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Audio: Mark Levin Breaks Down the FBI’s Secret ‘Crossfire Hurricane’ ‘Cabal’ Against Trump

On his radio show Wednesday night, LevinTV host Mark Levin discussed new revelations about a “secret cabal” of FBI agents that began surveillance of President Trump and his campaign over three months before the November 2016 election.

Levin referred to a report at the New York Times earlier that day which outlines the origins of the FBI’s secretive probe into what it suspected were the Trump campaign’s dealings with the Kremlin. According to the story, what was then known as “Crossfire Hurricane” amongst the handful of agents involved, began months before election day.

The story serves to further vindicate Levin, who was widely attacked as a conspiracy theorist for his assertions that publicly-available evidence clearly suggested that the Trump campaign had been surveilled.

“They clear the decks for Hillary despite her serial felonies under the Espionage Act and then immediately genuflect and go after Trump with this secret cabal of FBI agents,” Levin remarked, “That’s what the New York Times has revealed tonight whether or not they realize it.”




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