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Schiff, Nadler Condemn Elevating Durham's Russia Probe Into Criminal Investigation

Editor's Note: Oh poor babies. They don't like it much when the tables get turned. Here they are AGAIN pissing and moaning and accusing Trump of doing precisely what they have done themselves for well over FOUR YEARS! These seditious Democrats have spent untold millions in taxpayer money (over $30 million just on the Mueller fiasco) trying to overturn the 2016 election by removing the President from office.

They are the ones who have been using the Justice Department as a “THEIR vehicle for political retribution against President Trump." DUH! Like nobody noticed what they've been doing? They think we are absolute IDIOTS.

* * * * * * * *



Reps. Jerrold Nadler and Adam B. Schiff late Thursday condemned the Justice Department for transforming its Russian probe review into a criminal investigation.

In a joint statement, Mr. Nadler of New York and Mr. Schiff of California, both Democrats and chairmen of the Judicial Committee and Intelligence Committee respectively, said the Justice Department has become a “vehicle for President Trump’s political retribution.”

“These reports, if true, raise profound new concerns that the Department of Justice under AG [William P.] Barr has lost its independence and become a vehicle for President Trump’s political revenge,” the statement said.

“If the Department of Justice may be used as a tool of political retribution, or to help the President with a political narrative for the next election, the rule of law will suffer new and irreparable damage,” it continued.

The New York Times on Thursday reported the Justice Department shifted its probe of the Russia investigation’s origins into a criminal investigation.

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