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Senate Judiciary Demands DOJ & FBI Turn Over Flynn 302 Forms Due To Comey's Contradictory Statements

By Ryan Saavedra

On Friday, Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) sent a letter to Department of Justice Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and FBI Director Christopher Wray demanding that they produce documents related to the FBI's assessments of their interview of former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn due to recent contradictory statements made by fired FBI Director James Comey.

"On February 15, 2017, this Committee requested on a bipartisan basis a copy of the transcript of the widely reported call between Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn and the Russian ambassador and the FBI report summarizing the intercepted calls," Grassley wrote. "The Justice Department declined to provide any of that information, and instead then-FBI Director Comey provided a wide-ranging briefing to us on March 15, 2017 that touched on the Flynn issues. "

"According to that agent’s contemporaneous notes, Director Comey specifically told us during that briefing that the FBI agents who interviewed Lt. General Michael Flynn, 'saw nothing that led them to believe [he was] lying,'" Grassley's letter continues. "Our own Committee staff’s notes indicate that Mr. Comey said the 'agents saw no change in his demeanor or tone that would say he was being untruthful.'

"Contrary to his public statements during his current book tour denying any memory of those comments, then-Director Comey led us to believe during that briefing that the agents who interviewed Flynn did not believe he intentionally lied..." Grassley wrote, before listing off demands to Rosenstein and Wray.

Given Comey's contradictory statements, Grassley instructed the Deputy Attorney General and FBI Director to provide to the committee by no later than May 25, 2018, everything requested in the "February 15, 2017 letter, including the transcripts of the reportedly intercepted calls and any FBI reports summarizing them; and the FBI agents’ 302s memorializing their interview of Flynn and 1A supporting docs, including the agents’ notes."

PJ Media notes:

The 302 form contains information from the notes an FBI agent takes during an interview of a subject. It is used by FBI agents to "report or summarize the interviews that they conduct."

The reason that the 302 forms are of especially high interest regarding Flynn is that reports have surfaced indicating that recently fired FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe might have instructed FBI agents to change the information they recorded on the forms.

"I have been told tonight by a number of sources ... that McCabe may have asked FBI agents to actually change their 302s," investigative journalist Sara Carter told Fox News host Sean Hannity.

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