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Video: Croatian MP Confronts Macron Over His Vaccine Mandate Being a ‘Death Penalty’

Croatian MEP Mislav Kolakušić directly confronted French President Emmanuel Macron during an EU Parliament summit, likening his draconian vaccine mandate to the death penalty.

“President Macron, considering many restrictions of citizens’ rights and freedoms in France during the pandemic, I ask of you only one thing,” Kolakušić told a masked Macron on Wednesday.

“While presiding over the EU, do everything exactly the opposite of what you were doing in France.”

Kolakušić then argued that Macron’s vaccine mandate is no different than the “death penalty”, citing the “tens of thousands” who died from the injection.

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A Partial List of the Myriad Abuses That Face Masks Inflict on Our Children


I had not originally intended to write a follow up article to detail the harms masks do to kids in a similar fashion to the prior article Facemasks Are Not an ‘Inconvenience’, Facemasks Are Not Trivial, because I thought that the subject had been addressed by plenty of other people, many of whom are credentialed psychologists or psychiatrists (with real expertise). However, I received a ton of feedback by a variety of people requesting an article about the harms of masking to children in the same style, so here goes.

I’m going to skip an intro, as pretty much everyone is well versed in the foundational morality that children are uniquely vulnerable and dependent upon adults, especially their parents, and that we therefore have a unique moral responsibility towards children. The (formerly?) panoptically shared intuitive repugnance of child abuse is a testament to this.

Some Basic Child Psychology

So here are a few basic bullet points about children, some of which might seem a bit counterintuitive or at least not the type of thing you would see or hear frequently:

  • Kids, especially younger kids who are untainted by the messiness of life, are like little human lie detectors, and even though they usually lack the comprehension or sophistication to articulate it even to themselves, they absolutely pick up when something untoward is going on.
  • Kids when confronted by a unavoidable contradiction or dissonance will typically resolve it by internalizing that they are to blame in some way.
  • Kids assume that however they experience life (especially in their initial formative years when they first start to build a repertoire of detailed memories) is representative of how life is “supposed to be”.
  • Kids are not resilient in the sense that they can shake off considerable emotional trauma or abuse
  • Kids are very resilient in the sense that they can internalize emotional distress and trauma as “normal”, and suppress their natural instincts and feelings that impede functioning “normally” in this unnatural emotional state.
  • Good parenting is critical and can blunt the negative impacts tremendously. Conversely, bad parenting can be just as powerful as a damaging force.

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Video: You Can Check Into Hospitals, but You Can Never Leave

Story at-a-glance

  • Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet from Truth for Health Foundation lays bare what's been happening inside America's hospital system over the last two years, bringing to mind the 1977 dystopian Eagles’ hit song, “Hotel California,” where people can check in, but they can never leave
  • Where once people could sign out of the hospital against medical advice (AMA), the Foundation's COVID Care Strategy Team has sometimes needed a show of force from police, attorneys, media and family members to liberate patients from a hospital
  • Hospitals have good reason to want to keep patients from leaving since the government has incentivized them to keep you there and watch you die, paying bonuses for every patient tested, admitted or treated with remdesivir for COVID, for every COVID patient on a ventilator and every COVID death
  • Human rights attorney Thomas Renz estimates each of these bonuses can potentially add up to $100,000 extra per COVID patient; this may be one more reason why hospitals are not administering safe and effective medications like ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine
  • Vliet cautions people not to get overwhelmed by fear, and instead take action; get prepared with a COVID survival kit and make an action plan if you must be admitted to the hospital

In this 40-minute interview with Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet, she reveals to host Dr. Peter R. Breggin many of the atrocities that are happening in hospitals today — not in the name of science, research or misguided intervention, but in the name of worship of the almighty dollar.

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One of the World’s Oldest and Most Respected Medical Journals Just Called Out Covid “Vaccine” and Treatment Shenanigans

By JD Ruker

The BMJ, formerly known as the British Medical Journal, has a history of being more than just a respected peer-reviewed scientific publication. Throughout its 180+ year history, it has acted as a watchdog to protect the public interest from nefarious forces in and out of government who manipulate health sciences and research for their own benefit. Today, they released an editorial slamming the powers-that-be over their handling of Covid-19 vaccines and treatments.

In an article titled, “Covid-19 vaccines and treatments: we must have raw data, now,” the journal called foul on the lack of transparency behind Big Pharma’s push to jab every man, woman, and child on earth. Penned by Peter Doshi, senior editor, Fiona Godlee, former editor in chief, and Kamran Abbasi, editor in chief, the article points out how lack of transparency in the recent past brought a heavy toll to the people. They called out how there is even less transparency with Covid-19 vaccines and treatments than in past instances that proved to be deadly.

We are publishing their entire editorial here to help spread the word. As a trade publication, this article has the potential to reach those in the industry but it isn’t common practice for the public to peruse such publications in their spare time. This particular article is far too important to leave for those who practice medicine. It dives into the ethics of what has been happening with Covid-19. More importantly, it notes that actions being taken by governments across the world, including the United States, do not align with sound medicine.

Without flat out saying it, one can easily see in the editorial the implications that Big Pharma is driving the actions of governments based on profits alone, not the best interests of the people. This is something that has been asserted in many non-medical publications, including ours, but to see it written in a peer-reviewed opinion from a highly respected medical journal is astounding. This is a bombshell, and the world needs to read it.

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Video: Physician Assistant Scott Miller Suspended For Saving Covid Patients Fires Back

By Alicia Powe

Earlier this month, residents of Washington sounded the alarm on the state’s plan to detain the unvaccinated in quarantine camps.

Washougal health practitioners contacted The Gateway Pundit warning about WAC 246-100-040, a measure to amend Washington’s Communicable and Certain Other Diseases act to include emergency Covid protocol.

The bill would allow local health officers “at his or her sole discretion” to “issue an emergency detention order causing a person or group of persons to be immediately detained for purposes of isolation or quarantine.”

The Washington State Board of Health was slated to receive an 8-hour briefing on Jan 12 from a “technical advisory group” about making the Covid vaccines a requirement for children to attend school and implementing WAC 246-100.

Americans across Washington and the United States were outraged after reviewing the state’s disease statutes and immediately demanded answers.

Hours after the GP exposed Washington’s plan to authorize its already established ‘Strike Force’ To ‘Involuntarily Detain’ Unvaccinated Families, the WSBH issued a statement disputing the report as “misinformation.”

Earlier this month, residents of Washington sounded the alarm on the state’s plan to detain the unvaccinated in quarantine camps.

Washougal health practitioners contacted The Gateway Pundit warning about WAC 246-100-040, a measure to amend Washington’s Communicable and Certain Other Diseases act to include emergency Covid protocol.

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CDC Reveals Natural Immunity Acquired Through Previous Infection of COVID-19 Provides More Protection Yhan Vaccines


A new report released on Wednesday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) revealed that unvaccinated people who recovered from COVID-19 were better protected than those who were vaccinated and not previously infected during the recent delta surge.

The researchers evaluated the data from 1.1 million Covid-19 cases among adults in California and New York (which account for 18% of the U.S. population) from May 30 to Nov. 20, 2021.

The study was divided into four groups of adults aged 18 above: 1) unvaccinated with no previous laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis, 2) unvaccinated with a previous COVID-19 diagnosis, 3) vaccinated (14 days) with no previous COVID-19 diagnosis, and 4) vaccinated with a previous COVID-19 diagnosis.

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CDC Director Walensky Admits the Vast Majority of COVID Deaths Had “At Least FOUR”Comorbidities

By Julian Conradson

On Monday, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky finally admitted that an “overwhelming” number of Covid deaths that have been recorded in the US were individuals with multiple comorbidities which were a main contributing factor in their deaths.

According to Walensky, CDC data shows that a whopping 75% had not just one, or two, or even three, but actually had four or more comorbidities when they were recorded as a Covid-19 death.

Walensky acknowledged the number during an interview with Good Morning America.

“The overwhelming number of deaths – over 75% – occurred in people who had at least four comorbidities, so really these are people who were unwell to begin with.”

About time, Roch.


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Solari Report INFORMED CONCENT Forms for COVID-19 Injections

Thanks to SolariReport.com for producing these invaluable forms and making them freely available!

The following forms are provided to help families, employees, students, and parents successfully implement complete due diligence and informed consent with respect to COVID-19 injections. We are currently reviewing possible updates based on President Biden’s announcement of federal mandates. We are waiting for the actual federal position and directions to employers to be published by the Department of Labor. We continue to follow legal positions from Governors and State Attorneys General who will take the position that such mandates are not legal or enforceable in their states. Please make sure you investigate the specific legal treatment and enforcement practices within your particular state and local jurisdictions regarding mandates and exemptions.

For Family Members

Family Financial Disclosure Form for COVID-19 Injections

The goal of this Family Financial Disclosure Form is to ensure that an adverse event or death of one family member does not translate into long-lived or permanent financial destruction for the entire family.

For Employees

Employer Disclosure Form for COVID-19 Injections

This is a form every employee who is faced with this situation needs to submit to the authorized officer of their company. It is requires them to respond to your questions (already on the form for you), provides you with requirements by the FDA, makes them review the ways they are breaking the law or ethical principles related to human experimentation and choice, and holds them 100% financially responsible, requiring a signature.

For Students

School Disclosure Form for COVID-19 Injections

This is a form every student who is faced with this situation needs to submit to the authorized officer of their school. It is requires them to respond to your questions (already on the form for you), provides you with requirements by the FDA, makes them review all of the ways they are breaking the law or ethical priniciples related to human experimentation and choice, and holds them 100% financially responsible, requiring a signature.

For Parents

Notice and Declaration of Parental Authority Requirement of Disclosure and Safety of Medical Treatment/s

This is a form that parents can use to notify relevant parties that they do not give consent to their child being administered a COVID-19 injection without the parent’s express written informed consent. It states that no such consent will be considered without a detailed response to a series of questions.

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Video: Headed for a Digital Concentration Camp – Catherine Austin Fitts

Catherine Austin Fitts (CAF), Publisher of The Solari Report and former Assistant Secretary of Housing (Bush 41 Admin.), says the central bankers want nothing short of “a complete digital control system.”  CAF explains, “We have what we have been building for the last 20 or 30 years, and it’s getting much more obvious, but it’s been covert most of the time.  They basically want digital control systems through the financial system, through the health system and government systems to implement control.  That control is delivered one person at a time.  You have extraordinary surveillance systems that have been built steadily for decades that are basically tracking everyone. . . . That’s why the ‘vaccine passports’ and ‘central bank digital currencies’ (CBDC) are so dangerous.  It’s important to understand what they are trying to do.  They are trying to create complete transaction control.  If they don’t want you going five miles from your home, your electric car will not work more than five miles from your home. . . . If they don’t want you to buy pizza, your credit card will not allow you to buy pizza.  They are talking about putting in extraordinary digital control systems and literally turning your car and your home into a digital concentration camp.”




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16,000 Physcicians Agree - Global Covid Summit - Physicians Declaration

Over 16,000 Physicians and Scientists Reach Consensus
on Vaccinating Children and Natural Immunity


Consensus is clear among MDs and medical PhDs: following 20 months of exhaustive research, millions of patients treated, hundreds of clinical trials performed and scientific data shared worldwide, they conclude that healthy children and COVID recovered should be excluded from vaccine mandates and social restrictions.

Physicians also recommend legislative and administrative action, to prevent disruption of physicians’ treatments, or putting healthy children or the COVID-recovered at further risk.

16,000 physicians and medical scientists recently published the Rome Covid Declaration, to alert citizens to the deadly consequences of disrupting life-saving treatment and suppressing open scientific discussion.

So, when it makes headline news that less than 300 physicians have signed a letter that went to Spotify, that the podcast that I did with Joe Rogan should be removed from Spotify, I can only chuckle… After all, it has only been viewed around 50 million times and to their 300, I raise them 16,000.

At least the Daily Mail actually did a piece that wasn’t totally negative about what I said. Quotes from the Dail Mail article below:

In the podcast episode, Rogan talked about Malone's ban from Twitter, which happened just one day before the podcast was released. 

'They removed you for not going along with whatever the tech narrative is because tech clearly has a censorship agenda when it comes to Covid in terms of treatment, in terms of whether or not you are promoting what they would call 'vaccine hesitancy' - they can ban you for that,' Rogan said, adding that Malone is 'one of the most qualified people in the world to talk about vaccines'.

Malone responded by questioning: 'If it's not okay for me to be a part of the conversation even though I'm pointing out scientific facts that may be inconvenient, then who is?

'Whether or not I'm factually correct or not - and I freely admit no one's perfect. I'm not perfect. It's one of my core points is people should think for themselves.'

'And I try really hard to give people the information and help them to think, not to tell them what to think,' the doctor added, pointing out that 'no one can debate the dispute that I played a major role in the creation of this tech'.

Malone later alleged on the podcast that many of the pharmaceutical companies administering vaccines - such as Pfizer and Moderna - have 'financial conflicts of interest'.

In what appeared to be an effort to establish his credibility, Malone reassured: 'I think I'm the only one that doesn't. I'm not getting any money out of this.'

Meanwhile, as the creator of the mRNA technology used in Covid vaccines, many questioned why Malone would then speak so strongly against getting jabbed. 

Malone claimed the answer was simply 'because it's the right thing to do'. 

He said: 'For me, the reason is: Because what's happening is not right. It's destroying my profession, it's destroying the practice of medicine worldwide, it's destroying public health in medicine.' 

He continued: 'I'm a vaccinologist. I've spent 30 years developing vaccine. A stupid amount of education learning how to do it and what the rules are. 

'And for me, I'm personally offended by watching my discipline get destroyed for no good reason at all except, apparently, financial incentives, and - I don't know - political a**-covering'.

The controversial doctor also offered his expertise on the government's Covid-19 response. 

'Our government is out of control,' he said, adding: 'They are lawless. They completely disregard bioethics. They completely disregard the federal common rule. they have broken all the rules that I know of - that I have been trained on for years and years and years.'

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