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Video: Amazon — Market. Power! Monopoly?

This documentary will show you how Amazon uses its size and power to raise prices, for you, the consumer. The documentary follows four sellers on Amazon, two in Europe, two in the US, and their journey to survive on the platform. It begins with an explanation of Amazon's pricing policies and the complex way Amazon enforces them and then finishes with how Amazon monitors and copies its sellers' products. Watch this foundational beginning section carefully and your mind will be blown later in the documentary when you see what goes on behind the scenes, when you click buy. This is an extremely important documentary. Amazon responds to fair criticism and it is my hope, that with your support that we can change Amazon's policies. So sellers can set their own prices. And so you can pay less when you shop online.





Amazon in Europe

How Amazon's pricing systems work 5:24
Does Amazon follow its own pricing rules? 9:26
Europe's investigations into Amazon's market power 14:00
What happens when you sell off-Amazon for less? Amazon in the US 17:28
Amazon in the USA 20:15
The Brain Flakes 20:37
Calculating the revenues of sellers on Amazon 22:56
Is Amazon a Monopoly? 24:13
How Amazon uses its marketplace to subsidize its money-losing businesses  26:01
The ads on Amazon and how they drive up prices 27:00

How sellers are forced to use Amazon's other services Amazon in Europe 28:50
Competing with Amazon to be seen in search 29:53
What data analysis says about Amazon following its own rules 32:07
European investigations into Amazon's conduct 33:57
Is it possible to sell online without Amazon? 35:20
How Europe curbed Amazon's pricing behavior Amazon in the US 37:52
Does Amazon's Basics brand copy its sellers' products? 38:41
The Everyday Sling 40:27
Does Amazon use private data to decide what products to copy? Amazon in Europe 44:46
Is Amazon a monopoly that should be broken up? 46:52
Credits 47:08

Do you have an Amazon Prime account? I'd like to thank all who made this film possible. A special thank you and respect goes out to the sellers who appeared. It takes a lot of guts and conviction to stand up to one of the world's most powerful companies. Support their businesses!


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Tucker Carlson Exposing the Dark Side of Amazon

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