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Video: Alan Dershowitz on Alvin Bragg’s Made-Up Crimes to Get Trump

This is the “Worst Example of Prosecutorial Abuse” – He “Could Lose His Bar License”


Harvard law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures this morning.

Dershowitz discussed the latest partisan lawsuit by rabid far-left Democrats to Get Trump.

Alan Dershowtiz argued that lawless Soros-funded Alvin Bragg could lose his law license if he indicts Trump on the made-up crime.



Alan Dershowitz: Well, I don’t think an indictment can actually come forward now after the comments made by Costello. He has proved that the main witness is going to be a perjuring liar on the witness stand. And that puts the District Attorney in a terrible position. If he uses Cohn as a witness, he could actually lose his bar license. It’s unethical to put a witness on the stand who you know is lying, and he has to know that Cohen will be lying.

Dershowitz then added this on the most dangerous precedent the communist left is setting.

Alan Dershowitz: The title of my book, I Didn’t invent it, “Get Trump.” It comes from a campaign pledge made by the Attorney General of New York when she was running for reelection. She promised that if she were elected, she would, quote, “Get Trump.” And Bragg said the same thing… They both promised they would get Trump. Then they said, let’s rummage through the statute books and see what we can find. And they rubbished. And they couldn’t find anything! They couldn’t find a statutory violation. So they made one up that was beyond the statute of limitations. That involved combining a misdemeanor, that never occurred, with a federal felony or maybe a state felony. This is the worst example of prosecutorial abuse of discretion I have seen in my 60 years of practicing criminal law. That’s why I wrote Trump – not about Trump, it’s about us. Because today it’s Trump, tomorrow it’s a Democrat. The day after tomorrow it’s your Uncle Charlie and your nephew and your niece.

Alan Dershowitz released his latest book, “Get Trump” this week. The timing could not be more perfect.

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