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Video: Alvin Bragg’s Case Against Trump Shows Complete Ignorance and Manipulation of Basic Accounting

Author Joe Hoft is a former international corporate executive in finance and auditing. His expertise and background include managing audit teams across East Asia.


The dumbest case ever just got dumber.  The charges brought against President Trump by New York City DA Alvin Bragg make no sense.  You would think that if you were going to indict a President of the United States that you would have a case.  But this case offers nothing.

DA Bragg should resign.  His case against Trump is shockingly weak.

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Video: Alan Dershowitz on Alvin Bragg’s Made-Up Crimes to Get Trump

This is the “Worst Example of Prosecutorial Abuse” – He “Could Lose His Bar License”


Harvard law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures this morning.

Dershowitz discussed the latest partisan lawsuit by rabid far-left Democrats to Get Trump.

Alan Dershowtiz argued that lawless Soros-funded Alvin Bragg could lose his law license if he indicts Trump on the made-up crime.



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Attorney General Seeks to Make Washington the First State With Political Prisons

“Model For The Nation:” Coming To A Blue State Near You?

Inside a female dorm in a 1930s Soviet gulag for political prisoners.

Washington’s Democrat Attorney General, Bob Ferguson, wants to be governor.  He thinks the best way to accomplish his goal is to build gulags & psych hospitals, much like in Soviet Russia, and populate them with Christians, Conservatives and Republicans.  If House Bill 1333 passes and Democrat Governor Jay Inslee signs it (he will), Ferguson’s office will have the power to arrest and/or civilly commit anyone for uttering “wrong” facts.  This is a terrifying plan to redefine “domestic terrorism” to punish “conservative” speech.

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Video: Sen. Chuck Grassley Carefully Details Claims Of 'Potential Criminal Conduct By Hunter And James Biden'

House Weaponization of the Federal Government Committee hearing, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) detailed the many claims about the business dealings of Hunter and James Biden.



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Martin Luther King: Can Democracy Work Without Knowledge and Competency

public officials are the only professionals in our society who (a) don't need to be certified for knowledge, competence and character and (b) don't need to maintain their education about legislation and law enforcement.

By Neil Garfield
Livinglies's Weblog

I get lots of complaints (I call it whining) about the state of our laws and the lack of enforcement. It constantly happens, especially in the lending marketplace, with fake loans, fake foreclosures, and fake collections. Everyone is doing it because it is just too good to pass up. Our social media society has decided to address this issue, which is as old as societies in human history. They approach it by complaining about the failures (real and perceived) of others rather than doing something themselves.

I conceded that there is a good basis for feeling disempowered. But I insist that we should not give in to that feeling. And as the various major course corrections in our laws and justice have shown, things change only by mass actions by the public. Lyndon Johnson wanted to be the president known for passing laws guaranteeing civil rights, but he knew he couldn't do it alone. So he told Martin Luther King, "Make me do it!"

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Video: Dr. Mark Skidmore – $21 Trillion Missing from US Federal Budget

Dr. Mark Skidmore thinks the federal accounting of $21 trillion in missing money is crazy and far outside the realm of normal. So, is this a legitimate U.S. national security issue? Dr. Skidmore, who holds a PhD in Economics, says, “Yeah, and that is one of the reasons I decided to look at this. How can this be, and what does this mean? If trillions of dollars are flowing in and flowing out, it appears to be outside of our Constitution and outside of the rule of law. If that is the case, that really is troubling because it suggests that there is a layer of things happening that are outside the rule of law. I know, for example, that some activities, just for the sake of protection of the people involved in national security, have to be black budget. There is always stuff like that. Usually, it’s authorized spending, and some percentage is this black budget where only a small percentage of people and some in Congress know about it, but this is way outside of that. So, I am worried about it.”


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Former NSC Staffer Exposes How Corporations End Up Getting What They Want From the Federal Government


Former NSC Staffer Joshua Steinman posted a thread on Twitter explaining how corporations run the federal government.

He explained in five steps how corporations gain their power in influence.

The five steps are: Build the door, hire the doorman, outside game, create revolving door, and moving chess pieces on the board.

Build the door was explained as running regular programs at think tanks in Washington DC. They invite top Capitol Hill staffers to the lunches as a way to create relationships.

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Uniparty Minority Leader Mitch McConnell Busted Taking Zelensky’s FTX Money


Wouldn’t you know Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell would have his hands in the massive cookie jar in Ukraine and the FTX debacle. Of course he is. It seems more and more that the only person who wasn’t on the take was Donald Trump, which may be why they worked so hard to get rid of him.

Documents show McConnell’s Senate Leadership Fund received $2,500,000 from someone at FTX, the crypto company that fell in disgrace last week.

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Video: The Truth About January 6th

This groundbreaking documentary, narrated by political prisoner Jake Lang from inside solitary confinement, contains never-before-seen footage of and commentary on January 6th.  This film is historical in the fact it was co-produced and narrated by January 6th Political Prisoner Jake Lang from solitary confinement. Lang is arguably one of the most persecuted January 6th defendants and political prisoners in America today.

“The Truth About January 6th” was produced by Brick House Films in conjunction with Jake Lang and aims to tell Lang’s story alongside the events of the day.  “Our goal was to condense the material and make it understandable to the general public, to those that may not be aware of the deaths of Trump supporters due to the police violence towards protesters on January 6th,” said filmmaker & Executive Producer Brittany Manheim. “There are many people in American that do not even know that we have political prisoners. It is important that we reach these people. Sharing the truth for Jake, along with all of the other January 6th political prisoners, is imperative for justice.”



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