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Video: The Inconvenient Truth About the Republican Party

Editor's Note:  Not that the current form of the Republican Party is worth a crap . . . a little history is very eye opening.  The Repukes need to get back to their root values . . .

When you think of the Republican Party, what comes to mind? If you’re like many Americans, you may associate the GOP with racism, sexism, and general inequality. It’s a commonly pushed narrative by left-leaning media and academia, but as former Vanderbilt Professor of Political Science Carol Swain explains, the Republican Party was actually responsible for nearly every advancement for minorities and women in U.S. history—and remains the champion of equality to this day.


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Democrats’ Dossier Team Was Hired By The Kremlin’s Sanctions-Busting Russian Lawyer PRIOR To Her Luring Trump Advisers


By Yoichi Shimatsu - Part 2 Of A Series

It sometimes happens during hunting season that the quarry suddenly pops its head out of hole, like a whack-a-mole, then finds itself stunned at spotting your red jacket. The alarmed badger or a quick-witted fox ducks back down pronto to dodge the shot, and the hunter's lucky not to blow your own foot off with the shotgun. Investigative journalists have similar unexpected jolts, as happened Sunday afternoon when I was about to pen the first line of this essay which was supposed to start with an ode to women’s softball.
 Distracted by that false alarm over an ICBM homing in for a second Pearl Harbor attack, I noticed another intriguing news item: “Moby says CIA agents asked him to spread the word about Trump and Russia”. There you have it in a nutshell, the thesis that I’ve been pursuing for more than a year that the dossier was part of a CIA-White House operation.
 Moby is the nickname of a DJ, Richard Melville Hall, who has an online following of millions of ravers and pogo punks in mosh-pits around the world, the same sort of young and restless rebels who flocked to Soros-funded protests against the Trump inauguration.
 “They said, like, look you have more of a social media following than any of us do, so can you please post some of these things, just in a way, sort of to put it out there?”
 Say, bro’, those friends of yours are violating congressional rules on the strict separation of foreign intelligence and domestic affairs. Like, psst . . . we got a job for you to do at a book depository in Dallas. That’s sort of, uh illegal, Moby, especially if you get caught or let it slip like you just did, because now a DA can squeeze the identities of those CIA agents out of you with a court order. Squeeze, like, you’re toothpaste, dude.
 The white DJ, who is distantly related to Herman Melville, the author of Moby Dick, said that back in January 2017: “Active and former CIA agents were truly concerned about Trump’s collusion with Russia. This is the Manchurian Candidate.”  
 Those CIA creeps truly got imagination, since Trump never set foot inside a brainwashing camp in North Korea. Hey, come to think of it, wasn’t it the CIA that created Manchurian Candidates, like inside Ewen Cameron’s psychiatric ward? Jason Bourne, MK-ULTRA. Thanks for the tip-off about your CIA pals creeping around like succubi in short skirts in a dark disco.
 After expressing these harsh warnings, I should apologize to you, great white whale of vegan animal-rights, for that comparison to a wide-eyed badger. To tell the truth I never liked killing animals, not after doing the dirty work at a testing lab and sending thousands of pathetic chickens to be plucked and boiled at a Campbell’s Soup factory.
 Hunting was just an excuse to walk around inside private forestland, and the only gunshots fired were to scare off a few noisy crows disturbing the peace and quiet. Those were just a nature walk in the woods without harming a single feather on a quail, Moby, so don’t go reporting me as a gun-toting terrorist to your CIA handlers. Relax, have a carrot.
 Now that they know you squawked, next time you see them just smile and nod while they palm off their Afghan heroin to the drugged-out teens and zonked bankers on the dance floor. Since you’ve spilled the beans, you’d better pray the Agency boys don’t do another Bataclan or an Orlando Pulse like at one of your performances.

Clintons as partners of the Kremlin
 The most striking aspect of the Senate Judiciary inquiry of witness Glenn Simpson, boss of the Fusion GPS front-man who supposedly produced and distributed the Trump-Russia Dosser, is how Sen. Dianne Fienstein’s legal counsel inexplicably avoided any significant disclosures from him. With every opportunity to further discredit the Trump team, the Democratic counsel Heather Sawyer eschewed serious probing of Simpson over Russiagate and relented whenever he shied away from answering. If this had been a court trial of a serial killer, he would have been home for dinner with all night to reload.
 Her turn to interview the witness followed a superb display of incisive questioning from Grassley legal staffer Patrick Davis, who got Simpson to disclose his paid work against the 2012 Magnitsky Act trade sanctions for Russian lawyer Natalia Veselitskaya, prior to and after her notorious meeting at Trump Tower with Don Jr., Paul Manafort and Jared Kushner.
 Despite the fact that a Senate inquiry lacks powers of prosecution, Davis and his team sweated out Simpson to admit that he acted as a bloodhound, tactician and publicist for Kremlin-linked interests against the Magnitsky Act sanctions and its top proponent William Browder, CEO of Hermitage Capital, the employer of auditor Sergei Magnitsky, who died in a Moscow prison.
 Displaying passive-aggressive, even sadistic pleasure in catching up with his prey, Simpson boasted about how he tracked down Browder to an unannounced appearance at the Aspen Institute and had two of his employees serve him subpoenas, only to watch Browder toss the papers on the parking lot and drive away in fury. (p.40-43) The emotional confrontation with Browder revealed a streak of fanaticism in Simpson’s pursuit of a termination to sanctions on Russia. This is especially disturbing when considering that his ethically challenged client Prevezon owner Denis Katsyv had to pay $5.9 million in fines to the U.S. Treasury in May 2017 for money-laundering funds gained through tax evasion in Russia.


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Democrats’ Dossier Team Was Hired By The Kremlin’s Sanctions-Busting Russian Lawyer PRIOR To Her Luring Trump Advisers


By Yoichi Shimatsu - Part 1 Of A Series

Last things first, meaning that this article must lead off with a look at why Sen. Dianne Feinstein released, without authorization, an online file of the transcript from the Senate Judiciary closed-door hearing of August 22 on Fusion GPS, the research team that produced the Trump-Russia Dossier. This first installment analyzing the Senate Judiciary transcript, augmented with background information, is the opener for the can of worms involving Fusion GPS in Russian intrigue. Hold your breath!

 A detailed look at the many themes probed by the Senate legal counsels will continue in upcoming articles in this series, including the rogues’ gallery of suspect Russian businessmen influencing U.S. politics;  Russian mafia-linked players who have infiltrated the U.S. real estate market; the spy who loved money more than truth Christopher Steele; and miscellaneous curiosities, all with a cautionary warning: Don’t look for good guys here, because they’re all crooks.

 First off, examined here, is the transcript’s revelation of Fusion GPS’s very own Russiagate, which points to the strong possibility of the Russia dossier being, from its inception, a cynical forgery fabricated to implicate candidate Trump (in a clever ploy to extend Kremlin influence over the Democrats). An astonishing fact is that Fusion GPS was hired by Natalia Veselitskaya, the notorious journalist who lobbied for an end sanctions on Russia. The timing is significant because her contract with Fusion GSP began two months prior to her (in)famous meeting with Trump’s trio of advisers, which was the nub of the Russiagate scandal. That was a set-up from the start.

 From June until October 2017, Russian agent Veselitskaya’s relationship with Fusion GPS overlapped simultaneously with the Trump-Russia Dossier contract for the Hillary campaign, a situation much too close for comfort. The dossier contract, arranged just a month prior to the Democratic National Convention, indicates that Simpson was possibly involved in collusion with DOJ-FBI-CIA officials to exercise control over the nomination process of both parties, and only later to set up an entrapment scheme against candidate Trump to prevent populist control of the executive branch. When the mysterious deaths of Seth Rich and Shawn Lucas are taken into account, several lines of investigation point in the same direction toward gross interference by the Deep State in the democratic electoral process.

 The transcript of the judicial hearings is a complex text that requires close perceptive reading to distill not just the facts presented and various stratagems by Glenn Simpson and his lawyers to avoid self-incriminating disclosures, but more importantly key missing pieces in the Trump-Russia Dossier puzzle that are not mentioned, including who exactly negotiated the Hillary campaign’s contract with Fusion GPS, now that Donna Brazile has denied any DNC involvement. What tantalizing information was on offer to seal the Fusion GPS deal with the Dems, along with how much was paid by Hillary campaign and who signed the check for Fusion GPS?

Upon discovery of these still-hidden residuals, arrest warrants can be issued since libelous forgery with an intent to blackmail or harm a presidential candidate is a felony with a mandatory prison sentence. In this particular case, the involvement of a known Kremlin agent means the second count is treason. Sorry, Mr. Bannon, it's not Donny who's implicated. The treason belongs to Glenn Simpson and some yet-to be identified individuals in the Hillary Clinton campaign.

 Pressure Cooker for a Head Cold

 In mid-January, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-California) gave two different accounts for why she released without authorization the transcript of the Senate Judiciary closed-door hearing of August 22, 2017, which is  focused on Trump-Russia Dossier producer Glenn Simpson, founder of Fusion GPS. Feinstein’s jarringly different claims are:

 “I meant to tell him (Judiciary committee chair Charles Grassley), and I didn’t have a chance to tell him, and that concerns me, I just got pressured, and I didn’t do it, I didn’t do anything illegal. That transcript has become so abused that time has come for people to take a look at it.” (January 9, 2018)

 "The one regret I have is that I should have spoke with Senator Grassley before. And I don't make an excuse but I've had a bad cold and maybe that slowed down my mental facilities a little bit." (January 10)

 Her public release of the transcript more than five months after the Senate Judiciary hearing could not have been some impulsive act or precipitated by a lapse of judgment due to sinus congestion. Her headache indicated that Feinstein had come to the realization she had disclosed too much in her initial statement that “I just got pressured”. So let’s prescribe a capsule, a hot cup of lemon tea, a dose of truthfulness and a pair of handcuffs.

 To “get pressured”, passive tense, indicates that some other individual(s) actively urged Feinstein to release the transcript, which she must have passed around for review by her advisers without Senate committee approval. Her casual violation of national security precautions are reminiscent of Hillary Clinton’s carelessness with her private server, which is unacceptable for a former chair of Senate Intelligence and senior minority member in the Judiciary Committee. Oh, those dizzy dames!

 What is most intriguing in the Senate Judiciary transcript are the highly damaging revelations about the Democratic Party’s connections via Fusion GPS to the Russian lobbyist who (in)famously met with Don Trump Jr., Paul Manafort and Jared Kushner. Since the hidden Dem-Russia connection was related to the Kremlin campaign to end the Magnitsky Act sanctions, the Democrats’ Jewish donor base should be downright angry at the collusion between DNC-Hillary relationship with Glenn Simpson and his Fusion GPS crew, who were paid by Russian journalist Natalia Veselnitskaya on behalf of Prevezon Holdings, the money-laundering company implicated in the arrest and death in prison of crusading accountant Sergei Magnitsky.

 The timeline of events discussed in the transcript indicates something much more important and secretive was going on between the Dems and Fusion GPS than the pretext of opposition research on the then “unelectable” Trump, i.e. a secret pact toward an agreement with the Kremlin to end Magnitsky Act sanctions against Russia following Hillary Clinton’s anticipated electoral victory. Revival of trade with Russia would mean billions in profits for her corporate supporters.

 Before proceeding into the Feinstein intervention, one observation must be laid out: the Hillary-influenced State Department and the CIA were probably aboard the sanctions-killing deal, but the counterintelligence bureaucracy needed to be sucked into the secret agreement. That would explain the role of the Department of Justice officials, Bruce Ohr,  his superiors and wife Nellie, all of them being connected with Fusion GPS through the DOJ-friendly Main Justice blog run by Simpson’s wife Mary Jacoby, a blood relative of top executives at the Clintons’ longtime patrons with Stephens Inc. 

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Video: Victor D Hanson Explains The Complete Corruption of the Obama Administration helped Sabotage Hillary

Editor's Note: This is a very interesting and insightful (and dispassionate) analysis of he current state of political affairs.

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Video: Message from the DNC - SNL

Editor's Note:  Well looky here.  SNL actually stop Trump bashing to level some actual truth about the Democrats and Killary?  Of course, they had to ruin it by putting the Mark Cuban (Rhino) for president at the end. Tells you who Cuban really is.

Nancy Pelosi (Kate McKinnon), Dianne Feinstein (Cecily Strong), Chuck Schumer (Alex Moffat), Bernie Sanders (Larry David) and more revel in the Democrats' victories.


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On The Origins of Russia-gate

The Democratic Money Behind Russia-gate

As Russia-gate continues to buffet the Trump administration, we now know that the “scandal” started with Democrats funding the original dubious allegations of Russian interference, notes Joe Lauria.


By Joe Lauria

The two sources that originated the allegations claiming that Russia meddled in the 2016 election — without providing convincing evidence — were both paid for by the Democratic National Committee, and in one instance also by the Clinton campaign: the Steele dossier and the CrowdStrike analysis of the DNC servers. Think about that for a minute.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

We have long known that the DNC did not allow the FBI to examine its computer server for clues about who may have hacked it – or even if it was hacked – and instead turned to CrowdStrike, a private company co-founded by a virulently anti-Putin Russian. Within a day, CrowdStrike blamed Russia on dubious evidence.

And, it has now been disclosed that the Clinton campaign and the DNC paid for opposition research memos written by former British MI6 intelligence agent Christopher Steele using hearsay accusations from anonymous Russian sources to claim that the Russian government was blackmailing and bribing Donald Trump in a scheme that presupposed that Russian President Vladimir Putin foresaw Trump’s presidency years ago when no one else did.

Since then, the U.S. intelligence community has struggled to corroborate Steele’s allegations, but those suspicions still colored the thinking of President Obama’s intelligence chiefs who, according to Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, “hand-picked” the analysts who produced the Jan. 6 “assessment” claiming that Russia interfered in the U.S. election.

In other words, possibly all of the Russia-gate allegations, which have been taken on faith by Democratic partisans and members of the anti-Trump Resistance, trace back to claims paid for or generated by Democrats.

If for a moment one could remove the sometimes justified hatred that many people feel toward Trump, it would be impossible to avoid the impression that the scandal may have been cooked up by the DNC and the Clinton camp in league with Obama’s intelligence chiefs to serve political and geopolitical aims.

Absent new evidence based on forensic or documentary proof, we could be looking at a partisan concoction devised in the midst of a bitter general election campaign, a manufactured “scandal” that also has fueled a dangerous New Cold War against Russia; a case of a dirty political “oppo” serving American ruling interests in reestablishing the dominance over Russia that they enjoyed in the 1990s, as well as feeding the voracious budgetary appetite of the Military-Industrial Complex.

Though lacking independent evidence of the core Russia-gate allegations, the “scandal” continues to expand into wild exaggerations about the impact of a tiny number of social media pages suspected of having links to Russia but that apparently carried very few specific campaign messages. (Some pages reportedly were devoted to photos of puppies.)

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Bannon Celebrates Roy Moore's victory: 'Revolution' for GOP

Editor's Note:   THIS IS HOW YOU DO IT.  There are two shots are removing incumbents.  One shot in the primary, which is the best place to do it.  Then you get another shot during the actual election.  Steve Bannon has the right idea.  Throw the bums OUT!  Get rid of all the worthless, traitorous incumbents across the board.


Former White House chief strategist Stephen Bannon celebrated Roy Moore's victory in Tuesday night's GOP Senate primary runoff in Alabama as the beginning of a "revolution" for insurgent Republicans looking to challenge incumbent senators. 

In remarks introducing Moore before his victory speech, Bannon recalled his comments at a pro-Moore rally on Monday night.
He pointed to Moore's victory and Tuesday's announcement by Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) that he'll retire at the end of 2018 as proof that the insurgent right is on the rise. Corker had been targeted as a potential incumbent for Bannon and his allies to pick off in a GOP primary.
"Last night we talked about starting a revolution with Judge Moore's victory. Well, Sen. Corker stepped down today, he's not going to run for reelection," Bannon said. 
"You are going to see, in state after state after state, people that follow the model of Judge Moore, that do not have to raise money from the elites, the crony capitalists, from the fat cats in Washington D.C., New York City and Silicon Valley."
Upon leaving the White House in August, Bannon returned to the conservative Breitbart News and became one of Moore's biggest boosters both behind the scenes and eventually in public. 
While Bannon was campaigning against President Trump's pick in Sen. Luther Strange (R-Ala.), Bannon repeatedly framed a vote for Moore as "a vote for Donald J. Trump." 
Bannon and his allies have been furiously advocating for Moore, a former state Supreme Court chief justice, in the hopes that a victory will spark a wave of primary challenges against establishment Republican senators. 
One of those challengers is former Arizona state Sen. Kelli Ward, who is going up against Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.), one of Trump's most prominent critics in the GOP. She too signaled a wider victory in a statement congratulating Ward, arguing that the frustration with the Washington establishment that won Moore the primary is present in Arizona too. 
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