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Video: Judge Jeanine: Deep State Can't Keep Their Stories Straight

During her Saturday opening statement on Fox News Channel’s “Justice,” Jeanine Pirro expressed her frustration with the Deep State’s attempt to “take down” and “did everything in its power to destroy” Donald Trump during his presidential campaign by spying on him and his associates.

Pirro named former FBI Director Jim Comey, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, former President Barack Obama, former Attorney General Loretta Lynch, former CIA Director John Brennan and former National Security Adviser to President Barack Obama as “liars, leakers and liberals” who attempted to frame Trump.

“The Obama administration was so determined to get Hillary Clinton elected and Donald Trump defeated that they let Hillary skate on her criminal activity and created a narrative of criminal activity on the part of Donald Trump. They created a false predicate, a made up dossier paid for by Hillary Clinton, the DNC and the FBI in order to get a court to approve spying on the Trump campaign,” Pirro argued.


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