solving the Mystery of Building 7 shows technical experts concluding that the official report claiming 9/11 was a terrorist attack committed by Al-Qaeda was a fraud.  Actor and former president of the Screen Actors Guild Ed Asner narrates this 15-minute 2011 documentary exploring the mysterious destruction of the third skyscraper at the World Trade Center on 9/11.
  • Sheriff's Source: 2 Million Terrorists Have Entered U.S.
    There's a new report that charges there might be two million terrorists who have gained access to the United States, and are inside the borders now, as a result of Joe Biden's open borders policies for the nation's security.
  •   The Oklahoma City Bombing ( OKC ) - A Conspiracy Theory
    This is the story of OKC as told to you by the same truth-tellers behind the Savile story and Brian Williams and the Engel kidnapping, and if you have questions about any part of this story you are a paranoid, wingnut, birther-truther-tenther-prepper conspiracy loon who should feel guilty for having been born. If you love baseball, fluffy kittens, hot dogs, Barbie, Star Wars and freedom, you will never ever bring up any of these points ever again. Ever.  This message has been brought to you by the friends of the FBI, ATF, DOJ, CIA, SPLC, MSM and the US Army.  And remember: Ignorance Is Strength!
  •   A Brief History of Criminal FBI Entrapment Operations
    After Michigan jury acquits two in Whitmer kidnapping case it’s good to educate yourself on the FBI’s criminal past.
  • Capitol Riot: Agent Provacateur Tactics
    The United States is still making sense of what took place on Jan 6 at Capitol Hill in Washington DC, and among the accusations has been that the radical organization Antifa was involved at the protests. To learn more about this we've invited to speak with us Michael Yon, a war correspondent who has attended hundreds of protests, and who has deep insights into Antifa and their tactics.
  • Corbett Report - The Syrian White Helmets Are A Propaganda Construct
    Contrary to what its multi-million dollar international PR campaign would have you believe, the "White Helmets" are not a group of volunteer search-and-rescue workers that sprang spontaneously out of the Syrian soil. When you peel back the layers of foreign financing and reveal the foreign intelligence operatives and murky lobbying groups at the heart of the organization, what you find is that the White Helmets are, in fact, a propaganda construct.
  • 7/7 Ripple Effect
    Regarding the 7/7/2005 terrorist attacks in London, let us look at the facts, and what we were told, and compare them. Then, using Ockham’s Razor and common-sense, let us see what conclusions are to be drawn, so we can all understand what most likely really did happen that day.
  • Terror Storm
    This film documents examples of terrorism sponsored by our own government and the British government in order to control people and natural resources around the globe.  It backs up everything with declassified documentation.  You must watch this film as it demonstrates the degree to which our government lies and uses 'false flag" events, terrorists events so-called democratic governments stage and blame on others to destabilize populations and perpetuate fear, the most powerful means to get us to go along with what they are doing.  YOU MUST SEE THIS FILM.  Once you understand what our own government is doing, you will no longer be fooled.
  • Dead In The Water - Israel's attack on the U.S.S. Liberty
    For more than 30 years many people have disbelieved the official explanation about the attack on the USS Liberty by Israel but have been unable to rebut it convincingly. Now, Dead in the Water uses startling new evidence to reveal the truth behind the seemingly inexplicable attack.
  • The Loss of Liberty - Israel's attack on the U.S.S. Liberty
    Loss of Liberty' dramatically proves, beyond any doubt, that the attack by Israel on June 8, 1967 against the US naval intelligence gathering ship USS Liberty, in which 34 Americans were killed and 171 wounded, was deliberate.



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FREE Video Library: The Great Reset/New World Order

: 10 minutes or less.  : 11- 36 minutes.   : Over 36 min. Fun:


  • Project Bluebeam: The NWO Plays Its Hand
    The plan to create a fascistic totalitarian New World Order under the umbrella of an emerging a Luciferian New Age has been well known for decades. Project Bluebeam ushers in this age old dark planned deception. We are seeing an increase in UFO sightings as the plan finally emerges on the cusp of global financial collapse.
  • Dr. David Martin: US Government Coordinating Depopulation Program Against The World!
    Dr. David Martin joins Alex Jones live in-studio to break down how states across the country are preparing criminal charges against Big Pharma.
  •   The Future of Food
    We all know the problems of the modern factory farming system. But, as bad as things are, they’re about to get even worse.  New technologies are coming online that threaten to upend our understanding of food altogether. Technologies that could, ultimately, begin altering the human species itself.   This is The Future of Food on The Corbett Report.
  •   Great Replacement: Sen. Schumer Calls For Amnesty of Millions of Illegals to Offset Declining U.S. Population
    Democrat Senate Leader Chuck Schumer called for amnesty for “all” illegal aliens in a resurfaced 2022 clip that’s recently gone viral on social media.
  • All Hell is Gonna Break Loose
    Americans know in their gut that the despotism demonically possessing the federal government is only getting started.
  •   Colonel Derek Harvey Gives Insights on Unrestricted Warfare
    “Unrestricted Warfare” is a concept introduced in a book titled “Unrestricted Warfare: China’s Master Plan to Destroy America.” It was written by two Chinese colonels, Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui, and published in 1999. The book discusses unconventional methods that countries, particularly China, could use to challenge and defeat more technologically advanced adversaries like the United States.
  •   They Cannot Get Financial Control Unless They Can Control the Food Supply - Catherine Austin Fitts
    CAF says not only do the Deep State globalists want control of the financial system, but they also want control of your food.  CAF says, “You see at this level when you are trying to protect freedom, they cannot get financial control unless they can control the food supply.  People can always start their own currencies as long as they can grow food.  If you look at the push for financial control and central bank digital currency, it is the same push.  They are pushing to control the food supply.”
  •   The End of Humanity - As Planned by the Global Leaders
    Did you know there is an official agenda to replace the human race with robots, cyborgs and AI? This agenda is being heavily promoted by the World Economic Forum. Their plan is to end the era of humanity and usher in a new era of neo-humanity, in which people are a mix of man and machine. They also state that our thoughts and emotions will be monitored by AI in order to combat climate change. Is that the world you want for yourself and your children? Ending humanity to ‘save the planet’
  •   Dr. Robert Malone - In Praise of Nationalism and the Diversity of Nations
    States and cultures which resist propaganda, censorship, and weaponized fear have a competitive advantage. In a multilateral world, Romania should not apologize for advocating for autonomy. Independent European nation states should not apologize for going their own way and innovating.
  •   Eva Vlaardingerbroek Warns Whites To Take A Stand Agsinst Globalist Great Replacement Agenda
    This is the full speech Eva gave at CPAC Hungary that the establishment is losing its absolute mind about. She spoke the forbidden truth: The Great Replacement is no longer a theory - it’s reality. White Europeans are being replaced in their own countries at an ever accelerating rate and it will mean the end of our civilization if we don’t turn things around.
  •   1992 Bill Cooper Interview
    This CNN interview with Bill was shot in a private hotel suite in Atlanta, GA in 1992. Bill details for the reporters the history and underlying causes behind the forces trying to subvert our Republic.
  •   Epic Alex Jones Anti-Hamas/Israel Rant
    Alex Jones rants about how he doesn’t want to be dragged into the complicated and hateful conflict between Israel and Hamas as the entire world seems eager to pick a side.
  •   Net Zero is IMPOSSIBLE!
    Like every other globalist policy, net zero will NEVER HAPPEN and they know it. All their scams are aimed at one goal, to destroy capitalism and Western economies all over the globe so they then impose their draconian communist systems of total control.
  • Biggest Lie in World History: There Never Was A Pandemic
    This video is from the very beginning of the fake pandemic back in 2020. The diabolical agenda behind it has undermined the sovereignty of nation states. It has contributed to a wave of bankruptcies. It has impoverished people Worldwide. It has led to a spiraling dollar denominated global debt. The powerful structures of global capitalism, Big Money coupled with its intelligence and military apparatus were the driving force. Using advanced digital and communications technologies, the lockdown and “closure” of the global economy is unprecedented in World history.
  •   If I Was The Deep State
    Dilley Team for Trump Releases “If I Were the Deep State” Spinoff of Paul Harvey’s Classic Speech on Satan’s Ambitions.  It is the latest video production by a conservative creator and it is pitch-perfect.  The video takes on the wickedness of the current lawless regime in Washington DC and the unelected bureaucrats who are destroying the America we love.  The video covers everything the Deep State is despised for including starting wars, jailing Trump and his supporters, and targeting Americans who challenge or question suspected election fraud.
  • Plandemic 3 - The Great Awakening
    Witness the culmination of truth-seeking as PLANDEMIC 3: The Great Awakening unravels the layers of corruption and unveils a path towards a brighter future. Prepare to be inspired, awakened, and empowered to take a stand for liberty.
  •   Chinese Immigrant Warns Communist Cultural Revolution Happening NOW In America
    This episode of The Tucker Carlson Encounter features Chinese immigrant Xi Van Fleet urgently warning the American people a communist revolution is taking place in the U.S.  Van Fleet described her life growing up under Mao Zedong’s Cultural Revolution, explaining the Red Guards “took over the country.”
  • Dublin Has Been Fundamentally Changed as Ireland Loses Its Identity
    A woman from Dublin details the sad story about how mass illegal immigration has utterly destroyed the national identity of her country where hardly anyone in the place she calls home speaks her language. It's Longer Ireland.  It's been wiped out by globalist mass migration policies.
  • Dr. Bret Weinstein Exposes Globalist Plan To Destroy Civilization
    This is a groundbreaking discussion highlights the COVID depopulation agenda, the Great Reset, open borders, and much more -- tune in and share this critical link!  Dr. Bret Weinstein joins Alex Jones live in-studio for an exclusive interview that delves into his broad range of knowledge, including the threat to humanity posed by global elites.
  • Bret Weinstein on the Dangers of the WHO's Global Pandemic Treaty
    Since any of the legitimate methods for regaining the public’s trust (e.g., apologizing for their actions and reforming their conduct) will cost the billionaires a lot of money, the pandemic cartel is opting for the only other option available to them—doubling down on their current approach (e.g., by arguing the actual reason the pandemic response was a disaster was because we didn’t do enough of what they wanted) and reworking the legal system so any dissent from their policies is illegal. Since that would be almost impossible to do within the existing Democratic framework (as more and more countries are having populist movements rebel against the pandemic cartel) a global strategy which bypasses national governments is being employed instead.
  •   Corbett Report - Your Guide to the Great Reset
    You've all heard by now that The Great Reset is upon us. But what is The Great Reset, exactly, and what does it mean for the future of humanity? Join James for this in-depth exploration of the latest rebranding of the New World Order agenda and its vision of a post-human Fourth Industrial Revolution.
  •   The GREAT RESET - Details About Sick, Evil Globalist Plan Leaked!
    Fasten your seat belts. This criminal global COVID Pandemic Hoax is the pretext for imposing this sickening EVIL plan for all of free humanity! This is a portion of a presentation given by Dr. Rashid A. Buttar regarding a leak out of Canada that details exactly how the Globalist Psychopaths intend to impose their Draconian Global Big Brother Police State.
  •   Catherine Austin Fitts - The Great Reset Is Total Planetary Slavery! Learn the Details!
    This is a segment from the film "Planet Lockdown" in which Catherine Austin Fitts details precisely what we are witnessing right now. Fitts shows you exactly how seemingly unrelated events are really all highly coordinated parts of a long-planned global transformation recently labeled "The Great Reset." The fake global pandemic is an essential part used to justify the gutting of an economic system that was on its last legs and the only way to get away with eliminating liberties with impunity under the guise of protecting the public health.
  •   Public School is the Primary Weapon of the Deep State
    Through the deliberate dumbing down and conditioning of children, the Deep State has radicalized youth to hate America’s Christian, constitutional, and moral heritage to create global citizens, ready to play their role as a cog in the machine of a collectivist society, explains The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State.
  •   Why Do Western Governments and Elites Come After Our Farmers?
    This short video with Jordan Peterson, Dutch Political Emmentator Eva Vlaardingerbroek, and German farmer Anthony Lee, discusses why governments and the so-called Elites deliberately and tirelessly work to destroy everything in sight. All you have to do to understand what's happening is to look at the consequences to see their what their motives really are. None of what is going on is happening by mistake or by accident.
  • Undercover at the World Economic Forum
    Journalist Larry Alex Taunton went undercover to the World Economic Forum because he says there is simply no substitute for being there in person.  His new documentary gives you a peak behind the curtain of the WEF and their agenda.
  •   The NWO’s 2024 Black Swan Event
    Black Swan. It is the favorite New World Order term. The NWO would have us believe that a Black Swan event is an unfortunate event created by the Russians, MAGA terrorists, or anonymous hackers, not a looming premeditated, war-gamed, genocidal, treasonous act by an establishment fueled by the insanity of a totalitarian eugenicist movement careening off the tracks.
  •   Pharma Food — Biotech on Your Plate
    Would you, knowingly, put the chemicals used to wash dishes and the heavy metals in antiperspirant products into your mouth? Unlike soap and aluminum, the foods we eat may appear and taste to be harmless, and so often we consume them without truly knowing where they came from, what they’re made of and if they’ve been contaminated. On today’s ‘Financial Rebellion’ menu: Sink your teeth in with Elze van Hamelen and get a taste of the true essence of modern cuisine, dished up by yours truly, Big Pharma.
  • Dr. David Martin - Exposing the COVID-19 Crimes
    According to Martin, the evidence is clear. None of the damage done by the COVID FRAUD is accidental. It’s a conspiracy, alright. But not a conspiracy theory in the dismissive sense. It’s a global conspiracy by identifiable agents who have, for nearly 60 years, plotted to commit, and profit from, the greatest genocide the world has ever seen, while hiding behind the false veneer of “public health.”
  •   War to Collapse US: Chinese Lockdown Model Being Pushed at UN COP28 Summit
    The great reset, a global conspiracy to usher in a new age of globalism and loss of individual and national sovereignty, is upon us, InfoWars founder Alex Jones and journalist Alex Newman warn.  Jones and Newman, with laser precision and years of research backing every claim, detail the names behind secret societies such as Skull and Bones and the Bohemian Grove, exposing the big agenda behind the news, all the while emphatically pointing to the greater spiritual forces pulling the strings.
  •   Geneva - The Head of the Snake
    ”Everything evil in the world, related to democide … comes from Geneva.” That’s a quote from Pascal Najadi, a former banker and son of World Economic Forum (WEF) cofounder Hussain Najadi, who claims his father left the WEF “out of disgust” in the early ‘80s.
  •   The Council For Inclusive Capitalism - Rothschild Wants Merger Between Corporations Governments And AI To Save Capitalism
    If you’re not familiar with a little organization called the “Council For Inclusive Capitalism,” don’t worry, most people have never heard of it. The group was formed at the height of the covid pandemic; as fear instilled by government officials and the media propagated the news feeds, the majority of the public was rather distracted. The CIC is essentially everything that conspiracy theorists have been warning about for years packaged into a single Orwellian entity, complete with dramatic piano music and a mask of humanitarian philanthropy.
  •   Bill Gates ‘Digital IDS’ Will Be Mandatory To Participate in Society - UN 50 in 5 Initiative
    The United Nations, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and partners of the Rockefeller Foundation are launching a campaign to accelerate digital ID, digital payments, and data-sharing rollouts in 50 countries under the umbrella of digital public infrastructure (DPI) by 2028.
  •   Vehicle KILL SWITCH Mandate Means You Will Be a PRISONER in Your Own Vehicle!
    Congress, with bipartisan support, passed a kill switch mandate for every vehicle after 2026, which would enable the vehicle to monitor your driving patterns and decide whether it likes your driving, and if it doesn’t, it will shut off. This is a major step in the New World Order plan for total control of your movements.  This is a major step in the New World Order plan for total control of your movements.
  •   Mass Murder and the West Maui Land Grab
    Maui will either be a major milestone for the ruling class, or a line in the sand for we the people.  The blame for the destruction of West Maui is falling upon Hawaiian Electric who knew as early as four years ago that there was a risk of fire due to their own negligence of maintaining power lines. But did nothing. Hawaiian Electric, who is owned by Vanguard and BlackRock, has been shifting their focus to clean energy. But in order to Build Back Better, they must first destroy the old system. And so the power was left on to feed the fires.
  •   The Cloward-Piven Strategy
    The Cloward-Piven strategy, also known as the “Problem-Reaction-Solution” model, is a key tenet of the globalists’ plan to collapse the United States and impose a totalitarian world government.  The Cloward-Piven strategy was developed by Richard Cloward and Frances Piven in the 1960s. It outlines a strategy for radical social change by way of abusing the system to the point of destruction.
  • ‘One Health’ — The Global Takeover of Everything
    The World Health Organization is seeking to cement its control over global health through amendments to the international health regulations (IHR) and its pandemic treaty.  The pandemic treaty will grant the WHO power over far more than pandemic responses. It emphasizes the “One Health” agenda, which combines human health, animal health and environmental concerns into one
  •   The Coming Food Crisis Is Manmade; the Globalists’ Agenda Against Farmers and Fertilizers
    Protests have broken out in the Netherlands, where the government has begun restricting agriculture in a push to reduce nitrogen use. This follows a broader global trend, where governments are placing restrictions on farmers and fertilizers under claims of fighting global warming. And meanwhile, Sri Lanka serves as an example of where these policies could lead, where restrictions on fertilizers caused food shortages that are now sparking riots.
  •   Leo Hohmann Provides an Excellent Overview on the New World Order’s Destruction of the Human Being
    Leo Hohmann presented at Tuesday’s event at Regent University.  Michele Bachmann, the Dean of the Robertson School of Government, put together the event to discuss the threats of the New World Order on individual rights and its impact on Americans’ civil liberties.
  •   What’s Really Up with Ukraine? Deep State Seeking New World Order
    The Ukraine-Russia conflict is being engineered and weaponized to radically advance the globalist agenda for a New World Order, The New American magazine’s Alex Newman explains in this episode of Behind The Deep State. First, Alex points out that we are witnessing the long-planned shift from a “unipolar” world order with the United States as the sole superpower to a “multipolar” world order where the U.S. government is one among many, including Russia and China. Then, Alex highlights how globalists have known that war is critical to advancing their agenda, and have made this known in official documents. Finally, Alex shows how Putin, a good friend of Henry Kissinger and “Young Global Leader” with the World Economic Forum, is and has been serving the agenda of regionalizing and then globalizing governance.
  •   What You Need to Know About the Transhumanist Agenda
    According to Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF), the goal of The Fourth Industrial Revolution1 is to change what it means to be human by merging man and machine. In short, while the term “transhumanism” is not being used, that’s exactly where the global cabal intends to take us, willing or not.
  •   Irish Doctor Exposes 'Great Reset' Agenda Behind COVID Hoax In Powerful Video
    A doctor from Northern Ireland has come out strongly against COVID hysteria and the sinister agenda behind it in a viral video spreading across social media.
  •   “Socialism On A Global Scale”: Sky News Host Demolishes Davos Elites & “Great Reset” Scheme
    Sky News Australia host Cory Bernardi has just taken a flamethrower to the global elite, telling us we need to be mindful “of any organization with the term “world” in their name” in a monologue which would never see the light of day in most Western nations.


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FREE Video Library: Pandemics

: 10 minutes or less.  : 11- 36 minutes.   : Over 36 min. Fun:




  •   Dr. Robert Malone Warns Monkeypox Is Psychological Bioterrorism
    Without the PCR test, there would be no pandemics. What justifies lockdowns? What justifies “vaccines”? What justifies medical apartheid? Answer: CASE NUMBERS.  CASE NUMBERS that are produced by a PCR Test not designed for diagnostic use and not capable of doing the job it’s being used for.  If the media were to ever report the facts about this test, the lynchpin of the whole illusion would be removed and the house of cards would collapse. That’s precisely why they won’t report the facts, and precisely why we have to.
  •   Without the PCR Test There Would Be No Pandemics! THE PCR TEST DECEPTION
    Without the PCR test, there would be no pandemics. What justifies lockdowns? What justifies “vaccines”? What justifies medical apartheid? Answer: CASE NUMBERS.  CASE NUMBERS that are produced by a PCR Test not designed for diagnostic use and not capable of doing the job it’s being used for.  If the media were to ever report the facts about this test, the lynchpin of the whole illusion would be removed and the house of cards would collapse. That’s precisely why they won’t report the facts, and precisely why we have to.
  •   PCR Tests Are NOT Legitimate Tests For Viral Infections
    This information needs to be spread far and wide!  It is arguably THE MOST IMPORTANT information everyone needs to know to expose how they create one fake pandemic after another.  They are all driven by these so-called TESTS which they know damned well are not tests at all.  PCR is essentially a manufacturing process created for research purposes and NOT A DIAGNOTIC PROCESS.   It's utterly incapable of diagnosing live viral infections.
  •   Vaccine-Injured Pharmacist Breaks Down Into Tears Testifying Before Ohio State Senate
    This is absolutely heartbreaking.  “I was a father, a husband, a pharmacist, and a healthy person prior to being coerced into receiving the COVID vaccine … I would never have taken the vaccine voluntarily.”  Mike Yoha suffered from Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), a severe neurological disease associated with paralysis, after being coerced into taking the COVID shot.
  • “Enough Is Enough!” – Swiss Cardiologist Calls for the Abolishment of the WHO
    Dr. Binder called for the abolishment of the World Health Organization, after the botched and extremely dangerous actions and statements during the COVID pandemic.
  •   Never Forget the Lies Fauci Told Under the Guise of "Science"
    It is beyond belief that Fauci is still walking around free and still being propped up by the lunatic leftist as an "expert" who we should trust.  This psychopath doesn't have a trustworthy bone in his body as highlighted by the inventor of the PCR process that Fauci realized he could con everyone into believing was a reliable test for viral infection, to manufacture the false perception that a pandemic was occurring.  You can listen to Kary Mullis's comments about Fauci here
  •   Pro-Vax Doctor "Dr. Boz" Blows Whistle: ‘Biggest Crime in History of Medicine’
    In a major U-turn, a prominent pro-vaccine doctor has blown the whistle and raised the alarm about the deadly consequences of being injected with Covid mRNA shots.  Annette Bosworth, also known as “Dr. Boz,” has released an explosive video statement to warn the public about “the biggest crime in the history of medicine.”
  •   Hospital Insider Testifies: COVID-19 Numbers Were Faked
    A hospital worker has provided testimony to allege that official numbers for COVID-19 cases during the pandemic were faked.  During the pandemic, the corporate media spread fear among the general public by promoting reports that hospitals were overwhelmed due to soaring cases of COVID-19.  This fearmongering was used to pressure people to accept lockdowns, masking, vaccines, and other restrictions on freedom.  However, growing reports have since emerged to suggest that the number of cases of COVID-19 had been fabricated to support this fear-pushing agenda.
  •   Covid Cover-Up Revealed: Top Fauci Advisor Admits to Deleting Emails Concerning Covid Origin
    After analyzing and deconstructing a trove of emails and other documents that emerged from inside the global health policy industry it's been revealed how often and how deliberately healthcare workers and officials lied to the public about many aspects of Covid.
  •   Moderna CEO Tells Fauci ‘We Should Mock Up An OUTBREAK’ Just One Month Before Covid Plandemic
    More evidence COVID-19 was a planned to justify the rollout of experimental mRNA vaccine technology. Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel admitted in an interview that he discussed ginning up an outbreak scenario with former NIAID Director Anthony Fauci leading up to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Dr. Scott Atlas on Why We Were Forced to Jab & Mask
    In 2020, Dr. Scott Atlas was an advisor to the president and a member of the White House COVID-19 Task Force. He was shocked to see how powerful figures in Washington, including Dr. Fauci, were incentivized to politicize and monetize the response to the pandemic. In this candid conversation with PragerU CEO Marissa Streit, Dr. Atlas reveals that many Americans may have died because of censorship, dishonesty, and the demonization of medical dissent. Will Americans allow this to happen again?
  • SPARS IS NEXT! The Fake Pandemics Will Never End!
    This presentation by Diana Lenska exposes a detailed document by Johns Hopkins University (a major player in perpetuating these crimes against humanity) that presents a scenario of the next major phase of the greatest crime against humanity yet, the COVID-19 Pandemic FRAUD. One of the things the global psychopaths routinely engage in is to publish exactly what they plan to do to us before they do it. Like they did prior to the COVID-19 hoax going live they hosted a dry run scenario called Event 201. This new document details the next phase after they run out COVID-19, 21, 22, 23 variants. They're calling it SPARS.
  • Dr. Debra Birx - The Deep State Lunatic Responsible for all the Failed Tyrannical Covid Policies
    This powerful mini-documentary from “Good Kid Productions” explains who the primary lunatic behind all the insane Covid policies responsible for destroying millions of lives, Dr. Debra Birx.  You will also learn how the federal government, in conjunction with the global medical establishment, fooled former President Donald Trump into going along with massive social disruptions, including lockdowns and the experimental vaccine, to stop the overhyped COVID-19 pandemic in the U.S.
  • Bill Maher Finally Gets Honest on Failures Pushed by the COVID ‘Experts’ Who Ruined Lives
    Bill Maher Drops Stunning Monologue on the COVID “Experts” Who Got It Wrong “A lot of the dissenting opinions that were suppressed and ridiculed at the time have proven to be CORRECT.”
  • Plandemic 3 - The Great Awakening
    Witness the culmination of truth-seeking as PLANDEMIC 3: The Great Awakening unravels the layers of corruption and unveils a path towards a brighter future. Prepare to be inspired, awakened, and empowered to take a stand for liberty.
  • The Illegal Kidnapping and Persecution of Reiner Fuëllmich
    It appears as if German lawyer Reiner Fuëllmich was setup.  He was spearheading a project called "Nuremberg 2.0" and co-founded the Corona Investigative Committee that uncovered proof that the Covid measures were the first steps in a plan to destroy regional economies in order to make populations dependent on global supply chains.  They were also intended to reduce populations and install a world government under the United Nations.
  • Bret Weinstein on the Dangers of the WHO's Global Pandemic Treaty
    Since any of the legitimate methods for regaining the public’s trust (e.g., apologizing for their actions and reforming their conduct) will cost the billionaires a lot of money, the pandemic cartel is opting for the only other option available to them—doubling down on their current approach (e.g., by arguing the actual reason the pandemic response was a disaster was because we didn’t do enough of what they wanted) and reworking the legal system so any dissent from their policies is illegal. Since that would be almost impossible to do within the existing Democratic framework (as more and more countries are having populist movements rebel against the pandemic cartel) a global strategy which bypasses national governments is being employed instead.
  • DISEASE X- An Overton Original Documentary
    Learn how COVID-19 was a trial run to war game independent free media's response to their lock-downs, toxic shots, mandates, and how to censor those voices when the nebulous Disease X rears it's globalist head.
  • AUDIO: Dr. David Martin Breaks Down Disease X
    The next terror campaign on the world is already being planned, says Dr. David Martin "What they're doing right now is they're planning the sequence of events where they can cascade another terror campaign, which then triggers not only the need for allegedly another medical countermeasure, but it also, this time, is going to involve the other piece that they failed to achieve with the COVID campaign, which is the eradication of cash-based transactions ..."
  •   Italian Health Minister Gave Orders To Conceal Vaccination Deaths – Now Under Investigation For Murder
    They knew the shots were killing people from the start and gave orders to conceal deaths.
  • Dr. David Martin - Exposing the COVID-19 Crimes
    According to Martin, the evidence is clear. None of the damage done by the COVID FRAUD is accidental. It’s a conspiracy, alright. But not a conspiracy theory in the dismissive sense. It’s a global conspiracy by identifiable agents who have, for nearly 60 years, plotted to commit, and profit from, the greatest genocide the world has ever seen, while hiding behind the false veneer of “public health.”
  • Prosecuting Covid 'Vaccine' Criminals to Globalist Brainwashing Techniques
    Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff secured exclusive interviews with Jason Christoff and Dr. Ryan Cole, exploring insights on resisting pandemic-era brainwashing and discussing the potential for future legal action amid the rising cases of ‘turbo cancers’ following their compelling presentations in Bucharest Romania.
  • COVID Unmasked - Four-Part Series
    In early 2020, life as we knew it changed forever. What was sold to us as a fight against “a new and deadly virus“ soon revealed itself as merely the opening act of a Great Reset, in which we will “own nothing and be happy”. This film documents exactly who is behind it all, how long it’s been in the works, and how to stop it… before we lose our country, our liberty, and our humanity.


  • Senator Ron Johnson: Covid Was 'Pre-Planned' by Elites Via ' Event 201 ' in 2019
    In this short clip, Senator Ron Johnson highlights the fact that hardly anyone is willing to face the fact that they made a horrible mistake by going along with every insane COVID measure, especially by pushing the dangerous and deadly mRNA jabs and all the insane lockdown measures that were used to justify eroding many of our liberties and freedoms.
  • The COVID LIE That Started It All!
    This is a great compilation of the criminal false narrative engineered to scare the living crap out of everyone in order to coerce people into lining up for their deadly mRNA jabs.  They created a totally FALSE perception that we were all in mortal danger of dying from COVID unless we got the jab.
  • EU Parliament COVID-19 Summit: “Covid-19 was an Act of Biological Warfare Perpetrated on the Human Race
    This is one presentation by Dr. David Martin given at the International Covid Summit III, one of the most important videos you will ever watch. Millions were killed for profit. “Covid-19 was an act of biological warfare perpetrated on the human race. It was a financial heist. Nature was hijacked. Science was hijacked.”
  • International Covid Summit III - European Parliament, Brussels
    This was a historic event, and I am proud to have been a part of it. Most of the speakers, myself included paid our own way to attend and make this event happen. My fellow scientists and physicians are dedicated to medical freedom and getting data about COVID-19 out to the world. I also again wish to thank the people who donated to make this happen.
  • Breaking Out of the Propaganda Matrix - Interview with Jimmy Dore
    Dore warns that the entire government is corrupt. Corruption has been integrated into every part of the government, and every system used to run it.
  • RFK Jr. Exposes "Event 201", Bill Gates, Fauci, and the Evil Plotting of the Covid Scamdemic
    Event 201, took place in NYC on October 18 2019. Event 201 is a high-level pandemic exercise hosted by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
  • Definitive Mask Study Imploding Gates-Funded Cochrane Collaboration in Latest Debacle
    The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR) has long been considered a gold standard in research, as its reviews take into account all available empirical evidence to reach conclusions about any given topic. A systematic review is essentially a “study of studies,” which can generate “authoritative and reliable information.”
  • Greg Reese Report - The Truth About Monkeypox
    In this Greg Reese report, viewers will learn facts about monkeypox that mainstream media’s corporate masters won’t allow them to cover.
  •   THE PLAN – WHO Plans for 10 Years of Manufactured Pandemics, from 2020 to 2030
    THE PLAN shows the official agenda of the World Health Organization to have ten years of ongoing pandemics, from 2020 to 2030. This is revealed by a WHO virologist, Marion Koopmans.  You will also see shocking evidence that the first pandemic was planned and abundantly announced right before it happened.
  • Global COVID Summit, Declaration IV
    17,000 physicians and medical scientists declare that the state of medical emergency must be lifted, scientific integrity restored, and crimes against humanity addressed.
  • What You Need to Know About the WHO Pandemic Treaty
    The globalists that brought us the wildly exaggerated COVID pandemic in an effort to cement a biosecurity grid into place is now hard at work on the next phase of this New World Order.  The World Health Organization has started drafting a global pandemic treaty on pandemic preparedness that would grant it absolute power over global biosecurity, such as the power to implement digital identities/vaccine passports, mandatory vaccinations, travel restrictions, standardized medical care and more.
  • The Viral Delusion: A 5-Part Documentary Series Exposing the Total Fraud of Virology
    The doctors, scientists and journalists featured in THE VIRAL DELUSION examine in detail the scientific papers that were used to justify the pandemic, and what they find is shattering. In this shocking, five-part, seven-hour documentary series, they explode every single major claim, from the "isolation" of the virus to its so-called genetic sequencing, from the discovery of how to "test" for SARS-CoV2 to the emergence of "variants" that in reality, they explain, exist only on a computer. Their point: that the so-called SARS-CoV-2 virus exists only as a mental construct whose existence in the real world has been disproven by the science itself.
  •   Planet Lockdown
    The film Planet Lockdown explores this unprecedented time in history, speaking with epidemiologists, scientists, doctors and other experts to uncover the real motives behind the increasing totalitarian control taking over the globe. Already banned by Facebook and YouTube,1 the film starts at the beginning of the pandemic, when we were told lockdowns were necessary to “flatten the curve.”
  •   COVID Fraud Grand Jury - In the Court of Public Opinion
    This is a series of in-depth presentations exposing every aspect of the unprecedented MASSIVE crime against humanity called the COVID-19 PANDEMIC FRAUD!  Learn the truth about what psychopathic globalist interest have really done to all of humanity in their sick, twisted dream of global domination.
  •   Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg - The Broad Issue of Corruption in the World Health Organization (WHO)
    In this intimate sit down interview from the film "Planet Lockdown" with Wolfgang Wodarg, we discuss the broad issue of corruption in the WHO, how we should understand the "pandemic," or lack there of and how we must stop this diabolical trend towards a fake medical dystopia that will take over all aspects of our lives. He is one of the most honest and thoughtful people we have ever met and has an amazing resume and has lived a rich life full of experiences that uniquely qualifies him to understand the depth and breadth of this complex situation we find ourselves in.
  •   The Web of Players Trying to Silence Truth
    Any strategy that successfully manipulates public opinion is bound to be repeated, and we can now clearly see how the tobacco industry's playbook is being used to shape the public narrative about COVID-19 and the projected post-COVID era.-19 is contagious? How confident are you in the results from the test?
  •   What do "They" Really Mean When They say, 'Trust the Science'?
    In the featured video,1 James Corbett of The Corbett Report explores what it means to "trust the science," demolishing along the way the notion that science can ever be "settled" and beyond question. This is important, because scientific deception will continue to be used in the biosecurity state being built around us.
  •   The Ivermectin Story
    This is a very good presentation that details the history of Ivermectin and how it's been deliberately suppressed and demonized by all the usual suspects, just like they did with Hydroxychloroquine and other medications, to protect the massive profits being made off the dangerous and USELESS Covid vaccines that are not really vaccines at all. The suppressions and demonization of very safe, effective, and inexpensive early treatment drugs like Ivermectin have caused MILLIONS of preventable deaths!
  •   MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL
    In this video we are going to explore the most dangerous of all psychic epidemics, the mass psychosis. A mass psychosis is an epidemic of madness and it occurs when a large portion of a society loses touch with reality and descends into delusions. Such a phenomenon is not a thing of fiction. Two examples of mass psychoses are the American and European witch hunts 16th and 17th centuries and the rise of totalitarianism in the 20th century. This video will aim to answer questions surrounding mass psychosis: What is it? How does is start? Has it happened before? Are we experiencing one right now? And if so, how can the stages of a mass psychosis be reversed?
  •   Renowned Propaganda Expert Piers Robinson-Worst is Still to Come in Global Psy-op if People Do Not Rise Up and Resist
    “Covid-19 is probably one of the biggest propaganda operations we’ve seen in history because of the global nature and the resources put into it,” Robinson said.  “It was pretty clear from the beginning that propaganda was being employed.”
  • Reiner Fuellmich UPDATE - Humanity vs Inhumanity
    Reiner Fuellmich UPDATE on where we all stand vs the psychopathic globalist lunatics imposing the COVID SCAM. Fuellmich ends this update on an incredibly positive reality about humanity and why we shall prevail against this evil. All honest statistics show the reality that these lunatics simply hijacked the seasonal flu and conned everyone into believing it was some new deadly novel virus. REALITY - It's no more deadly than the flu because IT HAS BEEN NOTHING BUT THE SEASONAL FLU VARIANTS. And the latest HONEST ESTIMATES show that we're looking at 500,000 Americans who have so far been murdered by these COVID jabs fraudulently labeled as vaccines.
  •   Worldwide Corona Crisis - The Worst Crisis In Modern History
    A great presentation by Prof Michel Chossudovsky from Global Research that details every stage of the totally manufactured fake pandemic crisis. We are at the crossroads of one of the most serious crises in World history. We are living history, yet our understanding of the sequence of events since January 2020 has been blurred. Worldwide, people have been misled both by their governments and the media as to the causes and devastating consequences of the Covid-19 “pandemic”. The unspoken truth is that the novel coronavirus provides a pretext and a justification to powerful financial interests and corrupt politicians to precipitate the entire World into a spiral of mass unemployment, bankruptcy, extreme poverty and despair.
  •   Messing With Your Head: Government’s Psychological War Against Nations Explained by Brian Gerrish
    A presentation by Brian Garrish in which he gave evidence to the 54th session of the Stiftung Corona Ausschuss, the German-based extraparliamentary inquiry by lawyers into the medical establishment’s and public policymakers’ handling of the Covid crisis internationally.
  • Tyranny Justified By A Fraudulent COVID-19 Test . . . That's Not A Test
    This is a segment from a World Freedom Alliance Documentary "COVID-19 Wake Up Call."  This segment focuses on the heart of this global crime against humanity, the COVID-19 Test which isn't a test at all.  It's a process that was never intended as a diagnostic tool but rather as a research tool, a manufacturing process. 
  • An Oasis of Sanity - Mask-Free Grocery Store in Naples Florida
    Decisions about how best to manage our health is not up to moronic politicians. It's our responsibility. I wish more stores would have the courage to do this. It is PURE INSANITY to continue following these ridiculous orders from people who all have their heads up their asses! There is ZERO credible scientific justification for mask mandates and social distancing bull crap.
  • Yet Another Great MASKS DON'T WORK Video
    This video starts with a great way to see your breath, in cold weather, to see what REALLY happens with your breath when wearing a mask. People just don't get how STUPID masks are because they can't see how our breath passes right out the sides of the masks. The masks DO NOTHING TO STOP YOUR BREATH FROM ESCAPING INTO THE SURROUNDING AIR. AND, did you know that viruses can enter your body through your eyes? DUH.
  • Christian Drosten's Bogus COVID Test Responsible For Destroying Global Economies
    David Icke details the totally bogus protocol used for every single PCR test around the world, created by Mr. 'COVID TEST" himself, Christian Drosten. If you trust this guy, YOU HAVEN'T LOOKED INTO ANYTHING HE HAS ACTUALLY DONE TO SEE WHAT A TOTAL FRAUD HE IS! He's just as bad as Neil Ferguson, the corrupt IDIOT who did all the wild death predictions that every single IDIOTIC government used to justify every destructive policy now responsible for destroying millions of lives.
  • Dr. Thomas Cowan, M.D., Lecturing on the Dangers of Electromagnetic Radiation
    Dr. Thomas Cowan, M. D. says that Corona Virus maybe history repeating itself caused by 5G. Cowan said viruses are excretion of toxic cells and they are pieces of DNA or RNA with a few of other proteins they bolt out.
  • mRNA Gene Therapy  Dr. Lee Merritt Bio-warfare & Weaponization of Medicine Amid Covid
    In this explosive interview with Senior Editor Alex Newman of The New American magazine, former president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) Dr. Lee Merritt explains her belief that America is currently facing what appears to be biological warfare. Dr. Merrit, a former military doctor who studied biological warfare, reviews previous animal studies on the technology underlying the vaccines and paints a dire picture. However, even though modern medical schools do not often teach it, there are ways to treat viral infections that are time-tested and effective, she concludes.
  • mRNA Gene Therapy  Professor Dolores Cahill Explains How COVID Shots Kill with mRNA!
    You Better Watch This! Very Carefully - Remember, we don't know what else (nanotech?) may be in these shots which ARE NOT VACCINES! Professor Cahill cites horrifying data about how the shots cause side effects in up to 80% in the elderly age groups, causing deaths and giving you autoimmune diseases.
  •   It's NOT A Vaccine 2! COVID Jab Is Really EXPERIMENTAL GENE THERAPY!
    Medical inventor and author David Martin proves that the Pfiser and Moderna mRNA vaccines are not vaccines by medical definition and how Big Pharma is using national and state emergency authorizations to force these untested gene therapies onto the population.
  •   David Rasnick PhD Chemist - The HIV Virus Causes AIDS Hoax
    The people behind the COVID-19 Pandemic Hoax did the EXACT SAME THING with the hoax that an HIV virus causes AIDS. This SHOCKING and EYE-OPENING interview is from 2008. David Rasnick, PhD exposes the massive deadly fraud by Big Pharma that has raked in roughly A QUARTER TRILLION in profits so far on a total, absolute CRIMINAL FRAUD.
  •   Doctors From Around the World Issue Dire Warning Not to Take COVID Vaccines!
    The Main Stream Media, Big Tech, the government REFUSE to allow highly skilled doctors from all over the world to be heard. These doctors have been raising the alarm about the SCAMDEMIC almost from very early on and continue to do so at great risk to their lives and careers.
  •   Inventor of the PCR Test Kary Mullis Exposes Dr. Anthony Fauci For Who He Really Is!
    Kary Mullis won a Nobel Prize for his invention of the PCR test so if anyone would know whether the test is being used properly or not it would be Kary Mullis. In these clips, Kary makes it quite clear what he thinks of Dr. Anthony Fauci and how his test is being misused to deliberately manufacture the false perception of pandemics that don't actually exist. The pandemics are not viral pandemics but rather FAKE TESTING PANDEMICS!
  •   Dr. Vernon Coleman - The Mask-Wearing Collaborators Are Going to Kill Us All
    International best-selling author, Dr. Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA, looks at why people wear masks and how their willingness to do so threatens all of us in every possible way. Dr. Coleman also explains why maks are now creating an epidemic of bacterial pneumonia, and he explains why the British Government's advice means that he believes that no one has to wear a mask.
  •   Amazing Polly Puts Mindless & Dangerous Mask Compliance Into Shocking Perspective!
    IT'S SHOCKING TO SEE HOW EASILY WE CAN BE CONTROLLED! If you want a future for yourself or your children, stop wearing the masks! Polly shows a few experiments that have been done on social conformity. It's astounding to see how people conform with minimal amounts of peer pressure. Polly rightly expands this kind of conformity onto the so-called scientific community that has been corrupted by the force of "group consensus." You have to stand on your own two feet and not cave to the pressure of what everyone else is doing. It's too important.
  •   Coronavirus IS NOT COVID-19 - What is this Manufactured FAKE Pandemic Really All About?
    This presentation by Jerry Day details how global interests have hijacked normal seasonal coronavirus illnesses and employed totally bogus testing to manufacture a FAKE pandemic in order to provide cover for what is now being called "the Great Reset". Jerry highlights a very plausible argument for what the deliberate destruction of global economies under the cover of medical necessity is really providing cover for.
  •   James Corbett - What No One Is Saying About The Lockdowns!
    James Corbett of the Corbett Report produces yet another outstanding video TO WAKE PEOPLE UP!! If you are advocating for lockdowns, you are complicit in tearing families apart. You are complicit in inflicting untold suffering on millions of people around the world. You are complicit in casting the poorest and most vulnerable in our societies into even further grinding poverty. You are complicit in murder.
  •   Dr. Michael Yeadon - THE PANDEMIC IS OVER! No second Wave!
    Former Vice President and Chief Science Advisor at Pfizer Pharmaceutical Mike Yeadon discusses his thoughts as to why the lockdown was a mistake, and why the government strategies to manage the pandemic are only making things worse. Dr. Yeadon exposes the massive amount of misinformation and flat-out LIES being told to the world population, especially how they are using the entirely unreliable PCR test to create a false perception of the virus wielding spreading.
  •   Nurse Blows the Whistle on Latest Scam to Fraudulently Inflate COVID Case Numbers
    This is a short video of a Nurse explaining how they have been deliberately reporting false case numbers. Not only have they been LYING about the validity of the tests but on top of that, they are lying about resulting case numbers based on those fraudulent tests. This whole thing is such a massive criminal fraud it makes one's head spin!
  •   The 1976 Swine Flu Hoax. COVID-19 Is Not the First Staged Pandemic Hoax to Push Vaccines
    This is a 60 minutes investigation with Mike Wallace where the Swine Flu pandemic hoax was fully exposed. At 5:32 in the video Dr. Sencer, then head of the CDC, confesses the whole massive vaccination campaign was based on NOTHING, "no confirmed cases of so-called Swine Flu anywhere in the GD world!" All they had were "some" cases reported by the "PRESS NONE CONFIRMED!' Yet this prick launched a massive vaccination campaign to combat a TOTALLY FAKE PANDEMIC!
  •   The COVID Cult - Thomas E. Woods, Jr.
    This is the greatest public health fiasco in the history of the world, and the media has distorted it so badly, that much of the general public is celebrating villains and hissing at heroes. And, even — perversely enough — celebrating the destruction of their own lives and their children's lives.
  •   Herd Stupidity - Epic Speech by MP Desmond Swayne
    The FAKE COVID PANDEMIC is costing us the future.  We are being LIED TO about how to deal with viruses . . . how we've always dealt with viruses.  British MP Desmond Swayne is one of the few politicians in the UK to place common-sense ahead of irresponsibly grasping more power by government IDIOTS!
  •   The GREAT RESET - Sick, Evil Globalist Plan Leaked!
    Fasten your seat belts. This criminal global COVID Pandemic Hoax is the pretext for imposing this sickening EVIL plan for all of free humanity! This is a portion of a presentation given by Dr. Rashid A. Buttar regarding a leak out of Canada that details exactly how the Globalist Psychopaths intend to impose their Draconian Global Big Brother Police State.
  •   Corbett Report - This Week in Tyranny
    Welcome back to New World Next Week — the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news.
  •   Dr. Margarite Griesz-Brisson - German Neurologist Warns Against Wearing Facemasks
    Dr. Margarite Griesz-Brisson MD, PhD is a Consultant Neurologist and Neurophysiologist with a PhD in Pharmacology, with special interest in neurotoxicology, environmental medicine, neuroregeneration and neuroplasticity. This is what she has to say about facemasks and their effects on our brains.
  •   American Frontline Doctors Speak Out Against Mask Wearing
    A group of doctors from around the country known as America's Frontline Doctors gathered in Washington to speak out against some of the extreme measures taken against COVID-19 thus far.
  •   Crimes Against Humanity - Class Action Lawsuit Against Those Responsible for the Criminal COVID-19 Pandemic Hoax
    Dr. Reiner Fuellmich details the information obtained by the German Corona Investigative Committee, information that concludes the entire global COVID-19 pandemic is a massive criminal hoax!
  •   Dr. Scott Atlas Discusses W.H.O. Admission Asymptomatic Spread IS VERY RARE!
    Dr. Scott Atlas explains the FACT that all the studies, all the data shows that people who are NOT SICK do not spread infections and that this should not be controversial.  It's only made controversial for purely political purposes.
  • Corbett Report - COVID-911: From Homeland Security to Biosecurity
    9/11, as we were told repeatedly in the days, weeks, and months after the attack, was the day that changed everything. And now a new event has come along to once again throw the world into chaos. But whereas the post-9/11 era introduced America to the concept of homeland security, the COVID-19 era is introducing the world to an altogether more abstract concept: biosecurity. This is the story of the COVID-911 security state
  •   UCLA, Stanford Study Finds for Average 50-64 Year Old, Chances of Dying From COVID-19 are 1 in 19.1M
    A new study from medical researchers at UCLA and Stanford University found the chances of contracting or dying from coronavirus are much lower than previously thought.
  •   Yale Epidemiologist: Dr. Fauci & FDA Have Caused the 'Deaths of Hundreds of Thousands of Americans'
    HUGE! Noted Yale Epidemiologist: Dr. Fauci and FDA Have Caused the 'Deaths of Hundreds of Thousands of Americans' that Could Have been Saved with treatment using Hydroxychloroquine.
  •   How They Pulled Off the Global Pandemic Hoax
    Many find it hard to believe that anyone would deliberately launch a pandemic that wasn't real, or that something like that could actually be done on a totally coordinated global scale. In this video, David Icke details precisely how it's done.
  •   How Big is a Virus?
    This video from an Exploratorium exhibit designed to help you visualize how small a coronavirus really is and investigate the implications of its small size.  After viewing this video, I doubt you will be able to honestly say you think a mask is going to stop a virus.  The spaces between mask fibers ARE HUGE compared to the size of a virus.
  •   640 European Doctors Gather to Discuss the Overreaction to COVID and How It’s Damaging Society
    Over 600 doctors in Germany and Austria have come together in an organisation, to investigate why the covid over-reaction is occurring, damaging society.
  • Why the Smear Campaign Against Hydroxychloroquine?
    How did a drug known for decades as 'safe and effective' suddenly become dangerous?
  • Coronavirus is being Used to Justify the Greatest Rigging of an American Election
    Coronavirus is the greatest rigging of an American election that has ever taken place— and we are all unwitting participants.
  •   Dr. Mobeen Syed Explains Exactly How Hydroxychloroquine Works To Prevent and/or CURE COVID-19
    AMERICA'S FRONTLINE DOCTORS:  In this video, Dr. Mobeen Syed explains, in very clear language, precisely how hydroxychloroquine works to PREVENT viral infections and how it can CURE viral infections once they start. And yes, even the hysterically hyped COVID-19 virus.
  •   Dr. Simone Gold and Dr. Richard Urso Explain the Safety of Hydroxychloroquine Use
    AMERICA'S FRONTLINE DOCTORS:  In this video, Dr. Simone Gold and Dr. Richard Urso cover the long-term studies and history of hydroxychloroquine use that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that hydroxychloroquine is one of the safest drugs on the market. It has been around for well over 60 years, prescribed to tens of millions of people, and is considered so safe it's available over the counter in many countries around the world.
  • Dr. Scott Barbour Details Questionable History of What We Were Told About the COVID-19 Pandemic
    In this video Dr. Scott Barbour covers this history of how this whole insane COVID-19 pandemic began and how virtually everything we've been told didn't make any real sense. As we all now know, there isn't much of what we were told that even remotely true yet all that false and unreliable information has been used to do massive damage to our economy, our way of life, and deeply compromised the health and well-being of the entire planet! The response to this false information has destroyed countless lives, exponentially more than this alleged new novel virus has.
  • Dr. Kelly Victory Presents An Incredibly Comprehensive AND HONEST Perspective on the Realtiy of COVID-19
    Dr. Victory is the kind of Doctor who should be advising the President and directing the response to the COVID-19, not the totally corrupt, self-serving evil numbskulls Dr. Fauci/Bill Gates and Co. who have been deliberately misleading the American People into a totally mindless panic to advance their own sick agenda to force their vaccine on everyone.  Fire Fauci.  Hire Dr. Kelly Victory!  We need TRUTH, not MINDLESS HYSTERIA!
  •   This Good Doctor Calls Out COVID19 Hydroxychloroquine Nay Sayers
    There are good doctors out there trying to alert everyone that they are BEING MASSIVELY LIED TO ABOUT THIS SO-CALLED PANDEMIC.  The population is being led to believe if you get any kind of respiratory illness, it's COVID-19 AND IT'S A DEATH SENTENCE . . . well, until they get the magical vaccine that is.  It's all a lie.  There is a CURE right here, right now, inexpensive, effective and no side effects!  And it works quickly to alleviate symptoms.    THERE IS NO REASON TO BE SO FULL OF FEAR!
  • Dr. Michael Gaeta - Why Masks Do More Harm Than Good
    Learn the science that debunks the baseless propaganda and harmful public policies.
  • Corbett Report - WHO Cares What Celebrities Think - #PropagandaWatch
    WHO cares what celebrities think? WHO cares, that's who! Or, more to the point, WHO wants you to care what they think. Join James for this week's #PropagandaWatch as he peels back the layers on the WHO's "celebrity influencer" propaganda campaign.
  • Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai - The Real Truth About Coronavirus, According to MIT Biologist
    Shockingly, Dr. Shiva will explains the FACT that “Viruses do not harm or kill us.” In this presentation Dr. Shiva goes into a great detail to explain the real truth about coronavirus and why as a nation, we need to focus more on immune health.
  •   MUST WATCH 5 MIN. - Jeremy Elliot - Nothing Disrupts the System Like An Inquisitive Mind
    Most people are now so indoctrinated and brainwashed, to the point of complete and utter complete idiocy. I would rather be called a conspiracy theorist than a brainless, subservient sheep. Just think why no politician or billionaire got sick or died from this “ deadly” virus or, why no politician or billionaire lost their income or their businesses looted. Unfortunately, those who really need to watch this clip will bypass.... Blessed are the poor in spirit I guess.  Jeremy Elliot breaks it down perfectly!
  •   The Truth Behind The Mask
    Wearing the mask is part of an initiation ritual for the New World Order.  Politicians, the media, and corporations are pushing masks on the population, insisting that they’re necessary for preventing the spread of COVID-19. But these same entities and institutions have given a pass to the nationwide Black Lives Matter protests which flouted all public health precautions like wearing masks or social distancing. So what’s really going on here?
  • Dr. Richard Bartlett Discovers "Existing" Treatment for COVID
    Texas Doctor Claims Covid Cure as Big Pharma Backed Media Attempts to Cancel Him.  Dr. Richard Bartlett’s findings on his experience treating COVID-19 patients with the inhaled steroid budesonide, a drug commonly used to treat asthma.
  • Dr. Brian Procter Exposes Effective and Inexpensive COVID with Outpatient Treatment with Hydroxychloroquine Regimen
    In this video Dr. Brian Procter explains the truth about treating this current virus that's been going around with inexpensive and effective early-stage outpatient care with a hydroxychloroquine regimen.
  • Event 201 - Did Bill Gates & World Economic Forum Predict Coronavirus Outbreak?
    In this report we take an inside look at Event 201, which took place in NYC on October 18 2019. Event 201 is a high-level pandemic exercise hosted by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
  • Why I Began Questioning HIV
    Kary Mullis was a scientist. He never spoke like a globalist, and said once, memorably, when accused of making statements about HIV that could endanger lives: “I’m a scientist. I’m not a lifeguard.” That’s a very important line in the sand.  Somebody who goes around claiming they are “saving lives,” is a very dangerous animal, and you should run in the opposite direction when you encounter them. Their weapon is fear, and their favorite word is “could.” They entrap you with a form of bio-debt, creating simulations of every imaginable thing that “could” happen, yet hasn’t. Bill Gates has been waiting a long time for a virus with this much, as he put it, “pandemic potential.” But Gates has a problem, and it’s called PCR.
  • Dr. Ron Paul - Coronavirus is Dying - Totalitarianism ‘The New Normal’?
    We cannot go back to the pre-coronavirus world, they tell us. Everything has changed and we must accept a “new normal.” What does this “new normal” look like? It looks a lot like a dystopian horror film, where privacy is destroyed, property is subject to political whim, surveillance is to be accepted, medical treatments can be forced on people. Should we accept totalitarianism as our “new normal”? Plus in today’s program: the real story of Houston’s “round two hospital crisis.”
  •   New York Undercover Nurse Confirms COVID-19 Criminal Hoax
    Erin Marie Olszewski is a Nurse-turned-investigative journalist, who has spent the last few months on the frontlines of the coronavirus pandemic, on the inside in two radically different settings. Two hospitals. One private, the other public. One in Florida, the other in New York. And not just any New York public hospital, but the "epicenter of the epicenter" itself, the infamous Elmhurst in Donald Trump's Queens. As a result of these diametrically opposed experiences, she has the ultimate "perspective on the pandemic".
  •   Scott Atlas and the Efficacy of Lockdowns, Social Distancing, and Closings
    Dr. Scott Atlas is the Robert Wesson Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, an accomplished physician, and a scholar of public health. For several weeks, Dr. Atlas has been making the case in print and in other media that we as a society have overreacted in imposing draconian restrictions on movement, gatherings, schools, sports, and other activities.
  •   Video: Covid911 - INSURGENCY
    You're being scammed by enemies of America who occupy powerful positions in government and the media. November 2020 is the way we, the people, can fight back. Know your enemy. Ditch the masks. Rise.
  •   Oxygen Level Test for Face Masks
    Demonstration of how wearing masks creates HAZARDOUS CONDITIONS for your health. The WHO originally came out and said you should not be wearing masks unless you are sick, sneezing, coughing, etc., etc., or working with sick people!! Time to stop complying with idiotic, illegal, unconstitutional "orders" from lunatic politicians and corrupt/conflicted so-called healthcare professionals.
  •   Journalist Lays Absolute Waste to CA Officials for Excessive Lockdowns
    THIS is a smackdown. Some humor thrown in.
  •   We're Watching Music Video
    Another brilliant music video parody by creator Media Bear called “We’re Watching” points out the tyrannical absurdity of the coronavirus contact tracing proposals and their relation to the NSA spy grid, all to the tune of Rockwell’s “Somebody’s Watching Me.”
  • Contact Tracing Scarier Than You Could Possibly Imagine
    This is all about DEHUMANIZING US, making us mindlessly afraid of each other! It's not science, it's CONTROL FREAK (globalist/collectivist/communist) INSANITY! It's total absolute mindless insanity. Remember, this is all being justified by a virus that has been proven to be no more dangerous than the usual seasonal flu strains for coronavirus.
  • COVID Action Platform; the Blueprint of the New World Order Explained
    The New World Order is not a conspiracy theory anymore, it has become a conspiracy fact and we are now living under the firm rule of it.
  • Nurse Exposes How Coronavirus Face Masks Are Causing You Damage Using Common Sense
    Registered Nurse Danika Bueno recently uploaded a YouTube video explaining why wearing a face mask for long periods can be harmful to the body.
  •   YouTube Censors Epidemiologist Knut Wittkowski for Opposing Lockdown
    Big Tech companies are aggressively tamping down on COVID-19 “misinformation” — opinions and ideas contrary to official pronouncements.
  •   Shutdown Orders Cause Starvation of Millions
    The number of lives that will be lost due to starvation and malnutrition will be of biblical proportions. Most of the lives lost will be ‘black’ and ‘brown’ lives yet the Democrats remain silent. In fact, most Democrat politicians have been in favor of continuing the strict Stay-At-Home orders that are causing this disaster.
  •   Bill Gates' Plan to Vaccinate the World
    In January of 2010, Bill and Melinda Gates announced a $10 billion pledge to usher in a decade of vaccines. But far from an unalloyed good, the truth is that this attempt to reorient the global health economy was part of a much bigger agenda. An agenda that would ultimately lead to greater profits for big pharma companies, greater control for the Gates Foundation over the field of global health, and greater power for Bill Gates to shape the course of the future for billions of people around the planet.
  • Jon Rappaport Reveals the Fraud Behind Every Manufactured Pandemic
    Jon Rappoport has been investigating the fraud behind the vaccine industry for three decades. In this video he details the insanity of following the direction well-known LIARS and psychopathic criminals. And he highlights all the rational questions that should be asked but never are because of irrational fears fomented by the same well-known LIARS and psychopathic criminals.
  • Roll Up Your Sleeve America! The Swine Flu Fraud of ’76
    Will Americans learn from history?  The CBS 60 Minutes report the mainstream news media wants you to forget.   This version, edited by Darrin McBreen, includes classic public service announcements (PSAs) funded by our government to persuade the American people to accept the jab.  The more things change the more they stay the same.
  • Full David Icke/Brian Rose III Interview
    This is the explosive third interview between Brian Rose and David Icke that got David Icke banned on Youtube.   In this riveting three hour interview, David presents the most comprehensive view on what has been really going on regarding the manufactured pandemic we are all being forced to deal with.  Get ready to have your mind BLOWN OPEN!!  Please share and spread this banned broadcast, and prove to the world that no information can be suppressed and not one spoken word or conversation should be silenced
  • Shelter in Place is Weakening the Immune Systems of Everyone Who Complies
    Long periods of isolation causing negative physical and mental effects on society.
  • Dr. Thomas Cowan - Covid19 Fails Koch's Postulates
    Learn how we're being deliberately misled about the validity of the COVID-19 tests and the validity of what we're being told about the "supposed pandemic virus"
  • Doctor Blasts CDC, WHO, Bill Gates, Fauchi for Fake Pandemic Numbers
    Wait till you hear this what's been going on in our country and around the world.Gates, CDC, WHO...This needs to go viral.
  • Corbett Report-Lies, Damned Lies and Coronavirus Statistics
    The numbers are in on the great Covid-19 pandemic . . . but unfortunately those numbers are unreliable. From mendacious models and puffed-up projections to dodgy death data and tainted tests, today on The Corbett Report James highlights what the accredited scientists and award-winning researchers are saying about the pandemic pandemonium of 2020.
  • Epoch Times - Tracking Down the Origin of the Wuhan Coronavirus The first documentary movie on CCP virus
    As the world is gripped by the ongoing pandemic, many questions remain about the origin of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) virus—commonly known as the novel coronavirus. Join Epoch Times senior investigative reporter Joshua Philipp as he explores the known facts surrounding the CCP virus and the global pandemic it caused. In his investigation, Philipp explores the scientific data, and interviews top scientists and national security experts. And while the mystery surrounding the virus's origin remains, much is learned about the CCP's cover-up that led to the pandemic and the threat it poses to the world.
  • The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Fires A Warning Shot At Deep State Covid 19 Accomplices
    A Limited Hangout was recently posted in the Daily Mail as a threat to the NIH and Obama holdovers in the United States.
  • Lock Bill Gates Up!
    Millennial Millie investigates the deep conflicts of interest and connections Bill Gates has with the coronavirus and his proposed ‘vaccine’ to cure the pandemic.
  • 5G/COVID-19 - David Icke - How Fear and Stress Affect Your Life !!
    David Icke exposes the insane reality of 5G and it's relationship to the so-called COVID-19 virus.
  • Vodaphone Senior Whistle-Blower Connects the 5G & Covid-19 Dots
    An industry expert who was the head of UK business videophone in Newbury here in the UK. If anyone knows about CV and 5G it is this guy.  What he has to say is both frightening and disturbing but the truth of the matter.
  • Dr. Thomas Cowan, M.D., Lecturing on the Dangers of Electromagnetic Radiation (5G)
    Dr. Thomas Cowan, M. D. says that Corona Virus maybe history repeating itself caused by 5G. Cowan said viruses are an excretion of a toxic cells and they are pieces of DNA or RNA with a few of other proteins they bolt out.
  • Extortion From China is the Real Threat
    China dominates the global market in pharmaceutical ingredients, they control American health care
  • The BEST NEWS re CΟRΟNΑ Virus You've Heard All Month! Kinda.
    Is this truly Viral or is to do with the fact that F.I.V.E.-G? C.H.I.N.A has unleashed 60 Ghz all throughout the country with WU-HAN as the PILOT CITY. Unbelievable comparisons to symptoms 'showing' as a V-Irus compared vs what happens when one is hit with 60GHz waves, and it's impacts on the uptake of oxygen via the hemoglobin.


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FREE Video Library: 5G/Cell Towers

: 10 minutes or less.  : 11- 36 minutes.   : Over 36 min. Fun:

  • Ten Studies Detail Health Risks of 5G
    Several studies published between 2022 and 2024 underscore the health risks posed by 5G technology
    Research contradicts the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection guidelines, demonstrating various harmful biological effects of radiofrequency radiation (RFR) on humans and the environment, including potential cancer risk.
  • Connecticut City Rejects 5G Citing Evidence of Health Risks
    After being presented with evidence of wireless radiation’s negative health impacts, the Board of Representatives in Stamford, Connecticut, voted to reject an agreement that would have allowed telecommunications carriers to install 5G equipment on city-owned utility poles.
  • 5G-Activated Zombie Apocalypse – Is It Coming?
    Military attorney says lipid nanoparticles that are in the COVID vaccines contain pathogens that can be released by pulsed 5G signal.
  • 5G Safety Based on Over 30-Year Old Science
    Brian Wilson breaks down a study released by the International Commission on the Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields which calls for an immediate moratorium on the rollout of 5G technology.
  • Dr. Thomas Cowan, M.D., Lecturing on the Dangers of Electromagnetic Radiation
    Dr. Thomas Cowan, M. D. says that Corona Virus maybe history repeating itself caused by 5G. Cowan said viruses are an excretion of a toxic cells and they are pieces of DNA or RNA with a few of other proteins they bolt out.
  • The Ugly Truth About 5G
    Sure 5G means more devices at megafast speeds,low delays and your personal files will instantly pop out of the cloud. But the 5G rollout is rife with so many issues threatening human health and civil liberties that its simply easier for the mainstream media to sell you a stack of positives rather than address the mountain of negatives.
  • 5G/COVID-19 - David Icke - How Fear and Stress Affect Your Life !!
    David Icke exposes the insane reality of 5G and it's relationship to the so-called COVID-19 virus.
  • Vodaphone Senior Whistle-Blower Connects the 5G & Covid-19 Dots
    An industry expert who was the head of UK business videophone in Newbury here in the UK. If anyone knows about CV and 5G it is this guy.  What he has to say is both frightening and disturbing but the truth of the matter.
  • Dr. Thomas Cowan, M.D., Lecturing on the Dangers of Electromagnetic Radiation (5G)
    Dr. Thomas Cowan, M. D. says that Corona Virus maybe history repeating itself caused by 5G. Cowan said viruses are an excretion of a toxic cells and they are pieces of DNA or RNA with a few of other proteins they bolt out.
  • The BEST NEWS re CΟRΟNΑ VΙrus You've Heard All Month! Kinda.
    Is this truly Viral or is to do with the fact that F.I.V.E.-G? C.H.I.N.A has unleashed 60 Ghz all throughout the country with WU-HAN as the PILOT CITY. Unbelievable comparisons to symptoms 'showing' as a V-Irus compared vs what happens when one is hit with 60GHz waves, and it's impacts on the uptake of oxygen via the hemoglobin.
  • Communist China’s Hidden War on the Free World
    In this special episode of American Thought Leaders, Jan transforms from show host to China expert panelist to discuss his insights on the communist China threat. Jan and Epoch Times investigative journalist Joshua Philipp break down the threat of Huawei and communist China subversion, influence, and unrestricted warfare operations on the West during Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Council XLVIII.


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FREE Video Library: Economics/Economy

: 10 minutes or less.  : 11- 36 minutes.   : Over 36 min. Fun:


  •   US Debt of $30 Trillion Visualized in Stacks of Physical Cash
    This video depicts what the US Debt would look like in stacks of physical cash in following sequence: $100, $10,000, $1 Million, $2 Billion, $1 Trillion, $30 Trillion The faith and value of the US Dollar rests on the Government's ability to repay its debt. "The money in the video has already been spent".
    The Great Depression was a well-executed plan to seize assets, impoverish the population, and remake society. What comes next is worse.  The Great Taking describes the roadmap to collapse the system, suppress the people, and seize all your assets. And it includes the receipts.
  •   Milton Friedman Free To Choose Series - Volume 5 - "Created Equal"
    "The society that puts equality before freedom will end up with neither. The society that puts freedom before equality will end up with a great measure of both." The desire to have more, to have what those who are better off have, is a powerful emotion. Friedman points out that the most governments can do is provide all citizens with equal opportunity to use their time and abilities as they best see fit, in pursuit of a better life.
  •   Milton Friedman and Phil Donahue On Socialism v. Capitalism
    This is arguably the best explanation of the value of free market capitalism EVER. Pretty much everything everyone does is driven by self-interest and this notion that political self-interest is somehow more noble than economic self-interest has never proven to be true throughout all of human history.
  •   Introduction to the CAFR Swindle - The Biggest Shell Game In Town
    Taxes are no longer necessary. This video exposes a deliberate and massive accounting shell game/swindle that is perpetrated by every government agency from your local school district all the way up to the Federal government.  This is the second Version of this expose' on public finance.Similar
  • tofirst version, but incorporating input from Walter Burien and Clint Richardson.
  •   "The Biggest Shell Game In Town"
    This video was produced
    onJanuary8th 2000 and then was distributed only by VHS tapes. About 8,000 originals were distributed internationally and copy/distribution rights were given whereby about 140,000 1st, 2nd, and 3rd generation copies were circulated. The documentary published to Google video is not the best film quality but it gets the valid information out there and was annotated on the lower script line with 2008 information. This was the first CAFR1 video that got the ball rolling for international disclosure of the CAFR of which has become the biggest shell game played in government finance.
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FREE Video Library: Gender Issues

: 10 minutes or less.  : 11- 36 minutes.   : Over 36 min. Fun:


  • American College of Pediatricians Blasts Medical Associations for Pushing Radical Gender Transition on Children
    In a bold defiance of mainstream medical tyranny, the American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds) has delivered a blistering condemnation of America’s leading medical institutions.  This coalition of healthcare professionals launched the “Doctors Protecting Children Declaration” on Thursday at the National Press Club in Washington, DC.  This declaration, which is spearheaded by Dr. Jill Simons, Executive Director of the American College of Pediatricians, is an urgent plea to halt the radical gender transition protocols being imposed on vulnerable children.
  •   Paola Diana Nukes Any Possible Argument in Favor of Trannies (MEN) Replacing Girls
    In this short clip, Paola Diana manages to squeeze in a litany of facts necessary to put the transgender insanity into proper perspective.  The fact is MEN, posing as women are erasing real women!  Nobody seems to care one tiny bit about how this tranny lunacy impacts the lives of real women.
  •   Gays Against Groomers Political Endorsements Ban 'Sexualization, Indoctrination, Medicalization
    A contrarian gay advocacy group is jumping into election endorsements with its own pledge: protect children from "sexualization, indoctrination, and medicalization under the guise of LGBTQ+."  Gays Against Groomers debuted the pledge this month with six endorsed candidates running for city council, county board of supervisors and General Assembly in California, Colorado House, U.S. senator from New Jersey and school board in Wisconsin.
  •   Shocking Trans-Indoctrination in a Church: Gospel Ignored to Encourage Child Abuse
    This is going on all over the world and it's SICK beyond belief.  The Trans Cult ALWAYS targets the most helpless and vulnerable with their incessant, INSANE gender bullshit.
  •   What is a Woman?
    It’s the question you’re not allowed to ask. The documentary they don’t want you to see. Join Matt Walsh on his often comical, yet deeply disturbing journey, as he fearlessly questions the logic behind a gender ideology movement that has taken aim at women and children.
  •   M&Ms Introduce First Trans Character Who Identifies As A Skittle
    Babalon Bee: As part of a bold new marketing strategy to promote inclusivity and appeal to less than 1% of the population, Mars, Incorporated has introduced a new M&M character who identifies as a Skittle.
  •   Non-Binary Activists On Dr. Phil Can’t Even Answer, “What Is A Woman?”
    Matt Walsh: “I could sit here and say I feel like a tomato plant, but that doesn’t mean that I actually am those things,” he said. “So, you can have whatever self-perception you want, but you can’t expect me to take part in that self-perception or to take part in this kind of charade, this theatrical production.”
  •   Midwife Destroys "Birthing Person" Nonsense In One Short Rant
    This young lady nails the reality of childbirth to the wall and how "UTTERLY FEMININE THE REALITY REALLY IS."
  •   The Sentence a Doctor Cannot Say on YouTube Regarding Transgender Issues
    There is a sentence so devastating to liberal dogma that a doctor is not allowed to speak it in a YouTube video. Michelle Cretella, executive director of the American College of Pediatricians, is the thought criminal who had to be censored.
  •   The Trans Delusion
    A great short video demonstrating how transgender identification is a delusion, a psychological problem that under any other circumstances would be diagnosed as such with no controversy whatsoever.  Delusion (noun) - "A fixed, false, idiosyncratic belief...one of a trilogy of psychotic symptoms."
  •   8th Place: A High School Girl’s Life After Transgender Students Joined Her Sport
    A growing number of school administrators want to silence women and girls who dare speak out about the ways transgender policies are harming them—but these brave young women refuse to be bullied or made to believe their concerns are hateful. They don’t hate anyone. These girls were among the best high school athletes in their region—excited to earn scholarships and opportunities by working hard to perfect their talents on the track. All of that changed suddenly when they were forced to compete against transgender athletes.
  •   Tyrone Hayes: The Toxic Baby
    We are beaten over the head with the false narrative that all this "gender confusion" going on is somehow a natural thing. Of course, the fact that we have significant amounts of chemicals like ATRAZINE in our water and food supplies - which seriously effects normal hormone balance is NEVER TALKED ABOUT. Atrazine alters the amount of estrogen produced in the body. No wonder children/boys/men are feeling more feminine and why they fall prey to LGBT claim that their gender confusion is somehow natural! Plus chemicals like Atrazine have well known sterilizing effects, another main goal of globalist lunatics - population control This has been known for a long time. This TED Talk is from 2012.
  •   Parents Fighting Back Against Gender Identity Doctrine
    Parents found out the state was forcing schools to teach a scientifically inaccurate sexual identity doctrine to students. This is a story of parents and community members getting together to fight against politically motivated, agenda driven curriculum.
  •   BBC Debuts British-Iraqi, Gay, Non-binary Muslim to Explain Quantum Physics and Gender Identity
    The BBC is again pushing the SJW LGBTQQICAPF2K agenda by enlisting the help of a queer Muslim trans person to discuss why quantum physics explains his/her/its gender identity.
  •   Chemist Says How They're Making People Gay (Chemicals in Food)
    Turns out one of the main reasons we are seeing a huge upsurge of sexual ambiguity in humans is due to chemicals deliberately put into our food like ATRAZINE, just one of many, BPA (additives in Plastics), Soy (Estrogen Hormone mimicker).  And of course plenty of  Rx drugs and Birth Control that gets flushed down our toilets and into our drinking
    Water .  They are poisoning us, and knowingly transforming normal human hormonal structures with their GD CHEMICALS!  Then of course they bombard us with deliberate propaganda to brainwash everyone into believing crap like "gender fluidity" is some kind of natural occurance we should all embrace.  
  •   The Dangers of a Transgender Ideology
    Dr. Michelle Cretella details the dangers of a transgender ideology for children.
  •   The War On Boys
    What ever happened to letting "boys be boys?" Take these two cases: In one, a seven-year-old boy was sent home for nibbling a Pop Tart into a gun. In another, a teacher was so alarmed by a picture drawn by a student (of a sword fight), that the boy's parents were summoned in for a conference. In short, boys in America's schools are routinely punished for being active, competitive, and restless. In other words, boys can no longer be boys. Christina Hoff Sommers, a scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, explains how we can change this.
  •   Why Girls Shouldn't be in the Boy Scouts
    This is a short PragerU video from a former Eagle Scout on exactly why this decision by the Boy Scouts to allows girls is WRONG!
  •   There Is No Gender Wage Gap
    Is there a gender wage gap? Are women paid less than men to do the same work? Christina Hoff Sommers,
    Resident Scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, explains the data.



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FREE Video Library: Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP)

: 10 minutes or less.  : 11- 36 minutes.   : Over 36 min. Fun


  •   MUST-SEE CIA CONFERENCE: The Existential Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Threat
    On July 29th, 2013 in Washington D.C., President Bill Clinton’s former Director of Central Intelligence, R. James Woolsey, led a panel discussion on the growing — and perhaps imminent — threat of a natural or nuclear electromagnetic pulse (EMP) to the U.S. electric grid and other critical infrastructures that sustain modern civilization and the lives of millions of Americans.

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