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Vax 2.0, Here We Go: Moderna Announces “Human Trials” of New Hybrid Flu-Covid Vaccine Are Officially Underway

Future “Triple-Threat” Vaccine “in the Works”


By Julian Conradson

On Sunday, Moderna’s Chief Medical Officer Dr. Paul Burton announced the vaccine maker had officially kicked off phase 1 “human trials” for its new two-in-one Flu-Covid jab.

According to Burton, who spoke exclusively with 9News Australia, phase one clinical trials for the hybrid vaccine are currently underway and progressing on schedule, with the new treatment expected to be rolled out between late 2023 and early 2024.

From 9News:

“A phase one trial of a combination flu and Covid vaccine is currently underway. Moderna plans to have that vaccine ready by next year or by early 2024.”

Moderna’s CMO also announced that the company is currently working on a “triple-threat” vaccine that will be made available sometime in 2024 or 2025, following the rollout of the hybrid ‘Flu-Rona’ vaccine. The third-generation treatment will also target a lung infection called respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), which is a common, contagious virus that causes infections of the respiratory tract, according to the CDC.

Just like with Covid, RSV has an extremely low mortality rate for the vast majority of people. But, the sCiEnCe says we need another experimental vaccine – and you must take it.

Initial “human trials” for this triple vaccine are also expected to begin by the end of this year.

Burton explained:

“We have a three-in-one, which is Covid, Flu, and something called RSV. These are all respiratory pathogens that kill people young and old every year.”

Despite the undeniable failure of the vaccine’s effectiveness, Burton described the experimental hybrid treatment as necessary, especially in the face of the new Omicron subvariants that are spreading across the west. He promoted Moderna’s latest iteration of the mRNA vaccine – the also-failed, Omicron-specific boosters – as the temporary solution until the new version is rolled out next year.

From Burton:

“I think BA.4 and 5 are concerning, they’re more transmissible, they have more immune escape, this is something we have to take very seriously. I don’t think it’s as severe and dangerous as delta…

…Spikevax was a good vaccine two years ago, it’s still a very good vaccine today, but we need a variant adapted booster and that’s what we have generated now.”

Watch Burton’s interview on 9News Australia:

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