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Video: Former AG: Horowitz Missed Key Evidence In FBI Conspiracy

Strzok text shows why bureau rushed to end Hillary probe


Former Attorney General Michael Mukasey pointed out a key text exchange between lead FBI investigator Peter Strzok and bureau lawyer Lisa Page indicating bias against Donald Trump that was left out of the latest inspector general report.

The Justice Department IG, Michael Horowitz, concluded in his report released last week that he found no "documentary or testimonial bias" in the Obama administration's launching of the investigation of Trump-Russia collusion.

However, in an interview Sunday with Fox News' Maria Bartiromo, Mukasey pointed out that Strzok and Page expressed alarm on the night that Sen. Ted Cruz withdrew from the 2016 race and it became apparent that Donald Trump would be the Republican nominee.

"Now the pressure really starts to finish MYE," Strzok wrote.

The FBI special agent was referring to the investigation of Hillary Clinton's abuse of classified information, known as the Midyear Exam.

"Now, will someone explain to me in words of one syllable how it is that Donald Trump being the Republican candidate increases the pressure to end the investigation of Hillary Clinton?" Mukasey asked.

"Unless what you want is to curtail the damage to Hillary Clinton and assure that Donald Trump doesn't win."

Then-FBI Director James Comey took the unusual step of explaining to the public in July 2016 why the bureau would not refer criminal charges against Clinton to the Justice Department, even though there was considerable evidence she had mishandled classified information.

The Strzok text is never mentioned in any of the IG's reports, Mukasey noted.

The former AG acknowledged, however, that Horowitz didn't have subpoena power and had to rely on witnesses to volunteer information.

The person who does have subpoena power, however, Mukasey noted, is U.S. John Durham, whose broader Justice Department review of the origins of the Obama Trump-Russia collusion probe has become a criminal investigation.




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