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Confessions of Congressman X: It’s Easy ‘To Manipulate A Nation Of Naive, Self-Absorbed Sheep’

By Michael Snyder
End of the American Dream


You may not believe the incredible things that one member of Congress is saying about the corruption of our political system and the gullibility of the American people.  In a brand new book entitled “The Confessions of Congressman X“, one anonymous member of the U.S. House of Representatives confesses that he hardly ever reads the bills that he votes on, that his main job is to get reelected, and that it is “far easier than you think to manipulate a nation of naive, self-absorbed sheep who crave instant gratification”.  This book is being published by Mill City Press, and it is being billed as “a devastating inside look at the dark side of Congress as revealed by one of its own.”  I don’t know if you would classify this anonymous member of Congress as “brave” since he does not wish to reveal his identity, but the things that he is admitting confirm suspicions that many of us have had for a very long time.  Just check out a few of the most important quotes from his book…



  • “Most of my colleagues are dishonest career politicians who revel in the power and special-interest money that’s lavished upon them.”
  • “My main job is to keep my job, to get reelected. It takes precedence over everything.”
  • “Fundraising is so time consuming I seldom read any bills I vote on. Like many of my colleagues, I don’t know how the legislation will be implemented, or what it’ll cost.”
  • “Voters are incredibly ignorant and know little about our form of government and how it works.”
  • “It’s far easier than you think to manipulate a nation of naive, self-absorbed sheep who crave instant gratification.”
  • “It’s about getting credit now, lookin’ good for the upcoming election.”
  • “We spend money we don’t have and blithely mortgage the future with a wink and a nod. Screw the next generation.”

That last quote made me want to tear my hair out.

This is exactly what I have been saying for years.

One of the things that will really get me ranting is the national debt.  Since Barack Obama entered the White House, we have been stealing an average of more than 100 million dollars from future generations of Americans every single hour of every single day.

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Rewarding Crooks and The Incompetent

By Devvy Kidd
News With Views

“There are basically two types of people. People who accomplish things, and people who claim to have accomplished things. The first group is less crowded.” --Mark Twain

The other day another email came into my mail box about "taking back America" with a note to support a candidate. Going into my twentieth year of full time activism, I've heard it before, only to see people chase the same non solutions. The tea parties continue with lots of newly awakened and angry Americans. I have said for a long time that people don't become activists until the system hurts them in some way or disturbs their comfort zone. When enough Americans become victims of the federal machine, they will react. That time has come and is building, but will Americans pursue solutions or be distracted with things like "We need a third party!"

The solutions to return this country to a constitutional republic (we are not a democracy) is already there in the U.S. Constitution. But, let me respond to the email I referenced above because we have to remember this: Who makes the laws? Congress and your state legislatures; minor ones at the local levels of government. Who enforces those laws? Law enforcement; sheriffs and local police. The courts are rancid at the federal level with judges and justices legislating from the bench. Not much better at the state level, but in many states you can throw them out on election day. This rarely happens because people simply punch a hole in the voting card next to a judge's name they saw on a sign without knowing a single case that judge decided.

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Members of Congress get $174,000 to Primarily Be In Recess!

We pay each member of Congress $174,000 a year, $14,500 a month (which includes a new $4,700.00 raise they just gave themselves for the fine job of screwing us they've been doing!  Did you know that?  And did you know how much time they actually work for that moola?  Watch Uncle Jay explain the reality of our ever increasing DO NOTHING (for us) Congress. 


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Congressman Routinely Violate Their Duty Under the Constitution

By Jon

I spent 1970-72 in Washington, DC, working with members of Congress and their staffers, and have had frequent contacts with them since. The subject of constitutional compliance has often come up. When I challenge the constitutionality of some proposed legislation, I often get that "You are the first person to contact us with that point."

Sen. John Glenn (D-OH) once admitted he disregards and has broken his oath of office to uphold the Constitution.

On July 16, 1996, the Senate Committee on Governmental affairs held hearings considering a bill to require Congress to specify for each new law which section of the Constitution gives it authority to pass the law.  Sen. Glenn spoke out strongly against this requirement stating, "Why, if we had to do that we could not pass most of the laws we enact around here."  He stated that  the Clean Water Act, Endangered Species Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act and others could never have been passed if Congress had to find authority for them in the Constitution.  He declared, "Americans just want us to solve America's problems of health and safety--and not be concerned if they can be constitutionally justified."

This is typical of the attitudes of members of congress, who, although few of them have a deep understanding of the Constitution, disregard it because their constituents don't make constitutional compliance a leading issue on which they decide who to vote for.

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Video: The Investigators: ALEC - The Backroom Where Laws Are Born

This is a glimpse into the world of the American Legislative Exchange Council, a corporate-funded charity that pays for lawmaker trips to resorts where they leave with ready-to-pass bills. Neither ALEC nor the Georgia legislature would show us where the money comes from, or who it goes to.


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Both Major U.S. Parties are Plagues on Humanity

Three Prez

The two corporate parties have collaborated in knocking off countries targeted for invasion and regime change. They have both nurtured the jihadist international network that was created under presidents Carter and Reagan. And presidents Clinton, Bush and Obama are complicit in the capital crime of genocide in the Congo, where six million people have died since 1996. The presidential nominee of either party must be a ghoul, a fiend, or a banshee.

There has never been a dime’s worth of difference between the Clintons (Bill and Hillary) and Barack Obama, and less than ten cents separates the worldviews of these Democratic political twins from the Bush wing of the Republican Party.

Each has their individual quirks. Barack destroys international order and the rule of law while dabbling at song; Bill dismantled the U.S. manufacturing base and threw record numbers of Blacks in prison as he toyed with his trumpet; George W. played the fool who would Shock and Awe the world into obedience; and Hillary is the evil crone that curses the dead while screaming “We are Woman” like a banshee. But they are all the same in their corporate soullessness.

They all lie for a living, and they live to lie. Hillary Clinton commingled official and personal criminality through the medium of email. Knowing that, in a life dedicated to crime, she could never successfully sequester her private and public conspiracies, Hillary privatized all of her email correspondence during her tenure as Obama’s Secretary of State (in the perfect spirit of neoliberalism). The fate of millions of Haitians whose country’s earthquake and development “aid” are under the Clinton family thumb were doubtless bundled into the tens of thousands of messages she erased on leaving Foggy Bottom.

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