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Video: Clinton Kremlin Controversy


Hillary Clinton sided with Russia on sanctions as Bill made $500G on Moscow speech.

As the relentless media driven agenda to link President Trump to the Russian government continues, it has emerged that Bill Clinton made half a million dollars on a speech in Russia in 2010, while Hillary Clinton opposed the same sanctions against Russian human rights abusers that the Russian lawyer who met with Don Trump Jr. did.

Fox News has been investigating the fact that Hillary Clinton’s opposition to the Magnitsky bill, also opposed by lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya, actually coincided with a $500,000 speech Hillary’s husband gave in Moscow to Renaissance Capital, an investment bank with ties to the Kremlin.

The source comes from WikiLeaks-released documents, and details how the Clinton campaign attempted to play down the issue during the election campaign.

“With the help of the research team, we killed a Bloomberg story trying to link HRC’s opposition to the Magnitsky bill a $500,000 speech that WJC gave in Moscow,” Jesse Lehrich, on the Rapid Response Communications team for Hillary For America, boasted on May 21, 2015, according to the Wikileaks files.

“If you want to talk about having relationships with Russia, I’d look no further than the Clintons,” Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said at a briefing last week. “Bill Clinton was paid half a million dollars to give a speech to a Russian bank, personally thanked by President Putin.”

Former Governor Mike Huckabee, currently visiting Russia, chimed in to say that Russians he has spoken to want their money back.


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