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Bombshell New Report Reveals How Tech Giants Are Systematically Destroying The First Amendment

(Natural News) On Monday, Natural News founder/editor Mike Adams, in conjunction with Infowars, released a new report that outlines in stunning detail how the tech media giants — think Facebook, Google, YouTube, and Twitter especially — are working in tandem to deny tens of millions of Americans access to news and information the social media corporations find politically objectionable.

Not only that, Adams argues, the systematic censoring of certain political viewpoints — think conservative viewpoints, in particular — is a blatant denial of their rights to exist in today’s increasingly Internet-connected world.

Called “The Censorship Master Plan Decoded,” or also known as simply “The Adams Report,” the paper spells out the cost to society of so much censorship (which, full disclosure, the social media giants deny), and the inherent damage to our political, social, and cultural discussions as a result of suppressing views that don’t align with the groupthink of the Left.

What’s more, the report is revolutionary in that it is the first of its kind: Thus far, no one else has put together such a “compendium” of a data and facts demonstrating clearly that not only is censorship of conservative content by the social media giants taking place, it is designed to have a negative impact on conservative politics moving forward. (Related: Two of the world’s most evil people – Bill Gates and George Soros – behind Facebook’s news censorship agenda.)

Adams notes in the report:

Today’s attacks on the First Amendment are being carried out by a “triple threat” tag-team of institutions:

#1) Tech giants – Their role is to carry out the mechanics of censorship, shadow banning, “doubt interruptions” and other techniques described in this report.

#2) Establishment media – Tasked with promoting the lynch mob mentality of hysteria and hatred which is translated into widespread calls for silencing whatever voices they don’t like: CNN’s insistent demand for InfoWars to be deplatformed from Facebook, for example.

#3) Third party fact-checkers and moderators – These groups, such as the SPLC, Politifact, etc., are given the task of flagging all undesirable political speech (or even speech about natural health, as you’ll see below) as “hate speech,” creating the justification for tech giants to ban or deplatform such accounts without having to accept internal organizational responsibility for discriminating against selected targeted.

The objective is to eliminate all opposition speech

He states clearly and emphatically that this triple threat was consciously constructed for the express purpose of stifling news and views that do not comport with liberalism and, increasingly, authoritarian Marxism.

What’s ironic to note, when it comes to the Left’s so-called “fact checkers,” these social media platforms are utilizing handpicked services that share the same ideology so that they can ‘credibly’ claim that the censorship of “right-wing” material is in the public’s best interests. They are, in short, deciding what Americans can and cannot be exposed to when it comes to information. 

“Thus, we are now faced with a kind of perfect storm in America — a ‘free speech apocalypse’ — where all the institutions that once called for protections of the freedom of expression are now actively conspiring to exterminate it. This coordinated attack on free speech is now taking place in plain view. The agenda is not hidden, nor is it even debatable that this is taking place,” Adams writes.

The goal is sinister: The complete abolition of all but Left-wing groupthink speech, and the effort to do so is being accelerated ahead of the 2018 midterm elections (which Democrats have been claiming will result in a “blue wave” takeover of the House and Senate).

Adams notes this effort — in addition to denying Americans their right to exist on platforms that have grown so large as to be pervasive and vital to society — is also a form of election interference (and without any Russian assistance).

Read the compelling, important report by clicking here.

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Video: How Does One Make The List of Hate Groups/Individuals Put Out By The Southern Poverty Law Center? (SPLC)

BNI and several of my fellow anti-Islam bloggers have been on this far left slander list for years. If you are on the list, you are automatically considered a “RacistHaterBigotIslamophobe.”



The SPLC has become the US hate monitor and is the basis for censorship by Twitter, Face Book, Google, and You Tube. The fact that SPLC has been discredited by the FBI is ignored. Anti-Islam groups comprise one of the largest sections of the list but virulent Jew/Christian-hating groups like CAIR are never included on the list as you can see below.


The purpose of the SPLC is to censor all those who have different political ideas. They oppose free speech as hate speech. They reject fact based reasoning and critical thought. The Jewish Federation is a partner with these totalitarians. They are joined by Christian groups that are apologists for Islam.



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Video: Tucker - DHS Thought Police Are Watching You

This segment of Tucker Carlsen Tonight details the insanity of a new agency established by the Biden administration to directly attack our First Amendment right to free speech.  As if we needed more proof the LUNATIC LEFT in control of our government has been behind virtually all media censorship.   Now that Elon Musk appears to be breaking their stranglehold with his purchase of Twitter, GUBERMINT isn't even trying to hide its heavy hand in censorship is moving right out into the open with a new direct government Ministry of Truth run by the lunatics at the DHS.



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Germany Begins Mass Arrests of Citizens for ‘Insulting’ Elected Officials


By Jack Murphy

The German government has begun prosecuting citizens who have allegedly leveled insults against politicians online.

Authorities have raided the homes of hundreds of Germans in a totalitarian effort to silence opposing voices.

Federal Criminal Police raided scores of apartments and houses for incriminating evidence on Tuesday in an effort to prosecute ”criminal content” contained in over 600 statements posted on the internet.

German police interrogated 100 people across 13 German states for allegedly posting hateful remarks against elected officials, the German news publication Der Spiegel reports.

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Video: How Do Those Targeted By The Southern Poverty Law Center Survive The Persecution?

By Ruby Henley

I want to understand what motivates the Southern Poverty Law Center in its persecution of those of us, who are considered to be Conservative Christians, Alt-Right, or Sovereign Citizens of the United States.  It is abundantly clear we are under attack while groups like Black Lives Matter are given respect and left alone to “protest.”

Also, we know that Google secretly chose Southern Poverty Law Center to monitor YouTube, giving them the power over our First Amendment Rights.  Much of the Conservative YouTube community has been banned from YouTube, and it is a great loss and injustice.

The below video explains the relationship between Google and the Southern Poverty Law Center.



The Southern Poverty Law Center has labeled Dr. Ben Carson, Laura Ingraham, and Jeanine Pirro as Extremists.  Apple just gave SPLC one million dollars, and Eric Schmidt trusts them as the watchdog for YouTube. However, Antifa and Black Lives Matter are not labeled as Extremists.   Conservative figures are being targeted consistently by the SPLC. An apology needs to be given to Conservatives.

As I began to research the SPLC, I discovered it is much worse than I thought.  I believe at this point Conservative Christians and the “Alt-Right” are truly in danger.  As we watched as ISIS slaughtered and persecuted Christians, I think some of us sensed this was the beginning of what the Bible told us would occur.

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Video: Revelations About Jan 6th Thanks to Project Veritas and Tucker

A NYT reporter privately admitted there were a “ton of FBI informants” present at the Capitol on January 6.


NYT Reporter: Jan 6 Media ‘Overreaction,’ FBI Involved;
Traumatized Colleagues are "Fu*king Bit*hes"

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It Wasn’t Just Gateway Pundit! T-Mobile Blocked Text Messages of Dr. Malone Saying the Moderna Vaccine Nearly Killed Him


As we reported earlier —  In early January, The Gateway Pundit learned the tech giants are using a frightening new method to censor and control what you can see, read and discuss online. T-Mobile blocked our website links. You could not send any articles from TGP using T-mobile. The text would not show on the receiver’s end. Your friends or family would not even know that you sent them a TGParticle.

Dozens of our readers sent us proof that this was happening.

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How Silicon Valley, in a Show of Monopolistic Force, Destroyed Parler

In the last three months, tech giants have censored political speech and journalism to manipulate U.S. politics, while liberals, with virtual unanimity, have cheered.

By Glenn Greenwald

Critics of Silicon Valley censorship for years heard the same refrain: tech platforms like Facebook, Google and Twitter are private corporations and can host or ban whoever they want. If you don’t like what they are doing, the solution is not to complain or to regulate them. Instead, go create your own social media platform that operates the way you think it should.

The founders of Parler heard that suggestion and tried. In August, 2018, they created a social media platform similar to Twitter but which promised far greater privacy protections, including a refusal to aggregate user data in order to monetize them to advertisers or algorithmically evaluate their interests in order to promote content or products to them. They also promised far greater free speech rights, rejecting the increasingly repressive content policing of Silicon Valley giants.

Over the last year, Parler encountered immense success. Millions of people who objected to increasing repression of speech on the largest platforms or who had themselves been banned signed up for the new social media company.

As Silicon Valley censorship radically escalated over the past several months — banning pre-election reporting by The New York Post about the Biden family, denouncing and deleting multiple posts from the U.S. President and then terminating his access altogether, mass-removal of right-wing accounts — so many people migrated to Parler that it was catapulted to the number one spot on the list of most-downloaded apps on the Apple Play Store, the sole and exclusive means which iPhone users have to download apps. “Overall, the app was the 10th most downloaded social media app in 2020 with 8.1 million new installs,” reported TechCrunch.

It looked as if Parler had proven critics of Silicon Valley monopolistic power wrong. Their success showed that it was possible after all to create a new social media platform to compete with Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. And they did so by doing exactly what Silicon Valley defenders long insisted should be done: if you don’t like the rules imposed by tech giants, go create your own platform with different rules.

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Video: Democratic Officials Continue to Threaten Tech Companies to Censor More

Over the last year, Democratic Party members of Congress have become increasingly explicit that Silicon Valley giants must either censor the material Democrats dislike or suffer legal and regulatory reprisals. The most recent example is one of the most egregious yet: Senator Elizabeth Warren and Congressman Adam Schiff demanded that Amazon stop promoting books on COVID they find offensive. The consequences -- both political and legal -- are grave.

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Court Rules California Law Requiring Use of Transgender Pronouns is a Violation of Free Speech

By Steve Ahle

The State of California Third District Court of Appeals has ruled that forcing someone to use the various pronouns that are covered by a relatively new California law is unconstitutional because it infringes on the right of free speech. Liberals are up in arms about the court ruling not because the judgement was reached using the Constitution as a guide but because they do not believe in the Constitution.

The provision was a part of the LGBTQ Long-Term Care Facility Residents’ Bill of Rights passed in 2017, which was signed into law by former Gov Jerry Brown. Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) claims the judge’s decision does not recognize the it’s not simply ‘disrespectful, discourteous, or insulting.’ Rather, it’s straight-up harassment.

“And, it erases an individual’s fundamental humanity, particularly one as vulnerable as a trans senior in a nursing home. This misguided decision cannot be allowed to stand.”

Anyone who violated the law could face a fine and a year in jail for prolonged use of the improper pronoun. Equality California, who sponsored the legislation released this statement:

“Let’s be clear: refusing to use someone’s correct name and pronouns isn’t an issue of free speech — it’s a hateful act that denies someone their dignity and truth.” 

“California’s nursing home patients deserve better than this — and we’ll be fighting until this decision is overturned.

The Court, in a unanimous 3-0 decision, struck down this key provision of the LGBTQ Long-Term Care Facility Residents’ Bill of Rights, created by SB 219 in 2017, authored by Senator Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) and sponsored by Equality California. The Court upheld the provision in the law that requires nursing homes to place transgender patients in rooms that match their gender identity.

“The Court’s decision is disconnected from the reality facing transgender people. Deliberately misgendering a transgender person isn’t just a matter of opinion, and it’s not simply ‘disrespectful, discourteous, or insulting.’ Rather, it’s straight-up harassment. And, it erases an individual’s fundamental humanity, particularly one as vulnerable as a trans senior in a nursing home. This misguided decision cannot be allowed to stand,” Senator Wiener said in a statement.

SB 219, also known as the LGBTQ Senior Bill of Rights, protects LGBTQ seniors in long-term care facilities from discrimination and mistreatment based on their sexual orientation and gender identity. Wiener authored and passed SB 219 in 2017, and then-Governor Jerry Brown signed the bill into law.

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