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A Fully Indexed Page With Just Election Fraud Articles & Videos
A Fully Indexed Page With Just Medical/Pandemic Fraud Articles & Videos

Video: Perspectives on Pandemics - The Illusion of Evidence-Based Medicine

As much of the world rushes to receive a lightly-tested pharmaceutical product, we thought it was high time to look again at the (very) big business of medicine. Leemon McHenry, PhD, guides us to the fraudulent core of ghostwritten studies, captured legislators, revolving-door regulatory agencies, pay-to-play medical journals, and the "key opinion leaders" who lend their academic credentials to giant corporations...for a price. With every stage in the process seemingly structured for corruption, we can only wonder along with Professor McHenry: "Who's looking out for scientific integrity?" By the time you finish this episode of Perspectives, you might just roll down your sleeve for a rethink.


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