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Video: JUDGE NAPOLITANO: Were Justice Scalia, Senators and the Supreme Court Spied on by the Obama Administration?

Did the Obama administration spy on Republican Senators and Supreme Court Justices? Judge Napolitano just weighed in on what Justice Scalia told him. Senator Rand Paul also accused the Obama administration of spying on him and others…

“The use of intelligence data for political purposes is a felony … Unmasking is illegal if done for any reason other than national security.”

Judge Andrew Napolitano said on Fox Business Monday that the late Justice Antonin Scalia told him “that he often thought that the court was being surveilled” roughly four or five years ago.

Napolitano appeared on the program to discuss the claim made by Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., accusing the Obama administration of spying on him and another senator.

When asked about Paul’s claim, Napolitano said, “Well, they’re most likely true. Think of this as a three-step process: Surveillance, which is acquisition in a digital version of every keystroke on every computer, and every communication on every cell phone phone and landline phone; storage, which is the maintenance of the digital versions of these communications; and then unmasking, which is accessing this data and finding out the names of the people who are actually surveilled.”


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