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If Biden, Pelosi and Schumer are in Charge in 2021 Get Ready for this Nightmare


By Newt Gingrich

Every time some supposed conservative or Republican explains why he or she can’t vote for President Trump, I wonder if they have thought about the alternative – the Biden-Schumer-Pelosi machine.

Our choice in November will not be between President Trump and President Perfection. It will be between President Trump and a nightmare that would end America as we have known it.

If former Vice President Joe Biden wins, it means the turnout in favor of Democrats will be such that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., remains leader of a Democratic majority in the House. It also means that Democrats will almost certainly gain control of the Senate, making Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., the majority leader.

Given control of all three instruments of power, what would the Biden-Schumer-Pelosi team do?

This is not a question that requires wild speculation. As I outlined in a series of podcasts at Gingrich 360, Pelosi’s $3 trillion HEROES (Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions) Act – ostensibly designed to help our economy recover from the coronavirus downturn – by itself contains enough radicalism to be terrifying.

The legislation would legalize all people currently in the U.S. illegally. It would block federal immigration officers from deporting even criminals and gang members. It would give major Democratic donors a huge tax break by reestablishing unlimited deductibility for state and local taxes.

The measure would pay for abortion with taxpayer money. It would release prisoners indiscriminately, so that at least six of the most infamous serial killers would be eligible for release. It would pour money into corrupt local governments and bail out the most wasteful states in America.

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Adam Schiff Releases the Russia Investigation Transcripts

Now We Know Why He Hid Them

By Bonchie

Acting DNI Richard Grennell showed that he’s not one to be screwed with.

Just days ago, he told Rep. Adam Schiff he had two choices: He could either release the long-hidden Russia investigation transcripts as promised or Grennell would do it for him (see Richard Grennell to Adam Schiff: Either Release Hidden Transcripts or I will). That wasn’t a bluff, and this afternoon, Schiff had his hand forced. The transcripts have now been released and there are already some very notable revelations.

Most notable? Adam Schiff is a liar.

For years, Schiff has asserted that he had proof of Russian collusion stemming from the many interviews he did on the matter. As it turns out, he not only had nothing of the sort, several key players actually admitted under oath there was no evidence at all.

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Federal Judge Postpones Michael Flynn’s Sentencing After Court Documents Showed How Gov’t ‘Lied’ and ‘Framed’ Him

Flynn may still be able to get justice in the courts after his railroading.

By Shane Trejo


A federal judge has indefinitely postponed the sentencing for General Michael Flynn after he filed to remove his guilty plea and shocking court documents have been released showing how the federal government “lied” and “framed” him.

U.S. District Court Judge Emmet Sullivan ruled on Monday that Flynn’s sentencing hearing had been cancelled “until further order of the court.” It was previously scheduled to take place on Feb. 27.

Last month, Flynn’s attorney Sidney Powell filed a 27-page brief detailing the “egregious government misconduct” that took place in the case against Flynn, which was related to the dubious Russian collusion investigation. Powell is calling for dismissal of the case “in the interest of justice.” The decision by Sullivan shows that there may be serious merit to her explosive claims.

Powell produced evidence in the filing which showed that the feds lied to Flynn, misled him, “framed” him, obscured evidence that could have helped him build his case, and showed “contempt for the law at every turn” in how they went about their investigation and prosecution of the retired three-star Army general.

Flynn has also reconsidered his guilty plea, alleging that the plea deal that he signed onto was offered to him in bad faith.

“In truth, I never lied,” Flynn wrote in a his motion to withdraw his guilty plea that was filed last month, according to Fox News. “My guilty plea has rankled me throughout this process, and while I allowed myself to succumb to the threats from the government to save my family, I believe I was grossly misled about what really happened.”

Powell maintains that her client is completely innocent and intends to prove it in court. She wrote that the “IG Report is replete with exculpatory information that, had it been known to Mr. Flynn, he never would have pled guilty.”

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Video: Giuliani: I Can't Sity By and Watch My Country Be Sold Out By Joe Biden

Evidence is incoming now . . .

Rudy Giuliani joins the ‘Fox & Friends’ live studio audience show to discuss the Trump impeachment trial and his investigation into Joe Biden’s ‘corruption.’


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Video: Former AG: Horowitz Missed Key Evidence In FBI Conspiracy

Strzok text shows why bureau rushed to end Hillary probe


Former Attorney General Michael Mukasey pointed out a key text exchange between lead FBI investigator Peter Strzok and bureau lawyer Lisa Page indicating bias against Donald Trump that was left out of the latest inspector general report.

The Justice Department IG, Michael Horowitz, concluded in his report released last week that he found no "documentary or testimonial bias" in the Obama administration's launching of the investigation of Trump-Russia collusion.

However, in an interview Sunday with Fox News' Maria Bartiromo, Mukasey pointed out that Strzok and Page expressed alarm on the night that Sen. Ted Cruz withdrew from the 2016 race and it became apparent that Donald Trump would be the Republican nominee.

"Now the pressure really starts to finish MYE," Strzok wrote.

The FBI special agent was referring to the investigation of Hillary Clinton's abuse of classified information, known as the Midyear Exam.

"Now, will someone explain to me in words of one syllable how it is that Donald Trump being the Republican candidate increases the pressure to end the investigation of Hillary Clinton?" Mukasey asked.

"Unless what you want is to curtail the damage to Hillary Clinton and assure that Donald Trump doesn't win."

Then-FBI Director James Comey took the unusual step of explaining to the public in July 2016 why the bureau would not refer criminal charges against Clinton to the Justice Department, even though there was considerable evidence she had mishandled classified information.

The Strzok text is never mentioned in any of the IG's reports, Mukasey noted.

The former AG acknowledged, however, that Horowitz didn't have subpoena power and had to rely on witnesses to volunteer information.

The person who does have subpoena power, however, Mukasey noted, is U.S. John Durham, whose broader Justice Department review of the origins of the Obama Trump-Russia collusion probe has become a criminal investigation.




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Video: McCarthy: Pelosi Answered Only Two of 10 Questions on Impeachment

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy on what happened inside the Trump-Pelosi meeting, Democrats' impeachment inquiry, bipartisan legislation for sanctions against Turkey and House Republicans' plan to censure Rep. Adam Schiff.


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Video: DECLASSIFIED: Political Elites Are Untouchable No More

The breathtaking hypocrisy of many of President Donald Trump’s accusers is about to be fully exposed. If you’ve been watching the impeachment theater these past few weeks, you’ve no doubt heard the very serious crimes they accuse the U.S. president of having committed. They have accused him of using his office for political gain and pressuring Ukraine to help investigate former Vice President Joe Biden. The fake news media has begun a full-court press to sell the narrative of a besieged president who is slipping underwater, growing more and more unpopular by the day, as so-called whistleblowers and manufactured scandals surround him. The problem is, Trump neither looks nor acts like a president who is under siege. In fact, he looks to me like he’s having the time of his life. I believe that a big reason why Trump looks like he’s really enjoying himself these days is that he knows what’s about to go down.


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Video: Team Trump Demands Pelosi's Resignation for Betraying Her Oath and Attempting to Overthrow the Republic

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Video: Watters’ Words: A Political Atrocity

The Democrats set up Trump in secret and are now trying to impeach him in secret.


Stephen Miller on Democrats' impeachment inquiry, Trump's border plan

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