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Video: American COUP: How James Comey and The Deep State Tried To Overthrow Our Republic

As the true story behind the Michael Flynn emerges, it appears that the FBI falsified reports, withheld evidence and bullied a 33 year military veteran and his family in order to protect the deep state.



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Appeals Court Orders Activist Judge Sullican To Grant DOJ Motion To Dismiss Flynn Case

by Jerry Dunleavy

An appeals court ordered the judge presiding over the case against retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn to grant the Justice Department's motion to dismiss the criminal charges against the former Trump national security adviser.

"ORDERED that Flynn’s petition for a writ of mandamus be granted in part; the District Court is directed to grant the government’s Rule 48(a) motion to dismiss; and the District Court’s order appointing an amicus is hereby vacated as moot, in accordance with the opinion of the court filed herein this date," the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia ruled Wednesday.

DOJ spokeswoman Kerri Kupec reacted to the ruling with a tweet. "WIN in General Flynn’s case. DC Circuit has ruled 2-1, instructing Judge Sullivan to grant DOJ’s motion to dismiss the case," she said.

This is not necessarily the end of the Flynn legal fight. Sullivan could request a rehearing “en banc” before the full appeals court, and it is possible that one of the other judges on the appeals court could request such a hearing “sua sponte” even if Sullivan doesn’t formally request it himself.

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Video: How Mueller Laid ‘Obstruction of Justice Trap’ for Trump

The Russia collusion investigation led by then-Special Counsel Robert Mueller was artificially prolonged in the hope that President Donald Trump would move to terminate it and thus be accused of obstruction of justice, according to former acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker. Whitaker, who led the Department of Justice (DOJ) between Nov. 7, 2018, and Feb. 14, 2019, said that, in his opinion, the Mueller team acted inappropriately to create an “obstruction of justice trap” for Trump and his officials. Former FBI Director Mueller was appointed by then-Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein in May 2017 to take over an FBI counterintelligence investigation to determine whether the 2016 Trump campaign colluded with Russia to sway the election.

By March 2019, Mueller had wrapped it up, saying the probe was unable to establish that any such collusion took place. Mueller, however, already knew this in 2018, Whitaker told Jan Jekielek, host of The Epoch Times’ “American Thought Leaders” series. Soon after taking command at the DOJ, Whitaker was briefed “on the contours and what was the Mueller investigation,” he said. “There was no evidence of any criminal conspiracy or connection or collusion, whatever you want to call it, between the Trump campaign, members of the Trump campaign—including Donald Trump—and the Russian government. So, therefore, the primary and sole purpose of that investigation had essentially failed to generate any evidence, and it was clear that that had been known for some time.” Keeping such an investigation open isn’t the “regular order at the Department of Justice,” according to Whitaker. He offered a theory as to why it happened. Original article: https://www.theepochtimes.com/ex-acti…


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Trump Attorney Accuses Mueller of ‘Monstrous Lie and Scheme to Defraud’

"They knew they had nothing, but using their official power they created and perpetuated the facade of an investigation"


By Gregg Jarrett

John Dowd, one of the lead lawyers who represented President Trump during Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian collusion, said Tuesday that the special counsel engineered a perjury trap for Trump in the exact same way that James Comey’s FBI invented a trap for former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.


“Mueller’s scheme was the same one captured in the (newly released) FBI set-up notes pertaining to Flynn. They knew they had nothing, but using their official power they created and perpetuated the facade of an investigation,” said Dowd.

In an extensive interview on Tuesday, Dowd explained to me how his commitment of cooperation and transparency in dealing with Mueller was eventually turned against the president, as the special counsel “misled” Trump’s legal team in order to manufacture a crime where none existed.

They knew they had nothing, but using their official power they created and perpetuated the facade of an investigation

According to Dowd, Mueller learned early in his investigation that there was no evidence of Trump-Russia collusion to influence the 2016 presidential election. He admitted it during a meeting with the president’s lawyers on March 5, 2018. So, Mueller shifted to a legally contorted interpretation of obstruction of justice in order to keep his investigation afloat.

On Tuesday, Dowd elaborated on how the special counsel deceived the Trump team:

“As I look back, we had the most perfect trusting relationship with Mueller based on his word and handshake, which held throughout. No paper. Word was solid. They received everything they asked for without a hitch or page missing, including the most intimate notes of conversations with and by POTUS (President of the United States). Every witness they requested testified truthfully. No lying. No grand jury testimony. Mueller affirmed all of this in our March 5 (2018) meeting. How could there be a whisper of obstruction under these circumstances?”

Despite no evidence of an underlying crime, Mueller insisted that the president be interviewed by the special counsel. Dowd knew it was a trap. Mueller had done it to Flynn and others. He was clearly angling for obstruction of justice and hoping to ensnare the president in the equivalent of a perjury trap if he consented to be interviewed.

But obstructing what? Mueller readily acknowledged that there was no underlying crime. Moreover, Trump had encouraged every witness connected to his campaign and the White House to testify. He voluntarily produced more than a million pages of documents. The special counsel’s investigation had proceeded unimpeded.

As Mueller persisted, Trump’s lawyer realized that he had been conned all along. On Tuesday, Dowd was unsparing in his scorn for Mueller and his unscrupulous tactics:

“That is when I knew he had lied to me in our original meeting (June 16, 2017) and every meeting thereafter. Robert Mueller —‘D.C.’s great man’ — completely and deliberately misled us in order to set up a perjury/false statement trap for POTUS. It was a monstrous lie and scheme to defraud.”

Dowd shared with me numerous documents and letters supporting his accusations against Mueller. They paint a vivid picture of a special counsel determined to damage the president with an investigation bereft of any credible evidence.

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Video: Tucker on FBI Frame-Up of Flynn: ‘How Many Other Lives Have They Destroyed?’

As I’m sure Tucker knows, it’s a list a mile long — going back decades.

Tucker Carlson began “Tucker Carlson Tonight” Thursday by addressing the Justice Department’s decision to drop its case against former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.

“There is a passionate debate underway right now among political partisans over the Justice Department’s decision to drop the case against General Flynn. They’re screaming,” Carlson said. “But there shouldn’t be a debate because there actually isn’t a debate about why the case was dropped. We already know. DOJ officials explained it in detail today.”

“Michael Flynn did not commit a crime and they knew it. How did they know? Because the FBI had already tapped Michael Flynn’s phone, which itself is a shocking outrage, completely unacceptable in a free country,” Carlson said. “But for some reason, nobody in Washington seems to notice or care about it. They should.”

[…] “We almost didn’t find out what really happened in this case. Michael Flynn almost went to prison. And that gets to the nub of all of this. Most important question of all, how often does the FBI set people up?” Carlson asked. “How many other lives have they destroyed without the public knowing about it? In other words, this isn’t about Michael Flynn. It’s about you.”

As I’m sure Tucker knows, it’s a list a mile long — going back decades.


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DOJ Drops Michael Flynn Prosecution

The Department of Justice is reportedly dropping its prosecution of former National Security Adviser General Michael Flynn (Ret.), according to the Associated Press.


By Joel B. Pollak

The news comes a week after new evidence released to Flynn’s lawyers showed FBI agents apparently attempting to trap Flynn into lying to them, hoping he would be prosecuted or fired. The evidence also suggested they knew he had not committed a separate crime.

Earlier Thursday, prosecutor Brandon Van Grack withdrew from the case.

Flynn had been director of the Defense Intelligence Agency under President Barack Obama but was fired. He then joined Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, shaping its foreign policy and introducing Trump at rallies.

After Trump won, Flynn shaped the national security policies of the incoming administration and was picked to serve as National Security Adviser. In that capacity, he held conversations with foreign officials, including then-Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak.

Flynn’s conversations with Kislyak were picked up by wiretaps of the ambassador, and his name was “unmasked” by Obama administration officials in transcripts of the conversations, which were leaked to the Washington Post. At the same time, the Obama Department of Justice investigated Flynn under the Logan Act of 1799, which prevents private citizens from conducting diplomacy but is rarely enforced.

Though the FBI found no evidence of wrongdoing — as shown in documents produced by the FBI to Flynn’s lawyer, Sidney Powell, last week — senior officials kept the case open.

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Video: Tom Fitton: Know Why the Corrupt DOJ and Intel Agencies Faked the Whole Russia Scandal Against Trump…

"If you want to know why President Donald Trump was being targeted for impeachment/coup attack against him, it was because [the Deep State] didn’t want the DOJ to prosecute them for corruption," @JudicialWatch President @TomFitton.


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Flynn Attorney Seeks Immediate Dismissal, Saying New Evidence Shows Trump Adviser was 'Framed'

'The government has deliberately suppressed this evidence from the inception of this prosecution,' defense motion says.


Attorneys for retired Gen. Michael Flynn asked a judge Friday to dismiss his criminal conviction immediately, saying new evidence belatedly turned over by federal prosecutors proves the former national security adviser to President Trump was framed in the Russia investigation.

“This afternoon, the government produced to Mr. Flynn stunning Brady evidence that proves Mr. Flynn’s allegations of having been deliberately set up and framed by corrupt agents at the top of the FBI,” Flynn’s attorneys said in an eight page filing

Brady evidence is pretrial information that could exonerate a defendant.

The attorneys also argued in the filings that the long-awaited evidence defeats any argument that a key interview with Flynn on January 24, 2017, was material to any “investigation.” The redacted documents were filed in a District of Columbia federal court as a supplement to Flynn’s court motion in January to dismiss charges against him. You can read the filing here.

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Mueller Report Suppressed Evidence Exonerating Trump.

By Thomas Lifson

Unfortunately, the shocking revelation that the Mueller Report misled the American people by omitting important evidence exonerating the Trump campaign of collusion with Russia will go mostly unnoticed with everyone focused on the pandemic. John Solomon, writing on his new site, Just The News, has another scoop that reveals that the translator present at the Trump Tower meeting with Russians who offered dirt on the Hillary campaign --  the very centerpiece of allegations of collusion – provided a lot of exculpatory information that was recorded in FBI 302 memoranda, but which was excluded by the Mueller Report. However, one relatively minor tidbit that reflected unfavorably on the meeting was included.

This should be shocking because Mueller and his team, led by Andrew Weissman, were hred to provide the truth, a complete picture. They were not hired to damage Trump as much as possible, but that appears to be what they were actually doing. I am no expert on legal ethics, but this strikes me as malfeasance.

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