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6 Things You Need To Know About The Released Comey Memos


By Ben Shapiro

On Thursday, contemporaneous memos written by then-FBI director James Comey regarding meetings with President Trump were revealed to Congress . . . and within minutes, were leaked to the media. There wasn’t much in the memos we hadn’t already heard from Comey, of course. But here’s what you need to know.

1. Comey Leaked The Memos To Prompt A Special Counsel In The First Place. After Comey’s firing, he leaked the memos to a “close friend” so that the press would see them, intending to prompt a special counsel investigation into his firing. The theory was that the memos showed that Comey was hot on Trump’s trail on the Russia investigation, and that Trump fired Comey in order to obstruct justice. Comey told the Senate Intelligence Committee in June 2017, “I asked a friend of mine to share the content of the memo with a reporter. I didn’t do it myself for a variety of reasons but I asked him to because I thought that might prompt the appointment of a special counsel.” But there’s nothing in the memos that suggests Trump was actually attempting to obstruct justice.

2. The Letter From The DOJ To Congress Suggests Portions Of The Memo Were Classified. Comey said he hadn’t broken the law by showing the memos to a third party, because they were unclassified personal “recollection.” But the letter from the DOJ to Congress states, “Therefore, pursuant to your request, we are providing the requested memoranda in both redacted and unredacted formats for your convenience. … The unredacted documents are classified, and we will provide those in a separate, secure transmittal to the House Security office tomorrow.” This seems to suggest that Comey was wrong about the level of classification the memos required, meaning he could have broken the law — although Comey says he only leaked one of the memos to his friend, and that one was unclassified.

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Watergate Every Week: Using the FBI to Suppress a Political Revolution

From Steele to Mueller, the cost of overturning the 2016 election.

By Daniel Greenfield

In the early seventies, political operatives disguised as delivery men broke into a Washington D.C. office. These efforts to spy on the political opposition would culminate in what we know as Watergate.

In the late teens, political operatives disguised as FBI agents, NSA personnel and other employees of the Federal government eavesdropped, harassed and raided the offices of the political opposition.

The raids of Michael Cohen’s hotel room, home and office are just this week’s Watergate.

Political operatives have now seized privileged communications between the President of the United States and his lawyer. Despite fairy tales about a clean process, these communications will be harvested by the counterparts of Peter Strzok, who unlike him are still on the case at the FBI, some of it will appear in the Washington Post and the New York Times, and some will be passed along to other political allies.

That’s what happened at every juncture of Watergate 2.0. And it only follows that it will happen again.

Just like the eavesdropping, the process will be compartmentalized for maximum plausible deniability. The leakers will be protected by their superiors. The media will shrilly focus the public’s attention on the revelations in the documents rather than on the more serious crimes committed in obtaining them.

Nixon couldn’t have even dreamed of doing this in his wildest fantasies. But Obama could and did. Now his operatives throughout the government are continuing the work that they began during his regime.

Attorney-client privilege is just one of those rights we have to give up to protect ourselves from a conspiracy theory invented by the Clinton campaign. (But no amount of dead Americans can ever justify ending immigration from Islamic terror states or deporting illegal alien gang members.)

We are at the latest stage of a process that began when the Clinton campaign funded a dossier alleging foreign ties by her political opponent. It did this using a law firm while lying on its FEC disclosures about payments to that firm. (But unlike Cohen, Hillary’s lawyers will never be raided by the FBI.)

That dossier was then used to justify eavesdropping on Trump associates by political allies in the State Department, the FBI, the CIA and the National Security Council. This wasn’t really breaking new ground. Obama had already been caught using the NSA to spy on members of Congress opposed to his Iran Deal. 

The contents of the dossier were rambling nonsense. Its claims about Michael Cohen were easily disproven. But that covert investigation was transformed into an overt one with Mueller. And Mueller’s very public investigation follows the same path as the secret investigation by Obama associates. Both used the dubious claims of the Clinton dossier as the starting point for an endless fishing expedition.

Eavesdrop enough, raid enough, squeeze enough and you will eventually find something. And even if you don’t, you can always manipulate them into denying something and nail them for lying to the FBI.

Keep squeezing and maybe you’ll even find someone willing to lie under oath for you.

Mueller has yet to deliver on Russian collusion. But Susan Rice and Samantha Power couldn’t do it either. Instead they all assembled a vast network of international conspiracy theories whose only purpose is to justify more raids, more eavesdropping and more fishing expeditions. 

These are the police state tactics usually used by Communist dictatorships where domestic security agencies accuse the political opposition of treason, spy on them, raid their homes on fake charges and then look for anything that can be used to put them away. Just like in Russia. And for the same reasons.

Russian domestic security agencies, from the KGB to the FSB, used these tactics against political opponents who might pose a threat to their rule. That is exactly what’s happening here.

This isn’t just an ideological war. Washington D.C. is fighting to suppress a political revolution.

Even Obama and Hillary’s political operatives couldn’t have pushed the DOJ and other agencies this far outside their comfort zone under ordinary circumstances. There had been previous abuses of power, under JFK, LBJ, Nixon and Clinton, but there has been nothing like this since the Alien and Sedition Acts or Madison’s Machiavellian scapegoating of the Federalists for the disastrous War of 1812.

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Video: Rep Mark Meadows: If Rosenstein Doesn’t Turn Over Docs, We Will Move to Impeach

Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) said that if Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein does not turn over the unredacted documents requested by Congress related to FISA, FBI and more then impeachment could be in order.


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Video: Dr. Jerome Corsi 4-2-18 Update

This the latest insights by Dr. Jerome Corsi on the latest Q-Anon posts.  It includes info on what's going on behind the scenes with Sessions appointment of a Federal Prosecutor to work with the Inspector General and much, much more.  Very positive indications that we may be in store for some much needed action and prosecutions of Deep State actors.


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Video: Dr. Jerome Corsi 3-24-18 Update

This is an important update on current events.  Corsi reveals much needed insight into what an Omnibus Bill really is (as opposed to a budget) and how he believes it gives Trump much more flexibility to get things done, including building the wall.  Corsi covers a lot of ground in this report.  Well worth the time to listen to.  Please spread far and wide.  Very good news if he's reading things correctly, which he usually does.


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Video: Dr. Jerome Corsi on the Latest News 3-18-18 - McCabe Firing and Deep State Being In Deep Trouble

This is a riveting analysis of the latest news regarding the firing of Andrew McCabe which goes into who he actually is and what he's actually done. Plus lots of good news about the Deep State being in deep trouble. Looks like indictments are on the horrizon!


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Video: Q-Anon Update with Jerome Corsi 2-26-18

If this doesn't freak you out, boggle your mind and/or cause you to reconsider whether anyone's in charge, then you're in a coma. That simple.

Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D., currently serves as Washington Bureau Chief for Infowars.com. Previously, Dr. Corsi worked for 12 years as a Senior Staff Reporter for WND.com, previously World Net Daily, from 2004 through January 2017.

Since 2004, Dr. Corsi has published over twenty books, six of which were New York Times Best Sellers. Two of his books were reached the top of the list, ranking Number #1 on the New York Times non-fiction book list: Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry, co-authored in 2004 with John O’Neill, and The Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality in 2008.

In 1968, Dr. Corsi received a Bachelor of Arts degree, graduating Magna Cum Laude from Case Western Reserve University, in Cleveland, Ohio, where he majored in political science and economics. In 1972, he received a Ph.D. in Political Science from Harvard University.



Fortunately someone else copied the interview
and uploaded it to his channel.
No telling how long this will stay up.

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Video: Lionel and Dr. Jerome Corsi on #QAnon, #DeepState Despotism, Russian Indictments and #MKUltra

Quite a few bombshells in this interview.  Many leaks by QAnon about DHS investigation into voter fraud to be release sometime in March exposes massive Democratic voter fraud.  Millions of illegals voted.  Also disclosure of long-term CIA operation started as MKUltra, which is related to manipulation of people who end up being school shooters (Manchurian Candidates). 

"The government encouraged the manufacture and importation of military firearms for the criminals to use. This is intended to foster a feeling of insecurity, which would lead the American people to voluntarily disarm themselves by passing laws against firearms. Using drugs and hypnosis on mental patients in a process called Orion, the CIA inculcated the desire in these people to open fire on schoolyards and thus inflame the antigun lobby. This plan is well under way, and so far is working perfectly. The middle class is begging the government to do away with the 2nd amendment." — "Behold a Pale Horse" [Milton William Cooper]


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Video: Jerome Corsi Discusses High Level Leaker Q-Anon

Dr. Jerome Corsi breaks down new high-level leaks from someone who calls themselves Q-Anon which stands for an "anonymous source with the highest "Q level" security clearance.  If what Dr. Corsi reveals about Q-Anon posts on the deep web bulletin boards,  WOW is all one can say.  The deep state is in DEEP TROUBLE!


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