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Video: Croatian MP Confronts Macron Over His Vaccine Mandate Being a ‘Death Penalty’

Croatian MEP Mislav Kolakušić directly confronted French President Emmanuel Macron during an EU Parliament summit, likening his draconian vaccine mandate to the death penalty.

“President Macron, considering many restrictions of citizens’ rights and freedoms in France during the pandemic, I ask of you only one thing,” Kolakušić told a masked Macron on Wednesday.

“While presiding over the EU, do everything exactly the opposite of what you were doing in France.”

Kolakušić then argued that Macron’s vaccine mandate is no different than the “death penalty”, citing the “tens of thousands” who died from the injection.

“On the other hand, today you said that you are proud there is no death penalty in Europe,” he told Macron.

“Tens of thousands of citizens have died due to vaccine side-effects. Mandatory vaccinations represent the death penalty and its execution for many citizens.”

“That has to remain a choice for every citizen! Murder is murder,” he added, urging his colleagues to look at the European Health Commission’s data.

Kolakušić’s forceful remarks come just weeks after Macron declared he wanted to “piss off” the unvaccinated in France as part of his “strategy” to fight COVID.

This is just further evidence that the official COVID narrative is collapsing in real time as the elites begin to realize that the public’s trust in them has evaporated.

Watch the EU Parliament’s full summit:


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