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Windham, NH Audit Results Show Ample Evidence that Voting Machines Favored Democrats, Are Not Reliable and Cannot be Trusted

By Jim Hoft

Dr. David Strang M.D., is the Belknap County Republican Committee State Committee Member, with the New Hampshire GOP.

On Sunday Dr. Strang examined the latest results coming from the Windham, New Hampshire elections audit.  He was stunned with the results and wrote up an analysis out for The Gateway Pundit.

Dr. Strang told The Gateway Pundit that there were at least two other towns that had voting machines, similar to Machine #2 in Windham, that showed Democrat favoritism.  According to Dr. Strang these voting machines were always the machines that were fed the most ballots in these communities.  So this is a repetitive peculiarity that we are seeing.

Dr. Strang believes the state has a huge problem on its hands.  The totals from the Windham machines cannot be replicated.  Only the hand recounts are reliable.  And the machines are shorting Republicans in Windham at a greater rate than Democrat candidates.

Via Dr. Strang:

I have looked at the actual machine tapes from the audit and the numbers are WORSE than what Ken Eyring reported on his chart that you featured in this morning’s post.

Here is my take:

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Maricopa Audit Bombshell: Election Officials DID NOT Have Admin Control of Elections

This tells us the only ones who likely had admin control over the voting machines was Dominion Voting Systems.

By JD Ruker

Maricopa County election officials admitted to auditors today that they do not have possession of administrative passwords that grant full control over the voting machines used in the 2020 election. Those machines and ballots are currently being audited by a third party group hired by the state Senate to determine the degree of voter fraud that took place in November.

Steve Bannon and John Solomon reported on War Room today that Maricopa County officials do not have the administrative passwords for the voting machine. Whether they’re lying or not, this is bad. If they’re lying, that means they know something funny was done to the machines and vote totals that can be discovered if they hand over the administrative passwords. If they are telling the truth, then they really had no control over the election they were charged with managing and an outside, non-government force was actually in control.

“It is a chain-of-custody, it is a control issue,” Solomon said.

According to The Gateway Pundit, the only ones with admin control would be Dominion Voting Systems.

The fact that the County does not have system administrators who have administrative access to the Dominion voting machines is a big concern. By allowing Dominion to have the administration access only, the County has basically turned over the system to the Dominion voting machine system people. There is no IT control here because that’s been ceded to Dominion.

By the way, in general, most frauds that include IT-related processes have at least one IT person involved in the fraud. See the video below with OAN and Steve Bannon:

This shows that the election was not run by the County, it was in essence subcontracted to Dominion which is likely not provided for in the law. The election function should be run by County election employees, not some subcontractor.

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Video: EVIDENCE The Voting Machines Are WRONG! (and It’s Being Covered Up)

Some might be disappointed by our primary elections, but they should be furious. The Chicago Board of Elections is seen in this video either covering up or turning a blind eye to fraud. Please watch and share so we can regain our democracy.

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2006 Pima County, AZ Computer Technician Manipulated Election Data Offline To Get Desired Outcome

Editor's Note: This kind of thing has been going on all over our country ever since electronic voting machines have been put in place.  They need to be ABOLISHED ENTIRELY!!  You cannot have secure elections using electronic voting machines.


By Jim Hoft

A reader sent this on the similarities between the Maricopa County elections audit today and the  2006 RTA bond election in Pima county AZ (Tucson).

This $2 Billion proposal was to add a sales tax for roads. It was defeated on the four prior occasions, and polls had it losing for the 5th time. But the bond measure won in a landslide 60/39. The lawsuit brought by the Libertarian Party found that election databases were replaced, and more.

The similarities to the 2020 election fraud are uncanny.

Pima County Elections Director Brad Nelson radically changed procedures for the 2006 RTA bond election. Employees who previously had access to the counting room were no longer allowed in that area. Poll Observers on the night of this 2006 election noticed something odd. Using telephoto lenses they captured images of a staff member using a Microsoft Access manual that was open to the pages on how to alter database files. The GEMS system had a well-know “back door” where data could be changed using MS Access without a password. The poll observers immediately asked Brad Nelson to make a back-up CD of the elections that night, seal it in an envelope and provide it to the police until an investigation could be opened. Nelson refused. Later that night, at 10PM Nelson told observers counting was finished for the evening and sent observers home. The lawsuit discovered counting started up again at 10:13PM that night and continued to tabulate votes without observers until 3AM the next morning. Sound familiar?

Testimony shows that Bryan Crane was the primary Pima election computer technician and was quite familiar with the ability of the GEMS system to export election data and manipulate it off line. He had done so in 1996 election at the instructions of County Administrator Chuck Huckelberry. The audit log of May 11, 2006 had shown that 33 seconds after the election computer was opened that morning, Crane created a second “Day 1 backup” , erased the original and replaced it with this second “Day 1 backup.” Crane operated the GEMS software for ten years before the RTA election and this was not his usual process. Crane personally told key witnesses he “Rigged the RTA election”. As the lawsuit continued, Crane’s story began to change. The AG’s office accepted his fourth story under oath, without comparison to prior explanations. The AG investigators did not question any contradictory witnesses.

Failure to create daily backups of precinct data was a very significant departure from normal practices. It was suggestive that vote total manipulation was occurring off line for the RTA election. The precinct data was not backed up “until 3 days later,” after the results had been published. The missing and errant poll tapes were closely correlated with an abnormally high number of malfunctioning memory cards detected in the electronic files. Consider the odds that the same precincts that had upload errors were the same exact ones missing their poll tapes? The lawsuit revealed that ten months prior to this RTA election, at the request of Crane, Pima County purchased a “crop scanner” tool used for circumventing normal functions of memory cards. This is a read-write computer hacking tool that alters the way a memory card records and reports elections outcome on a precinct level.

After 2 years of legal battles, the plaintiffs litigation team was finally allowed by the courts in 2008 to inspect the poll tapes. But Terry Goddard from the State AG’s office intervened at the last minute and confiscated all paper documents from the election. Godard initially promised to examine the poll tapes, but never did. The AG’s office conducted a “dog and pony show” hand recount. A year later the litigants discovered why. Of the 368 precincts, 112 were missing poll tapes. Another 50 precincts didn’t match their final canvas totals. In totality, this called into question about half of the precincts counted.

Former EAC auditor iBeta originally conducted a joint “investigation” with the suspects (Pima County) and the State AG’s office. It became clear the investigation was steered by the suspects down blind alleys. The iBeta results contained no reference to either swapping or replacing a database. Pima County Board of Supervisors originally assigned county administrator John Moffat to oversee this special RTA election. During the investigation, Moffat had directed the iBeta engineer to look at the Preferences table in the database. The simplest manipulation would have been done in the Candidate tables of the database where you could just reassign votes. Needless to say, the iBeta engineer found no evidence of tampering. The iBeta report contained 5 tests. Two were conducted by Moffat and another where iBeta accepted Moffat’s explanation.

The litigation went on for a total of 8 years and incurred year after year of judicial obstruction, change of venues, judges recused, violation of court orders, etc.  In many instances evidence was not allowed to be heard, lost, or destroyed. The AG’s office never allowed a forensic audit, or independent hand count, even though ballots of different paper thickness were obvious to workers. Time had run out and all the paper ballots were eventually destroyed. No one faced any criminal charges.

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Some Key Questions Surrounding the FOX News Settlement with Dominion Voting Machines



Many people are wondering why FOX News settled with Dominion Voting Machines for $787 million in a defamation case yesterday.  Here are some questions about this settlement. 

Yesterday it was reported that FOX News settled with Dominion Voting Systems in a defamation case for $787 million.

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Videos: Cybersecurity Expert Confirms Real-Time Manipulation of Votes on Dominion Voting Software Demonstrated

Cybersecurity Expert Confirms and Provides Examples of How SQL Software Can Be Used on Voting Machines to Alter Results


Prior to the 2020 Presidential Election, notable Democrat leaders, such as President Obama, and election experts, such as Harri Hursti in the HBO documentary “KillChain” claimed that voting machines were extremely vulnerable and could be manipulated, often without leaving a trace.  However, after President Trump received the most votes of any incumbent President and our election system was flooded with “universal” mail-in ballots in the name of COVID safety, the tuned changed.  The cries for election integrity and the banning of the machines all subsided.  The same Democrat leaders began shouts of “safest election ever”.

Last week, cybersecurity expert Mark Cook proved those Democrat leaders were right.  Well, the pre-2020 Democrats, of course.  In a shocking real-time demonstration, Cook showed not only that the machines were vulnerable, but specifically a few easy ways they could be manipulated and, shockingly, without leaving a trace of the manipulation.

On the Conservative Daily Podcast, Cook used an exact copy of the Dominion Voting software that was used in Mesa County, CO elections to demonstrate just two of the nearly countless critical issues he has found:

The first issue demonstrated is that there is software that can manipulate the database behind the voting system application existent inside the voting system.  This software is called SQL Server Management Studio and is not on the list of certified software used in the voting system.

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Massive Fraud and Tampering with Ballots and Voting Machines in Fulton County Georgia – 17,724 Votes with No Ballot Images


In Georgia, the recent passing of SB202 made election ballot images available to the public. On March 7th, VoterGa.org provided a 90-minute overview of their year-long investigation into the Fulton County ballot images. The evidence is astounding, and we list a dozen items below. The presentation slides are also helpful. Note: The Georgia SOS new “Risk Limiting” audit system for elections didn’t pick up a single one of the issues VoterGA found in Fulton County. The “RLA” audit system is heavily pushed by the left. Now you know why.

Garland Favorito from VoterGA.org proclaims: “If this isn’t the smoking gun, I don’t know what is.” (1:21:10) Literally, every vote in Fulton County has some type of manipulation problem. We know the actual (paper) ballots are not going to add up to the election results. I’ve been in the IT computer business for 40 years. These are not technical mistakes. This is electronic insertion. The (ballot) images were electronically tampered with. There can really be no dispute about that”.

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New Hampshire Secretary of State Gardner Agrees to Forensic Audit of Windham’s Voting Machines AND Ballots

By Jim Hoft

As we previously reported at The Gateway Pundit —
A November hand recount in the Rockingham District 7 NH House Race in Windham, New Hampshire, found that the Dominion-owned voting machines shorted EVERY REPUBLICAN by roughly 300 votes.

Via Facebook

The Dominion-owned machine results were wrong for all 4 Republicans in Windham by 6% or almost exactly 300 votes.

Granite Grok reported:

The Town of Windham used Dominion machines to count paper ballots and upon a believable hand recount, it was confirmed each Republican was machine-cheated out of roughly 300 votes.

You would think this would have been solved by the Dominion machine company, the Secretary of State, the Elections Unit of the AG’s Office, or the laughable Ballot Law Commission. (Kathy Sullivan, d (Term expires July 1, 2024)


Just like every other state that used machines that alter ballot counts in favor of one political party over another – here we are.

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Election Interference Concerns Prompt Returns To Paper Ballots

Editor's Note:  Word on the street is that the next big shoe to drop will be a report by DHS that will expose the real threat to voting integrity, the Democratic party.  So, once again it seems we will find that the Left has done what they have accused Russia of hoping to cover their own rotten tracks.   Their trumped up hysteria over Russian interference is coming back to bite them in the ass.  The last thing the left wants is to get rid of electronic voting machines because they make it a lot easier to tamper with election results.  So their hysterical efforts to get rid of Trump with the Russia, Russia, Russia tampered with our election thing is now resulting in what is surely an unintended consequence of people realizing we need to go back to paper ballots.  All electronic machines should be banned!!



WASHINGTON — Hoping to counter waves of Russian Twitter bots, fake social media accounts, and hacking attacks aimed at undermining American democracy, state election officials around the country are seizing on an old-school strategy: paper ballots.

In Virginia, election officials have gone back to a paper ballot system, as a way to prevent any foreign interference. Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolfe this month ordered county officials to ensure new election equipment produces a paper record. Georgia lawmakers are considering legislation to replace a touch-screen voting system with paper.

Top election officials around the country are growing increasingly alarmed about this fall’s midterm elections, with a drumbeat of dire warning signs that Russia is determined to influence them. And many are concerned that President Trump has not focused on the potential for more attacks on America’s election system like the one Russia launched in 2016.

With little leadership from the White House or Congress, they are acting locally, trying to outwit potential hackers by upgrading equipment and enhancing the cybersecurity of systems that contain sensitive voter registration rolls. Secretaries of state and other elections officials around the country in recent months also began applying for security clearances so that federal officials can start briefing them on classified information — and potential threats to election integrity.

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Ireland and The Netherlands Ended Electronic Voting After Finding Machines Untrustworthy and Failed Security Requirements

Jim Hoft

The United States is not the only Western nation that has had issues with electronic voting.

In 2020 several states witnessed abnormalities, vote switching and inaccurate vote totals in the thousands.

A reader from the UK reminded us that Europe also had issues with voting machines and Ireland and The Netherlands banned voting machines a decade ago.

I am a reader from the UK and follow events in the USA with a great deal of interest. You may be interested to know that this was a common problem in Europe via Nedap voting machines whereby their security was compromised. Ireland purchased Nedap voting machines and subsequently destroyed them at a cost of £55 million due to security issues. I have attached a document to this email that explains this voting machine security issue that was faced by Europe and Ireland. I hope this information may be useful.

The Netherlands decided in 2007 to withdraw electronic NEDAP voting after after finding them unreliable and failed modern security requirements.

Case Study Report on Electronic Voting in the Netherlands

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