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Video: Tucker on FBI Frame-Up of Flynn: ‘How Many Other Lives Have They Destroyed?’

As I’m sure Tucker knows, it’s a list a mile long — going back decades.

Tucker Carlson began “Tucker Carlson Tonight” Thursday by addressing the Justice Department’s decision to drop its case against former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.

“There is a passionate debate underway right now among political partisans over the Justice Department’s decision to drop the case against General Flynn. They’re screaming,” Carlson said. “But there shouldn’t be a debate because there actually isn’t a debate about why the case was dropped. We already know. DOJ officials explained it in detail today.”

“Michael Flynn did not commit a crime and they knew it. How did they know? Because the FBI had already tapped Michael Flynn’s phone, which itself is a shocking outrage, completely unacceptable in a free country,” Carlson said. “But for some reason, nobody in Washington seems to notice or care about it. They should.”

[…] “We almost didn’t find out what really happened in this case. Michael Flynn almost went to prison. And that gets to the nub of all of this. Most important question of all, how often does the FBI set people up?” Carlson asked. “How many other lives have they destroyed without the public knowing about it? In other words, this isn’t about Michael Flynn. It’s about you.”

As I’m sure Tucker knows, it’s a list a mile long — going back decades.


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