If Biden, Pelosi and Schumer are in Charge in 2021 Get Ready for this Nightmare
By Newt Gingrich
Every time some supposed conservative or Republican explains why he or she can’t vote for President Trump, I wonder if they have thought about the alternative – the Biden-Schumer-Pelosi machine.
Our choice in November will not be between President Trump and President Perfection. It will be between President Trump and a nightmare that would end America as we have known it.
If former Vice President Joe Biden wins, it means the turnout in favor of Democrats will be such that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., remains leader of a Democratic majority in the House. It also means that Democrats will almost certainly gain control of the Senate, making Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., the majority leader.
Given control of all three instruments of power, what would the Biden-Schumer-Pelosi team do?
This is not a question that requires wild speculation. As I outlined in a series of podcasts at Gingrich 360, Pelosi’s $3 trillion HEROES (Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions) Act – ostensibly designed to help our economy recover from the coronavirus downturn – by itself contains enough radicalism to be terrifying.
The legislation would legalize all people currently in the U.S. illegally. It would block federal immigration officers from deporting even criminals and gang members. It would give major Democratic donors a huge tax break by reestablishing unlimited deductibility for state and local taxes.
The measure would pay for abortion with taxpayer money. It would release prisoners indiscriminately, so that at least six of the most infamous serial killers would be eligible for release. It would pour money into corrupt local governments and bail out the most wasteful states in America.