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Massive Fraud and Tampering with Ballots and Voting Machines in Fulton County Georgia – 17,724 Votes with No Ballot Images


In Georgia, the recent passing of SB202 made election ballot images available to the public. On March 7th, VoterGa.org provided a 90-minute overview of their year-long investigation into the Fulton County ballot images. The evidence is astounding, and we list a dozen items below. The presentation slides are also helpful. Note: The Georgia SOS new “Risk Limiting” audit system for elections didn’t pick up a single one of the issues VoterGA found in Fulton County. The “RLA” audit system is heavily pushed by the left. Now you know why.

Garland Favorito from VoterGA.org proclaims: “If this isn’t the smoking gun, I don’t know what is.” (1:21:10) Literally, every vote in Fulton County has some type of manipulation problem. We know the actual (paper) ballots are not going to add up to the election results. I’ve been in the IT computer business for 40 years. These are not technical mistakes. This is electronic insertion. The (ballot) images were electronically tampered with. There can really be no dispute about that”.

What’s most incredible is the end of the presentation. There is a complete breakdown of any enforcement of election law in Georgia. To date, VoterGA has found no District Attorney in any county who is willing to prosecute the irrefutable fraud! Favorito explains: “We should be able to take our evidence, with our own attorney, to a grand jury in any county. But the District Attorney’s are basically facilitating corruption by blocking us from that access. All we have are ballot images. We can’t conduct a real investigation like a county DA, or State AG could, or an Independent Counsel, which would be the best.”

Favorito goes on to explain: “We get blocked…the DA’s don’t want to prosecute any of this election stuff. The District Attorneys only want to operate in their own county. We’ve been trying to convince some of the District Attorneys that when you have a federal election, and that election is rigged, it impacts all of your voters in your own county. We explain the Grand Jury has jurisdiction to go out across counties….they can engage other grand juries.” So far VoterGA has had no luck with local District Attorney’s “not even in rural Red counties” where Trump received 75-80% of the votes.

According to VoterGA investigator David Cross, things are much worse. Cross says: “Right now, the vast majority of attorneys we talk to say they are scared that they will be blackballed by friends, by their colleagues. That the bar association may say they are undermining the constitution. So we need help if we are going to make this happen. I’m putting a plea out there to lawyers across Georgia. If this topic interests you…, please reach out to VoterGA.org.” We expect those in the legal profession, private and public, will rise to the occasion. It’s well beyond the “preponderance of evidence” needed.

Most know President Trump was fully exonerated over a leaked phone call with GA election investigators. But a County DA in Georgia has decided otherwise. Favorito explains: “As you know, we can’t take this to Fulton County because the District Attorney is Fani T. Willis. She’s more interested in investigating a (Trump) phone call than investigating actual election corruption which is irrefutable. That tells you the kind of integrity the Fulton County DA has.”

The first 20 minutes of the VoterGa presentation provides great history of Georgia election fraud starting from 2002. The next 7 minutes are an excellent explanation of how the GA ballot process works. At the 28 minute mark, they start covering the 15 different aspects of fraud and tampering that took place in Fulton County. Investigators are providing the raw Fulton County ballot images at GAballots.com. Below is just some of the corruption they found.

FULTON COUNTY BALLOT IMAGE INVESTIGATION: (Note: 1 batch equals about 100 ballots)

  • 17,724 Presidential votes have no ballot images. Net gain of 9,024 votes for Biden.
  • 374,128 ballot images that were “Certified” are missing from everyone who voted in person.
    • These votes can’t be certified and shouldn’t have been counted.
    • Federal and State law require saving for 22 & 24 mo.
  • 132,284 mail-in ballot images are missing their authentication files.
  • Over 4,000 ballot images have duplicate time stamps. Often 3-8 ballots per/sec.
    • VoterGA believes these ballots were inserted.
  • 104,994 ballot image files have impossible duplicate time stamps.
  • All tabulator closing tapes for 315,000 “in-person early voting” are unsigned.
    • Only 2 slips were signed. It’s impossible this number of workers would not sign off.
    • VoterGA believes these unsigned tapes were fabricated and why no signatures.
  • ALL ballot batches were sent to adjudication for human reinterpretation. WTH?
  • 10 ballots adjudicated in one minute, by one user. It’s impossible.
  •  16,034 ballot images file modified dates are 3-8 days after image scan date
  • Ballot image files were backdated prior to adjudication.
  • 288 batches have backfilled images, also not in chronological order.
  • Closing tapes for 148 early voting tabulators show only 12 different ID’s (serial numbers).
  • One tabulator machine was never closed. Could add votes days and weeks after the election.
  • 12,024 ballots from Election Day have 85 closing tapes unsigned or missing.
  • $11,000 Fulton County wanted for a copy of “zero tapes” for the 300 tabulators.

Using the Open Records Requests laws and legal discovery, VoterGa asked for ballot images across the entire State of Georgia. During the presentation, it was explained Cobb County destroyed all their ballot images (TIF files) and all the authentication (SHA) for those images. They say Gwinnett County and others could be worse. This violates both Federal (22 mo.) and State (24 mo.) retention laws for election records. (1:07:20) County Clerks say they were told they could destroy these records by former Secretary of State Elections Director Chris Harvey. In an email, Harvey also said they can overwrite the memory cards, which also store ballot images.

(1:27:40) One guest said: “He has declared war on the people of Georgia. And our County Election Boards, most of them have decided they’re going to join his side of the war.”  According to Garland: “He (Raffensperger) knew there was something wrong. He heard all the evidence. He had 3 investigations in Dec 2020 by the Georgia General Assembly. We all went down and testified multiple times and showed them all the problems. And that should have been enough for him to trigger to go look at this stuff (Fulton ballot images). He had all the evidence under his nose and he chose not to look. That tells me he had something he desperately wanted to cover up.”

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