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Sudden Death: The No. 1 Cause of Death for Under 65s in 2021



Story at-a-glance

  • Mounting evidence shows the COVID shots are destroying people’s immune systems and are triggering turbo-charged cancers
  • A survey by Steve Kirsch found sudden death is the No. 1 cause of death among those under the age of 65 who got the COVID jab
  • Myocarditis as a cause of death is now registering across all age ranges but only for the vaccinated. Cardiac-related deaths are also significantly elevated among younger people (under 65) who got the jab compared to their unjabbed peers
  • Recent research shows repeated jabs trigger a switch in the types of antibodies your body produces and lower your ability to clear viruses. By switching from spike-specific neutralizing IgG antibodies to IgG4 antibodies, your body switches from tumor suppression mode into tumor progression mode
  • In addition to the potential for cancer cells to run amok, IgG4 dominance may also have severe autoimmune implications, as the COVID jab spike protein share similarities with human proteins

Evidence showing the COVID shots are a public health disaster keeps mounting. In late December 2022, Steve Kirsch1 and Jessica Rose,2 Ph.D., both published Substack articles detailing some of the latest evidence showing the shots are destroying people's immune systems and have triggered an avalanche of turbo-charged cancers.

Kirsch's article3 features results from a recent survey he conducted. It included four questions: age, whether the deceased was jabbed or not, year of death and cause of death. While the number of responses is low, major insights can still be gleaned by looking at the trends.

First, we have the baseline data from 2020, which show cancer was the No. 1 killer of Americans younger than 65, followed by hospital treatment for COVID. Turbo-charged cancers accounted for one-ninth of the cancer reports, and there were no reports of death from myocarditis.

Among seniors over the age of 65, preexisting conditions were the top cause of death in 2020. Cancer was second, COVID infection third and cardiac events fourth. There were no turbo-charged cancer deaths, nor any myocarditis deaths. Kirsch then gets into the differences between the vaxxed and the unvaxxed in 2021 and 2022.

What the Unvaxxed Died of in 2021 and 2022

In 2021 and 2022, the primary cause of death for people 65 and younger was hospital treatment for COVID. Incidences of sudden death, pulmonary embolism and turbo-charged cancers were all low, and there were no unknown causes of death, nor any myocarditis deaths.

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Confirmed: Covid Boosters Trigger Metastasis

Cancer rates have increased since the introduction of the COVID shots



  • Cancer rates have increased since the introduction of the COVID shots and is now one of the top three leading causes of premature death among younger adults — a trend that in turn is driving down U.S. life expectancy
  • The leading causes of death in 2021 were heart disease and cancer, both of which are potential side effects of the COVID jabs
  • Dr. Angus Dalgleish, professor of oncology at St. George’s University of London, warns that COVID boosters may be causing aggressive metastatic cancers
  • Research shows SARS-CoV-2 spike protein obliterates 90% of the DNA repair mechanism in lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell that helps your body fight infection and chronic disease, including cancer
  • The COVID jab is less effective in lymphoma patients. Emory University researchers found only 68% of non-Hodgkin lymphoma and chronic lymphocytic leukemia developed neutralizing antibodies after the second dose, compared to 100% of healthy controls

Cancer rates have increased since the introduction of the COVID shots and is one of the top three leading causes of premature death among younger adults — a trend that in turn is driving down U.S. life expectancy.

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Did You Think mRNA Vaccines Were the Only Ones to Accumulate in Organs? THINK AGAIN!

More great work from ICAN

from TheNakedEmporoer.substack.com

The AstraZeneca vaccine has all but disappeared from the UK after it was found to cause blood clots. Nevertheless, its CEO, Pascal Soriot, was knighted last month and said vaccine concerns were overblown.

The vaccine was different to the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines because it was a viral-vector vaccine (similar to Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen) instead of a mRNA one. Whilst the mRNA vaccines used RNA, protected in a lipid nanoparticle, the viral-vector vaccines encoded the genetic instructions to build the coronavirus’ spike protein in DNA. DNA is more stable as it is double-stranded whilst RNA is only single stranded.

So, AstraZeneca took these DNA genetic instructions and placed them inside another virus - a chimpanzee adenovirus. This adenovirus had been modified so that it could enter human cells but not replicate inside them or cause disease. However, once in a human cell, it could deliver its payload - the DNA instructions.

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I Have Tried Sounding the Alarm About the Vaccines Causing Cancer Relapse But the Mainstream Media Doesn’t Want to Know

Cancer specialist says Covid boosters are harming his patients

by Dr Angus Dalgleish

Following my recent communication about my very real concern over the recurrence of cancer in many of my melanoma patients who have been stable for long periods, at least five years and in one case 18 years, other oncologists have contacted me to say they are seeing the same phenomenon.

Seeing the recurrence of these cancers after all this time naturally makes me wonder if there is a common cause? I had previously noted that relapse in stable cancer is often associated with severe long-term stress, such as bankruptcy, divorce, etc. However I found that none of my patients had any such extra stress during this time but they had all had booster vaccines and, indeed, a couple of them noted that they had a very bad reaction to the booster which they did not have to the first two injections. 

I then noted that some of these patients were not having a normal pattern of relapse but rather an explosive relapse, with metastases occurring at the same time in several sites. Obviously, I began to wonder whether the booster vaccines could be causing these relapses and were not just coincidence, as my colleagues were willing to suggest. 

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Video: Governor DeSantis Calls on Grand Jury to Investigate Covid Vaccine-Related Injuries


Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) on Tuesday called on a statewide grand jury to investigate Covid vaccine-related injuries.

“Today I’m announcing a petition with the Supreme Court of Florida to impanel a statewide grand jury to investigate any and all wrongdoing in Florida with respect to Covid vaccines,” DeSantis said during a Covid vaccine accountability roundtable.

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German Data Analyst Reveals Data from Health Insurance Shows 4 Times Increase in Sudden Deaths Following COVID Vaccine Rollouts


German data analyst Tom Lausen held a conference on Monday in the Bundestag to discuss the massive rise in people who died “suddenly and unexpectedly” after the Covid vaccine rollout.

Only one mainstream journalist was present during the press conference.

The National Association for Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (NASHIP) provided the data covering over 72 million insured Germans.

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Video: Toxicology Expert - COVID-19 Vaccines Will Sterilie an Entire Generation


An expert in toxicology and molecular biology warned that the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines will potentially “sterilize an entire generation.”

Dr. Janci Lindsay issued this warning during a Dec. 7 roundtable discussion hosted by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI). She stated that the mRNA COVID-19 shots could “potentially sterilize an entire generation” or “be passed on to next generations as inadvertent gene transfer.”

“[It is] absolutely irresponsible to continue any of these shots [for children and people of child-bearing age] without investigating this. There is no what that we can say at this point that [the mRNA vaccines] are safe and effective,” Lindsay said.

She also pointed to claims that the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines stay in the injection site, which have since been debunked as the mRNA travels throughout the entire body.

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Video: Doctors and Victims Detail Massive Death & Adverse Reactions From COVID Vaccines

Congressional testimony from experts across the medical field reveals a litany of deadly side effects of the experimental COVID injection.


U.S. Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) held a public forum titled, “Covid-19 Vaccines: What They Are, How They Work, and Possible Causes of Injuries” on Capitol Hill earlier this week.


Speakers detailing Covid vaccine injuries included Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Paul Marik, Dr. Robert Malone, ICAN Attorney, Aaron Siri, Esq., OpenVAERS Founder, Liz Willner, Edward Dowd, Dr. Harvey Risch, Dr. Ryan Cole, Journalist, Del Bigtree, and more.

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Video: Internationally Renowned Cardiologist Turns Anti-Covid 'Vaccine' After it Kills His Father

By Amy Mek

You have a higher risk of heart attack from two doses of the vaccine than if you decided to start smoking 40 cigarettes a day, stop exercising and gorge yourself daily on junk food.

Fox News host Tucker Carlson recently interviewed Internationally renowned cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra and discussed the disturbing evidence that led him to conclude that the Covid vaccines need to be suspended. The former major Covid vaccine promoter highlighted the corruption of medicine by Big Pharma, politicians, academic institutions, medical journals, and regulatory bodies. 

Wake-Up Call

Dr. Malhotra went from promoting the Covid vaccine on television to questioning the physical effects unhealthy people have from the vaccine. That change came after his father, a health fit and healthy doctor, suffered an unexplained cardiac arrest and died.

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Video: Nurse Whistleblower: Preborn Baby Deaths Have SKYROCKETED Since Pregnant Women Started Being Forced to Get Covid Jabs

By Arsenio Toledo

A nurse whistleblower warned that fetal deaths dramatically increased after the rollout of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines for pregnant mothers.

This is according to Michelle Gershman, a registered nurse who spoke with Dr. James Thorp and members of the organization Children’s Health Defense regarding the connection between the COVID-19 vaccines and fetal death.

Thorp, a veteran obstetrician-gynecologist, described Gershman’s testimony about how pregnant women were “pushed” into an “experimental gene therapy” program as “the most egregious ethical disaster in the history of medicine. It’s an unparalleled disaster.”

“I don’t understand how people just brush it off and pretend it’s not a big deal,” said Gershman. “It’s absolutely a big deal. I do truly believe that babies are given to us by God, they’re meant to bring us love and joy, and if something comes between that, trying to take your baby away, to me that’s absolutely evil.” (Related: HOLOCAUST OF THE UNBORN: Babies are DYING because their mothers got “vaccinated” for COVID.)

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