FREE Video Library: 9-11 - The Truth
: 10 minutes or less.
: 11- 36 minutes.
: Over 36 min. Fun:
- BANNED FOX 9-11-2001 News Footage Israeli/Mossad Links
This in-depth 4-part investigation was aired then immediately banned and removed from the Fox archives right after 9-11, a lot have people still have never seen it and is a must for the first step in the process. - 9-11 TRILLIONS - Follow the money
Forget for one moment everything you've been told about September 11, 2001. 9/11 was a crime. And as with any crime, there is one overriding imperative that detectives must follow to identify the perpetrators: follow the money. This is an investigation of the 9/11 money trail. - Saudi's involvement in 9/11 - LIVE with Senator Bob Graham
Bob Graham, a former US senator from Florida and the co-chair of the Congressional Joint Inquiry into 9/11 discusses a proposal put forward by two Congressmen that calls on President Barack Obama to declassify the Inquiry's 2003 report in full. The 28 pages of this report that deal with foreign state involvement in the 9/11 attacks have remained redacted for more than a decade and it is believed they may implicate the Saudi government. - What Really Happened At The Pentagon?
This film will have your eyes popping out. This is a meticulous investigation into what we were told happened at the Pentagon and what a host of very credible, independent eye witnesses saw.. - ZERO - Italian Made (In English)
This is one of the best films ever made exposing the fact that there's ZERO proof to back up the ridiculous "Official Stories" about what happened on 9-11-2001. - Fabled Enemies
Fabled Enemies is a departure from every other 9/11 truth film released so far. It comes off as more of a spy thriller than a mere conspiracy romp. With tight editing, slick presentation, and sublimely complimentary backing music, the documentary draws the viewer in for an eminently watchable experience. - Missing Links: Exposing the Idendity of the Criminals Responsible for 9-11
This film exposes the definitive truth about 9/11 and learn why even the most popular movies on the subject have failed to address the evidence exhaustively presented in this video. The facts will make it abundantly clear that the so-called 9/11 “Truth” movement has been infiltrated and is ultimately controlled by the same criminals who orchestrated the attacks. - Hijacking Catastrophe: 9/11, Fear & the Selling of American Empire
9/11, Fear & the Selling of American Empire examines how a radical fringe of the Republican Party used the trauma of the 9/11 terror attacks to advance a pre-existing agenda to radically transform American foreign policy while rolling back civil liberties and social programs at home. - Architects And Engineers For 9-11 Truth
This very compelling 2 hour presentation by Architect Richard Gage proves, beyond any doubt, that the "Official Story" we were told about what happened on 9-11 is a total lie. For all those who refuse to look at the mountain of evidence available now to prove we were lied to about what happened on 9-11 because the info was not presented by "experts," well, here's what you've been waiting for. - Kill the Messenger: The Sibel Edmonds Story
This documentary reveals how a foreign spy ring with links to Al-Qaeda has been discovered working within the FBI. Sibel Edmonds began work at the FBI translating wire taps in an investigation into a foreign spy ring operating in the US. She became suspicious of her colleagues after discovering some mistranslations and was then invited to join the spy ring which had evidently infiltrated the FBI itself. She went straight to her bosses and rather than being hailed as a hero she was promptly sacked. After going public on 60 Minutes she has been officially gagged. Page also includes an interview with Sibel. - Zeitgeist Part 2: The Orchistration of the Never Ending War On Terror
This is part two of the documentary Zeitgeist. Zeitgeist means "the defining spirit or mood of a particular period of history as defined by the ideas and beliefs of the time." Part two exposes the truth behind the events of 9-11 and the reality that it was deliberately orchestrated by the global elites to start yet another war through which they can continue their agenda for world conquest. Please see part 3 for a complete history of how they have done the very same thing to start every other major war, wars which they profit massively from. - 9-11 Mysteries: Demolitions
This film investigates the destruction of the main buildings that were destroyed on September 11, 2001. It reveals the starting fact that the official story about what happened has a great many hole in it and raises serious questions that our government has not answered satisfactorily to this day. - The Great Conspiracy
A very compelling look at some of the most disturbing inconsistencies in the "official story" of what happened. - In Plane Site
This film investigate additional events of 9-11 the previous film doesn't. It focuses on the Pentagon strike, flight 93 and even revisits the Oklahoma City Bombing uncovering some startling information you've probably never seen. - Loose Change Final Cut
"Loose Change" was one of the first grass roots produced documentaries about revisiting the events of September 11, 2001 with a critical eye. It has become the most well know 9-11 film . This is the totally new version and it's massively better.
- The Underlying Politics of 9-11: Hard Evidence 9-11 Was An Inside Job
This is one of the best, short videos that document "hard evidence" that criminal elements in our government, military and Israeli Mosad orchestrated the events of 9-11 as a necessary step to justify everything that has followed. It's only 18 minutes and it RIVETING! You will be stunned and what 'really' went on. - MUST SEE Top 4 Unanswered Questions (only 14 min.)
This short video is for those who are curious about all the hoopla about 9-11 being an inside job, but don't want to devote hours to a full length documentary. This video highlights a few obvious questions that most people would think should be asked and should be answered. - Why Would Our President Make Up What Happened The Morning of 9-11?
This disturbing video presents our President, just 7 weeks after 9-11,just making up the events of that morning. This day could be compared to the day John Kennedy was shot. It's not something that would fade in your memory in just 7 weeks. - Even the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise is talking about the truth of 9-11
Everyone is talking about the obvious, glaring holes in the official story of what happened on September 11, 2001. It has gone so far that even the crew of Star Trek the Next Generation is talking about it in their leisure time.
- Willie Nelson Speaks Out about fraud of official 9-11 Story
This is an amazing interview with Willie Nelson where he speaks out about the fact that he didn't believe the official story of 9-11 from the day it happened. He also speaks on several other important issues. Great, great interview!