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Video: “Socialism On A Global Scale”: Sky News Host Demolishes Davos Elites & “Great Reset” Scheme

"All these authorities are pushing an agenda - it's the same agenda, to decarbonize, deindustrialize, and disempower the Western



Sky News Australia host Cory Bernardi has just taken a flamethrower to the global elite, telling us we need to be mindful “of any organization with the term “world” in their name” in a monologue which would never see the light of day in most Western nations.

After flaying the World Health Organization (WHO) for ‘giving China a free pass on the Wuhan Flu,‘ while banking $500 million on pandemic bonds, Bernardi demolishes the World Food Program, the World Meteorological Organization, the World Tourism Organization, and the World Trade Organization – for lies, misinformation and climate-related pretzel logic to justify policy.



All these authorities are pushing an agenda – it’s the same agenda, to decarbonize, deindustrialize, and disempower the Western world. They are part of a concerted plan to redesign capitalism in a new image,” Bernardi says, adding: “That image of course is socialism.”

Spearheading this effort is the World Economic Forum (WEF) that meets annually in Davos, Switzerland.

“The WEF is the architect of the Great Reset, and the fourth industrial revolution. They coined the “build back better” hashtag, that is actually proving so popular with big government elites right across the globe,” says Bernardi. “Under the WEF vision, the Davos attendees will own what you’ll be renting. And trust me on this, it’s not gonna be a philanthropic enterprise.”

“By reducing you to a mere user rather than an owner, the world does actually become more equal, because it will concentrate power, authority and money in the hands of a tiny few, while the rest of us become mere economic vassals for these oligarchs.”

Full transcript below (emphasis ours):

There are certain warning signs that we all need to be mindful of. You know, it’s like when someone appears in your life and says ‘I’m from the government, and I’m here to help you.’ Well, another warning sign is any organization with the term “world” in their name. So let’s start with a couple. Perhaps the World Health Organization to kick it off. That’s the body that gave China a free pass on the Wuhan Flu, while at the same time banking $500 million through issuing pandemic bonds. That’s right, the World Health Organization was scheduled to repay investors around $500 million in early 2020, unless of course, a pandemic was declared. The investors lost all their money that became the World Health Organization’s gain.

Then of course there’s the World Food Program. It too is part of the United Nations and it actually won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2020. Now all that sounds pretty impressive, until you remember that Barack Obama won it in 2008 just for having the right skin color. And despite spending $8 billion every year on hunger and strengthening resilience against climate change, there are still 850 million undernourished people in the world, and around 780 million obese people. Clearly we need more food socialism.

Then we also have the World Meteorological Organization. It has a crew of 200 and it publishes an annual status of the world climate report, casting horror scenarios about greenhouse gasses, climate change, sea level rise, and sea ice. The 2019 report is a beauty – it essentially says that the Australian bush fires of that year were due to climate change, and makes no mention of the arsonists, or the greens’ insistent on terrible land management policies. By the way, according to the WMO, climate change is also responsible for drought, floods, storms and weather-related damage. Now that made me wonder, what caused them before the Industrial Revolution, or before mankind for that matter.

But we’re also fortunate enough to have the World Tourism Organization, which has “a one planet vision for responsible tourism.” These include the vital buzzwords “social inclusion” and “climate action.” It even has some pretty cool hashtags; #responsiblerecover and #buildbackbetter. And it boasts that by shutting down the world economy this past year, it reduced carbon dioxide emissions by a whopping eight percent. That means there’s only 92% to go before we’re back to living in caves! But saving the planet while we do it.

And of course we shouldn’t forget the World Trade Organization, with lofty goals espousing free trade. Its real mission seems not to be holding China to the same integrity requirements as the rest of the world when it comes to intellectual property protection, trade tariffs and barriers, etc. Thank goodness it has the goal to reduce inequality, which is socialist speak for “taking from the productive and giving to the non-productive.” Someone needs to tell them about history. It shows it never works.

But, for those that are unable to sustain the rigor of the real world, there is always a refuge in the World Vegetable Center. That’s right, a world vegetable center. This esteemed body devoted 20 years to researching the sweet potato before giving it away because the costs of doing that research were too high. It now focuses on “looking to the wild relatives of domesticated crops to save the human diet from climate change.” Wowee, if only we never cultivated crops the world would be better off, and the climate wouldn’t be changing!

Hey but, what about those hungry people I mentioned earlier? Wouldn’t they be even hungrier?

Well, all these authorities are pushing an agenda – it’s the same agenda, to decarbonize, deindustrialize, and disempower the Western world. They are part of a concerted plan to redesign capitalism in a new image. That image of course is socialism. And it’s spearheaded by the grand daddy organization of them all – the World Economic Forum. The WEF is the architect of the Great Reset, and the fourth industrial revolution. They coined the “build back better” hashtag, that is actually proving so popular with big government elites right across the globe. And they even predict that by 2030, you’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy. They call this ‘servitization,’ which is a term and an agenda that looks a lot like servitude to me. The WEF claim that this servitude – I’m sorry, I mean ‘servitization’ will save the planet, and assist the post-COVID-19 recovery.

However, servitization begs the question; if you don’t actually own anything, who will own what you’re renting? Well the answer lies within the WEF premiere forum – that’s at Davos. Davos is the gathering of global elites including big business CEOs, industry chiefs, government leaders, bureaucrats, and multi-billionaires with political agendas. Under the WEF vision, the Davos attendees will own what you’ll be renting. And trust me on this, it’s not gonna be a philanthropic enterprise. They’ll all be looking to make more money than they currently do, and actually to take more control of your life under the guise of equality. By reducing you to a mere user rather than an owner, the world does actually become more equal, because it will concentrate power, authority and money in the hands of a tiny few, while the rest of us become mere economic vassals for these oligarchs.

So make no mistake – servitization is just a new name for economic slavery. It’s socialism on a global scale.

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