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Nadler’s Fake Impeachment Inquiry

The Judiciary chairman plans a PR stunt designed to look like an official investigation.

By David Catron

The impeachment of a president, parliamentary esoterica notwithstanding, involves three straightforward steps. First, the House authorizes the Judiciary Committee to open a formal impeachment inquiry. Next, that committee conducts an investigation to determine if the president has committed any offense justifying his removal from office. Finally, if such evidence is discovered, the full House votes to approve one or more articles of impeachment. The Democrats, despite their accusations of dark doings at the White House, can’t muster enough votes in the House to complete the first step toward removing President Trump. Consequently, Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler has decided to conduct a fake impeachment inquiry.

Over the weekend, CNN reported that the House Judiciary Committee is prepared to vote next week on a resolution laying out the procedures for its investigation: “The vote, which is expected to occur on Wednesday, will lay out the ground rules for conducting hearings now that the committee has publicly announced it is considering recommending articles of impeachment against Trump.” Nadler has not merely abandoned two centuries of congressional precedent for impeachment; he is also opposed by nearly half of the Democratic House caucus. Only 134 of the 235 Democratic representatives favor the maneuver, and many adamantly oppose it. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii), who is running for the Democratic presidential nomination, puts it thus:

I don’t support impeachment. You know, I think it’s important for us to think about what is in the best interest of the country and the American people, and continuing to pursue impeachment is something that I think will only further tear our country apart.… We need to defeat Donald Trump. But I think it’s important for our country’s sake and our future that the voters in this country are the ones who do that.

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Video: Congressional Testimony From Clinton Era Reveals Pedophile Blackmail Network

A history and expose of mind control, government-sanctioned child abuse, and pedophiliac blackmail

This video explains the dark history and purpose of the use of mind control and pedophilia as a means of government espionage and blackmail.

At its heart is unearthed video of congressional victim testimony, given before a Bill Clinton advisory committee in 1995. How this video testimony has escaped the pubic discourse for over twenty years is a prime example of how deep the corruption runs in our society

In 1995, President Bill Clinton’s advisory committee on Human Radiation Experimentation included testimonies before congress from child victims involved in the experiments who claimed they were tortured, kept in cages, and used to sexually blackmail powerful politicians when they were only nine years old.

They claim to have been undergoing these experiments in government run laboratories along with several other young children.

The 1995 Human Radiation Experiment’s final report can still be found on the C-SPAN archives, but there is no archive of the child victim testimony.

Fortunately, the victim testimony was uploaded in 2015 to the YouTube “kollyvades” channel, entitled: “Mind Control Hearings from the President’s Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experimentation.”

And the written transcripts are still available at the National Security Archive.

This information is crucial to understanding the depths of corruption that has infected our society for several decades. Please share this link everywhere.



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Video: Biden Money Trail Exposed In Court Documents Former VP 'Offshored' Corruption Through Son

Former VP 'offshored' corruption through son, primarily through his son Hunter, former vice president and now 2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden has been “offshoring” corruption, contends investigative journalist and author Peter Schweizer.

He explains in the first episode of a new series called “The Drill Down with Peter Schweizer” that bank documents entered in a court case “shed light on just how much money [foreign] oligarchs were sending to the Biden family while he was vice president.


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Video: How Obama "SURVEILLED" (I.E. Spied On) Sharyl Attkisson

Sharyl Attkisson has a shocking story to tell about how she was spied on by our government.  She discovered shocking things that had been done in order to surveil her activities on because she did government watchdog reporting.  She goes into detail below about the measures that were taken to spy on her just like James Rosen of Fox News was spied on:


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Video: Democrats Show Contempt For The American People

Dems refuse to honor the results of the Mueller probe and the 2016 election!


The Democrats are attempting to move the goal posts back onto the field. But the field is muddy and it’s unclear whether they realize which game is going to be played.

The Democrats have been frantically setting the table after realizing they put nothing on it, only to have the needler New York congressman Judiciary Committee Chair Jerry Nadler bring the Democratic Party message back to its modus operandi of bad craziness.

If the Democrats actually cared about fair and free elections and Russian election meddling, would they support Big Tech’s obvious 2020 election interference by banning the platforms of Trump’s base? Or continue their shallow impeachment narrative? A narrative that threatens the stability of the United States and the real issues Americans face.


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Video: Jim Jordan: House Democrats Are Trying To Destroy AG Bill Barr

The push to hold William Barr in contempt is an effort to prevent the attorney general from investigating the origins of the Mueller probe, says Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan, Republican member of the House Judiciary Committee.


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Video: Devin Nunes Locked and Loaded: 8 Criminal Referrals Ready, Including 3 Targeting 'Conspiracy' and 'Global Leaks'

Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., announced on Sunday he is ready to send eight criminal referrals to the Justice Department next week related to the origins of the Trump-Russia investigation.

"We're prepared this week to notify the attorney general that we're prepared to send those referrals over and brief him if he wishes to be briefed," Nunes said on Fox News.

The ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee has been teasing a referral of Justice Department and FBI officials for months and previously predicted its delivery by the end of last week.


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Video: Tom Fitton: Rep. Adam Schiff Should Step Down–CANNOT Be Trusted to Handle Classified Info

udicial Watch President Tom Fitton discusses how House Democrats are planning to vote on whether to authorize subpoenas for special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe report.


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Video: Spygate: How Obama Officials Plotted to Take Down Trump [2019] PART 1

By TheEpochsTimes.com

Spygate has become one of the greatest political scandals in America’s history. In this special two-part series we explore how the intelligence community and federal agencies conspired against Donald Trump's presidency. A willing and complicit media spread unsubstantiated or falsified leaks as facts in an effort to promote the Russia-collusion narrative rather than objectively report on it.

The Spygate scandal also raises a bigger question, was the 2016 election a one-time aberration or is it symptomatic of decades of institutional political corruption? This story builds on dozens of Congressional testimonies, court documents, and other research to provide an inside look at the actions of Obama administration officials in this scandal.


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Don Jr. Calls For Jerry Nadler To Recuse Himself For Russia Ties

By Patrick Howley

Don Trump Jr. stated that he believes Jerry Nadler should recuse himself from all investigations pertaining to Russia, after Nadler’s deep Russian ties were exposed. Nadler, the Democrat congressman, is leading the subpoena charge against President Trump in spite of national outrage over Nadler’s son’s work for Gibson Dunn, which is suing Trump on behalf of private clients — a clear and actionable conflict of interest.

Lachlan Markay reported: “As the top Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee goes all out in his investigation of President Donald Trump’s ties to Russian interests, one of his campaign consultants is working on behalf of a prominent employee of Russia’s foreign-propaganda apparatus.

Ezra Friedlander is a lobbyist and political consultant who runs outreach to the Orthodox Jewish community of behalf of New York Rep. Jerry Nadler’s campaign. He’s also a public-relations executive, and his newest client is the wife of Kirill Vyshinsky, the head of Russian media outlet RIA Novosti’s Ukrainian arm.”

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