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A Fully Indexed Page With Just Medical/Pandemic Fraud Articles & Videos

Ex-CDC Director: ‘Long Covid’ Is ‘mRNA Vaccine Injury’



American virologist Dr. Robert R. Redfield, who served as the director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) during the pandemic, has admitted that reports of “so-called Long Covid” are actually a cover-up for global surges of “mRNA vaccine injury.”

Redfield made the explosive admission during a new interview with the MAHA Initiative podcast.

During an almost three-hour conversation with host Del Bigtree, Redfield blew the whistle on the Covid lab leak, discussed Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s new role in public health, and dropped bombshells on the pandemic

Since leaving his federal government position at the end of President Donald Trump’s first term in January 2021, Redfield has focused on treating patients in his medical practice.

He explains in the interview that his surgery is flooded with patients who have been led to believe they have “Lond Covid.”

However, he notes that the vast majority of those patients are actually suffering from an injury caused by the Covid mRNA “vaccine” they received.

He made the revelation while discussing the immunity that vaccine makers received for developing the Covid injections.

Those protections shield pharmaceutical companies from being held liable when people are killed, disabled, or otherwise injured by the “vaccines.”

However, Redfield argues that the companies that produce the injections should not have any immunity.

“I don’t think the vaccine industry should have immunity,” Redfield asserts.

“I’m particularly concerned about this now because … among my ‘Long Covid’ patients are people that don’t have ‘Long Covid.’

“They have mRNA vaccine injury.”

“There’s not a clear path for them to have their injury recognized and compensated,” Redfield added.

“And I think that’s wrong.”

Yet, Redfield said he’s hopeful that vaccine makers will lose their immunity now that Secretary Kennedy is leading Trump’s Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

“Hopefully, Kennedy will have a critical review,” Redfield said.

“Let’s just have an objective review by the FDA,” he added.

Redfield argues that pharmaceutical companies should be compelled to hand over safety data if they expect to enjoy immunity.

“I want the safety data out there,” he declared.




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