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FREE Video Library: Government Tyranny

  • The Obama Deception (2 hours)
    The Obama Deception is a hard-hitting film that completely destroys the myth that Barack Obama is working for the best interests of the American people. The Obama phenomenon is a hoax carefully crafted by the captains of the New World Order. He is being pushed as savior in an attempt to con the American people into accepting global slavery.
    If you DARE, watch this video and learn exactly why we have to take control of our government away from the lunatics  that have it now and FAST!  Whether you wish to believe it or not, there are very wealthy people that are working towards a world government and "End Game" shows you exactly who they are, what they are doing and how they are doing it. The people that are doing this are NOT nice people.  This shocking film shows you quite clearly that our best interests are not even on their list of concerns.
  • Hijacking Catastrophe: 9/11, Fear & the Selling of American Empire
    9/11, Fear & the Selling of American Empire examines how a radical fringe of the Republican Party used the trauma of the 9/11 terror attacks to advance a pre-existing agenda to radically transform American foreign policy while rolling back civil liberties and social programs at home.
  • Last Video Interview With Aaron Russo Highlighting His Relationship with Nick Rockefeller
    This amazing and troubling interview was the last video interview Aaron Russo did before his recent death.  In it he reveals the real problems we face as a nation and what we need to do to stop the global elite from finalizing their tyrannical world government that they alone control.
  • History Channel Documentary About The Attempt To Overthrow FDR
    This shocking film exposes something that every American should be aware of.  The powerful industrialists that control our world today, the ones engineering the downfall of this country are the same ones that almost succeeded before World War II.  While they were putting Hitler into power in Germany, they were working to install the same kind of fascists dictatorship in this country.
  • Terror Storm
    events, 'false flag" This film documents examples of terrorism sponsored by our own government and the British government in order to control people and natural resources around the globe.  It backs up everything with declassified documentation.  You must watch this film as it demonstrates the degree to which our government lies and uses terrorists events so-called democratic governments stage and blame on others to destabilize populations and perpetuate fear, the most powerful means to get us to go along with what they are doing.  YOU MUST SEE THIS FILM.  Once you understand what our own government is doing, you will no longer be fooled.
  • Unconstitutional - The War On Our Civil Liberties
    Unconstitutional: The War on Our Civil Liberties is the new, hour-long documentary from Robert Greenwald - one of the most prolific and progressive producers in Hollywood - in conjunction with the ACLU. This new film, written, directed and produced by Nonny de la Peña, details the shocking way that the civil liberties of American citizens and immigrants alike have been infringed upon, curtailed and rolled back since 9/11 and the USA Patriot Act.
  • The Secret Government: The Constitution in Crisis, by Bill Moyers
    This is the full length 90 min. version of Bill Moyer's 1987 scathing critique of the criminal subterfuge carried out by the Executive Branch of the United States Government to carry out operations which are clearly contrary to the wishes and values of the American people. The ability to exercise this power with impunity is facilitated by the National Security Act of 1947. The thrust of the exposé is the Iran-Contra arms and *censored*-running operations which flooded the streets of our nation with crack cocaine. The significance of the documentary is probably greater today in 2007 than it was when it was made.
  • In Lies We Trust
    In Lies We Trust: The CIA, Hollywood & Bioterrorism to learn why your life is entrusted to Manchurian candidates who don't even know how and why they aim to kill you.  Dr. Horowitz brilliantly critiques the government's new 24-hour television network and feature documentary, History of Bioterrorism, which is now broadcasting daily over the Dish Network.  September is "National Preparedness Month." Officials say you must prepare for the worst bioterrorist attacks, yet they use fear and gross inaccuracies (propaganda) examined by Horowitz for your edutainment and informed choice.
  • WACO: The Rules of Engagement
    A highly detailed examination of the interaction between David Koresh, his members, and Federal Law Enforcement. It shows how the FBI misled the public and American political leaders in order to focus overwhelming force on a group whose diversity of race, national origin, and apocalyptic religious beliefs made its members easy targets for lethal abuse of civil and human rights. Gripping and deeply
    thought provoking, the film provides America with something it truly needs - an opportunity to review the historical record of events at Waco. The findings raise doubts about the FBI's version of the story and their larger role in similar instances of law enforcement.

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