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Video: Automatons, Android or Automata: Museum of Musical Automata

Documentary on automatons, androids or automata: museum of musical automata

This documentary is shown to you by Lutèce Créations, the European specialist in music boxes and automata. Our company proposes through its parisian shop and its websites, various antique (from the end of the 19th century until the first world war) and vintage (from the 50's until the 70's) automatons. This documentary presents the rich collection of musical android, automatons or automata of a museum of automatons in the north of England. This museum in York, which closed in 1996 after the collection was sold and transferred to a Japanese museum, presents old French androids and automata from the golden age of automata (1848 - 1914) as well as contemporary creations. The greatest creators of automata from the golden age were represented in this museum: Vichy, Roullet-Decamps, Renou, Phalibois, Bontems, Lambert, Théroude etc...



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