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DIRTY VOTER ROLLS - Washington DC Has 131% Eligible Voter Registrations


Several states and the District of Columbia have been hit by an election watchdog for failing to clean up their voter rolls of the dead and ineligible.

Judicial Watch said it just finished investigating registrations and sent letters to the district, California, and Illinois warning that they are violating the National Voter Registration Act by not cleaning up the rolls.

In the case of Washington, D.C., Judicial Watch said the voting rolls revealed a much higher number than are eligible to vote.

“D.C.’s total registration rate — its total number of registrations divided by the most recent census estimates of its citizen voting-age population — is greater than 131%,” said the review.

But Judicial Watch also gave credit to the district for moving quickly after receiving its letter to begin removing 103,000 names of ineligible voters. California and Illinois have promised to clean up their rolls.

The Washington-based legal watchdog said, “If Judicial Watch is not satisfied with the jurisdictions’ responses to its notice letters, Judicial Watch plans to sue under the National Voter Registration Act to ensure the jurisdictions take certain reasonable steps to clean up their voter rolls as the law requires.”

The investigation is the group’s latest effort to make sure that there is greater election integrity in the 2024 elections.

“Dirty voter rolls increase the potential for voter fraud,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton in a statement. “As Washington, D.C.’s, quick cleanup of tens of thousands of names in response to Judicial Watch shows, there are potentially hundreds of thousands of names on the voter rolls that should be removed by California and Illinois. Indeed, Judicial Watch litigation resulted in the removal of four million names from voter rolls in various states recently."

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